195 (See Chapter Outline)
I) MAN EXERCISES HIS WILL AGAINST GOD A) IDOLATRY Act 14-11 Commentary1) Serving Two Masters (Destroying your conscience) Mat 6-24 a a) You can only love one at a time KJV WEB Mat 6-24 Lk 15,11-20 Act 24,24-27 10-37 18,22-24 1Tim 6-9,10 Mk 10,19-23 Jn 4,1-10 2Tim 4-10 Lk 6-24 6-26 Mat 19,16-22 b b) You can only serve one at a time KJV WEB Lk 10,38-42 1Cor 7,32-38 Gal 2,11-14 12,45-48 Col 2,20-23 Jn 19-15 16,1-13 Gal 1-10 c c) You can only believe in one at a time KJV WEB Mk 7-8,9 Lk 9,24-26,41 Gal 5,2-9,11 Lk 3-7,8 2Cor 1,17-20 Mk 3,20-30 d d) You cannot serve righteousness and sin together KJV WEB Jn 3,18-20 Rom 6,15-19 2Cor 6,14-16 Rom 3-7,8 7,14-25 Jn 10,31-33 e e) Being double minded KJV WEB Act 8,9-24 Jm 1-8 Jm 3,8-12 1Tim 3-8,9 Lk 22,1-6 Jn 12,4-8 Lk 15,11-32 2) Worshipping Men Jn 5-43,44 Act 14,11-18 1Cor 1,19-23 12,21-23 g b) Worshipping the idol of pleasure KJV WEB 1Cor 6,9-11 2Tim 3-4 Rev 2-14,20 Col 3-5,6 Mat 24,37-39 3) Worshipping Other Gods (Pagan Worship) h a) Worshipping other gods as a servant KJV WEB Jn 4-22 Rom 11,2-5 Gal 4-8,9 Act 17,16-31 1Cor 8-1,4-7 1The 1-9 1Cor 10-7,14 i b) Worshipping other gods as a god yourself KJV WEB Rom 1,21-25 Rev 9-20,21 Rev 21-8 Rev 19-20 22-15 Phi 3-18,19 Rom 5,12-14 Gal 3,1-7 4) Lord, Lord Mat 7,21-23 Lk 13,23-30 Tit 1-15,16 Lk 6,46-49 Jn 6-34
196 Denying Christ -- Idolatry (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
a b) Pretending to be a disciple KJV WEB 2Tim 3,1-9 1Jn 1-6 2Pet 1-9,10 Heb 10,26-31,37-39 3-1,6 Rev 3-20 1Tim 5-24,25 b 5) Worship the devil KJV WEB Mat 4,8-11 2Cor 11,13-15 Rev 13-4,8,11-17 Lk 4,5-8 2The 2,3-10 14,9-11 1Cor 10,18-21 Act 15-20 9-20,21 c 6) Worshipping angels KJV WEB Col 2-18,19 Rev 19-10 Rev 22-8,9 B) IMMATURITY 1Cor 3-11) Not Mature Enough To Die To Self d a) Unable to put down the flesh KJV WEB Lk 21-34,35 1Cor 10-7 2Cor 13,1-5 Rom 6,11-22 2Cor 6,11-13 Gal 4,1-9 1Cor 3,1-5 12,19-21 Jm 4,1-4 e b) Unable to obey God KJV WEB Mk 1,40-45 2The 3-6 Jm 2,14-20 14,27-31 Heb 6,4-8 1Jn 2-28 2) Not Mature Enough To Seek God f a) Unable to know the mind of Christ KJV WEB 1Cor 14-20, 32 Heb 5,11-13 Eph 4-14 13-11 Jn 14,5-9 Mat 27,62-66 g b) Unable to make sound judgments KJV WEB 2Cor 10,10-12 2Cor 12-11 Jm 2,1-4 h 3) Not mature enough to love God KJV WEB Mk 10,35-40 1Cor 4,6-10 1Cor 8,7-13 Lk 15,17-19,25-30 12,15-21 C) SPIRITUAL LAZINESS (Complacency) C) SPIRITUAL LAZINESS (Complacency) Mat 26-401) Replace God’s Standard with your own i a) Lukewarm Christianity KJV WEB Jn 9-28,29 1Tim 1,3-11 Jm 2,8-13 Act 21-20,21 Tit 3,9-11 4-11,12 Rom 2,1-29 Jm 1,22-26 Rev 3,15-19 1Cor 13,1-3 j b) Sleeping in the spirit KJV WEB Mat 13-15 Lk 22-40,45,46 Rom 13-11 26,36-46 Act 12,4-10 1The 5,1-7 Mk 13,35-37 16-27 Rev 3,1-3 Eph 5-13,14 Mat 25,1-13 Lk 9,28-32 k c) Fattened for the day of slaughter KJV WEB Lk 12,45-48 1Cor 3,12-15 Tit 1,10-14 Jm 5-5
197 Denying Christ -- Spiritual Laziness (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
