Naked before God 190g Name Attack a person's name 84i Name of Jesus 67e Narrow way 91l -- See also: Straight Dying to self keeps you on the narrow way 188b Rebelling against God's narrow way 180g,203k Trail of good works 228g Walking along the narrow way 91m Nations Destroyed 49a Growing outwardly 188c Naturalism 166a Natural advantage as an evangelist 148c Natural blessings 34i Natural fault lines 65d See also: Eternal/Eternal life Natural birth 60g Natural mind 214b Natural ministry of helps 68b See also: Realm Committed in the natural realm 192e Conditions to receiving in the natural realm 206d Mediator between the natural realm and the spirit 134a Natural then the spiritual 250f Holy Spirit imposed on the natural realm 244h,245m Sword of Spirit in the natural realm 79g Spiritual then the natural 250g Transition from the natural to the spiritual 103a Outer tabernacle 190f Nature -- See also: Spirit/Spirit of man Conform to Christ's nature 43b Contrast of two natures 54k Death is Satan's nature 26g Divine nature belongs to us 34dd Life reflects the nature of God 151j Nature of a bond-servant 12f Nature of man 141j Nature of a bond servant 12f See also: Practice/Practicing Sin Accountable for your sinful nature 4i Believing you don't have a sinful nature 174g Navigation Bar Body is home of the sinful nature 134g Dead in sin 25j God's perspective on our sinful nature 94k Grieving over your sinful nature 188h Man's sinful nature wars against God 16a Man's wisdom excuses his sinful nature 166a Running to your sinful nature 202a Sin is responsible, not me 58d,200j Sinful flesh 240g Sinful nature of the anti-christ 60f Sinful nature partakes of Jesus' suffering 229i Slave to the sinful nature 162g Taking your sinful nature by force 190b Wilderness is the true nature of the world 105lb Needs -- See also: Security Caring for people's needs Caring for each others needs 123h Caring for the needs of the body 130d,131c Compassion 123b Concerned about your welfare 247e Devoted to the ministry 100l Give them what I supply to you 59b Kindness is meeting the needs of the saints 127b My abundance is their supply 57i Tending to needs of the poor 23g Worrying about your needs 24f,54d Content with your means 120j God knows your needs 29j,31f,70i Lacking in nothing 44g Law shows us our need for Jesus 90f Negative Attitude 96j Negligence, Sins of omission 206k Help your weaker brother/neighbor 235de World pressures you to forsake your neighbor 242j Neutral is unfruitful 197f New age, Destroy earth trying to preserve it 55h New covenant -- See: Covenant New creation 238d -- See also: Organism, Commentary Description of the new creation -- See: Description of heaven Garments of the new creation 113e God works in the new creation 228j New creation belongs to us 34d New creation is indestructible 243h New Jerusalem -- See: Heaven/New Jerusalem New Testament bears witness of the old 151a Night -- See: Darkness Nominal Christian / Normal -- See: Carnality Notice -- See: Glory of man See also: Position Faith does not nullify the law 90j God nullifies the will of man 216b God's mercy overrules Man's sin 31e Lawlessness does not nullify sin 181e Old covenant is obsolete 205h Spirit nullifies circumcision 190i Unfaithfulness nullifies your tithe 235c Heart can grow insensitive (hardened) 74k Indifference to the world 12h Unresponsive to the Holy Spirit 185k Numerically growing 128ia Nursery for sin Nurture -- See: Encouragement