2) Rebel Against What God Wants You To Do a a) Refusing to renew your mind KJV WEB Mk 16,10-14 1Cor 3,1-4 1Tim 6-5 Lk 24-25,26 4-8 Heb 5,11-14 Jn 5,43-47 1Tim 1,18-20 Jm 1,22-25 b b) Refusing to take on responsibility KJV WEB Mat 25-18,24-30 1Cor 16-17 Col 3-22 Lk 9,56-62 2Cor 11,12-15 2The 3-6,10-15 16,1-13 12-15 1Tim 5-8,13-15 19,20-26 Phi 2-20,21,29,30 3) Rebel Against Where God Wants You To Go c a) Refuse to walk in freedom KJV WEB Lk 5-39 Gal 6,7-9 Heb 6,4-8,11,12 2Cor 6,11-13 5,7-9,13-17,26 10,26-31,37-39 Gal 2,11-14 Col 2,20-23 Jm 2,14-20 4,1-3,8-11,21-31 2Pet 1-9,10 d b) Refuse to enter His rest KJV WEB Lk 17,26-30 Heb 8-9 Heb 12,15-17 14,16-24 D) MAN WITHERS WHEN HE IS IN CONTROL 1) Fruitless e a) A fruitless life offends God KJV WEB Mk 11,12-14 Jn 15,4-6 Heb 13-17 15,25-30 Eph 5,11-14 Lk 11,39-52 f b) Neutral is unfruitful (Disengaged) KJV WEB 1Cor 14-14 Tit 3-14 Heb 4-2 Tit 1-7 Ph-11 2Pet 1-9,10 g c) Distracted from a fruitful life KJV WEB Lk 15,11-16 Lk 10-3,4 2Pet 1,8-10 1Cor 7,32-38 h d) False doctrine is fruitless KJV WEB 1Tim 1-6 Tit 3-9 Heb 13-9 2Tim 2-14 2) Unfaithfulness i a) Unfaithful to God KJV WEB Jn 6-66 1Tim 5-8,11-15 Heb 3,7-19 Mat 25,1-13,24-30,41-46 Jm 4,1-4 j b) Unfaithful to your own conscience KJV WEB Jn 19,6-16 Rom 14,20-23 1Tim 1,18-20 Rom 2,17-29 1Cor 8,7-12 Lk 9,23-26 Tit 1-15,16 Mat 27,17-24 Heb 3,12-14 k c) Unfaithful to the brethren KJV WEB Act 20,28-30 2Tim 1-15 2Tim 4-9,10,16 1Tim 2-9
198 Denying Christ -- Unteachable (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
3) Unteachable a a) Resisting the knowledge of God KJV WEB Lk 13,24-28 Act 6,8-15 1Tim 1,18-20 Jn 18-37,38 9-29 Heb 3,7-19 Act 4,13-20 Jd,3-13 Lk 9,44-48 Lk 22-14,15 1Jn 4-5,6 2Cor 10,7-12 b b) Too busy being a teacher to learn anything KJV WEB Jn 5,39-47 Rom 2,17-24 2Jn 7-11 9,26-34 1Cor 1,18-23 3Jn-9,10 Rom 1,18-22 2Pet 3-16 Mat 18,23-35 Rom 10-21 Heb 3,7-11 Lk 14,16-24 2Tim 3,1-5 2Pet 1-9,10 Rom 2-4 E) ORDAINED BY MAN Mat 23-151) Men Place Themselves In Positions Of Authority d a) Men who have no business in the ministry KJV WEB Jn 16-2,3 1Tim 1,3-8 Jm 1-26 Act 17-22,23 4,1-5 2Jn 7-11 Phi 1,15-17 e b) Men raising up men (Proselytes) KJV WEB Mat 23-15 1Cor 11-19 Gal 6-12,13 Act 20-30 2Cor 10-12,18 Act 1,23-26 f c) Men who are ill-equipped to fulfill the ministry KJV WEB Rom 2,17-24 2Pet 3-16 2) Having Evil Motives For Seeking Leadership Positions g a) In the ministry for personal gain KJV WEB Lk 16,1-13 Act 8,18-24 Act 19,23-27 Jn 11-48 16,16-21 Jm 3,13-18 Mat 23,1-14,23-36 2Pet 2,1-3,18,19 1Pet 5,1-3 h b) Seeking to gratify their flesh through the ministry KJV WEB Jn 5-43,44 Gal 5,1-6 3Jn-9,10 Gal 2-4,5 2Tim 3,1-9 Rev 2-20 3,1-5 Jm 4,1-4 3-17 i 3) Ministries ordained by men will fail KJV WEB Act 5,34-42 2Cor 11,12-15 Rev 2-2 19,13-16 1Jn 5-9 F) FRUSTRATING THE GRACE OF GOD Mat 14-30,311) Frustrating Jesus j a) Frustrating Jesus through unbelief KJV WEB Mat 14-30,31 Mk 6,1-6 Jn 5,39-47 17,15-18 8,14-21 14-8,9 Mk 4,35-41 Lk 19,45-48 Mat 9-23,24
199 Denying Christ -- Frustration God’s Grace (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
a b) Frustrating Jesus’ ministry KJV WEB Mk 1,40-45 Jn 4-44 1Cor 12,15-21 Lk 9,51-56 1Cor 6,15-20 Gal 5-1,13 b 2) Frustrating the Father KJV WEB Lk 1,18-20 Rom 10,2-5,16 1Cor 14-33,37-40 1The 5-20,21 14,1-4,10-13,20,21 7-1,2,7-9,28,34 c 3) Frustrating the Holy Spirit KJV WEB Mk 2-21,22 2Cor 6-1 Eph 5-18 Rom 8,4-8,12,13 Gal 3,1-14 1Tim 4-14,15 d 4) Frustrating the apostles KJV WEB Lk 10,10-16 1Cor 3,1-5 2Cor 13-2 Act 24,24-27 6,4-8 II) MAN CHOOSES HIS DESTINY APART FROM GOD A) REJECTING CHRIST Lk 10-161) Throwing God Away e a) Renouncing your faith KJV WEB Jn 6-66 1Tim 1-18,19 2Tim 1-15 Heb 10,26-31,37-39 5-8 Heb 6,4-8 Gal 5,1-4 6-20,21 Mat 26-31,35,69-75 2Pet 2-15,19-22 f b) Rejecting Christ to steal His glory KJV WEB Mk 12,7-11 Act 20-30 2Pet 2-1 Jn 5,40-44 Gal 6-12,13 3Jn-9,10 10-1,8 2The 2,8-12 Jd-4 Mat 10-32,33 2Tim 2-12 Tit 1-15,16 Mk 8,35-38 3-5,13 1Jn 2-22,23 Lk 12-9 2) The World Rejects God h a) Rejecting Christ to keep the world KJV WEB Lk 18-22,23 19,12-16 Rev 11,7-10 Jn 3,18-20 Act 24,24-27 20,7-10 9,18-23 1Tim 6-9,10 i b) World rejects God because it does not know Him KJV WEB Jn 1-4,5,10,11 1Cor 1,18-29 1Jn 4-4,5 3-11 2,6-8 Rev 13-4 14-16,17 2Cor 3,14-16 Mk 15,10-15 3) Unwilling To Receive Christ j a) Rejecting Christ as the Messiah KJV WEB Mat 26,63-68 Act 3,13-15 Act 22,18-22 27-24,25,39-44 Lk 2-34,35 Lk 4,23-30 Lk 22-1,2,66-71 11,49-51 Jn 19-7,8 Mat 11-6 Jn 9,39-41 2Jn-7 Lk 16,27-31 Lk 12-8,9 Mk 5,15-17
200 Denying Christ -- Rejecting Christ (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
a c) Asking Jesus to leave KJV WEB Mk 5,14-17 Lk 9,51-56 Lk 19-14,27 4) Rejecting The Will Of God b a) Rejecting the gospel KJV WEB Mat 10-14,15 Act 13,44-48 Act 18-5,6 Mk 6-11 17-32 28,22-29 Lk 10,10-16 c b) Rejecting God’s purpose KJV WEB Lk 7,28-30 1The 4-8 Jm 4-17 Heb 12-19,20,25 Act 8,14-24 5) Rejecting The Faith Of God d a) Rejecting Christ through disobedience KJV WEB Lk 6-49 Rom 2,5-11 Heb 3-7,8 Jn 12,47-50 2The 1,6-10 1Pet 2,4-8 e b) Rejecting Christ through unbelief KJV WEB Mk 6,2-6 Lk 4,22-30 1Jn 5,10-12 B) EXCUSES FOR REJECTING CHRIST Lk 14,16-241) Selfish Ambition f a) Having more important things to do KJV WEB Mat 25,24-30 Lk 14,16-24 Heb 4-2 Lk 9,57-62 Act 24-25 g b) Putting your personal interests above God's KJV WEB Act 10-13,14 Act 18,11-16 Act 19,24-34 16,16-24 2) Using Irresponsibility As An Excuse To Reject God i a) Trying to talk your way out of accountability KJV WEB Mat 3-9 Jn 18-37,38 Gal 6-12,13 Lk 10-29 Act 17,5-9 1Tim 4-12 Jn 9,32-34 26-24 2Pet 3,3-9 j b) Excusing your sinful nature KJV WEB Jn 3,18-21 2Tim 2,23-26 1Jn 1-8,10 Rom 3,3-8 k 3) Putting God in a no win situation KJV WEB Mat 11,16-19 Lk 7,31-35 Lk 13-14 C) WHOEVER IS NOT WITH JESUS IS AGAINST HIM Mat 12-301) He Is Against Christ Who Does Not Receive Him l a) Whoever does not receive the church is against Christ KJV WEB Mat 12-30 Lk 21,12-19 Act 7,51-60 Lk 11-23 Jn 15,18-25 Gal 1,13-24 Mat 10-25 m b) Whoever receives the world is against Christ KJV WEB Jn 5,40-44 2The 2-3,4 1Jn 2-18,19 Gal 2-6 Jm 4,1-4 Rev 18,18-21 Phi 3-18,19 1Cor 7,29-31
201 Denying Christ -- Whoever is not with Him is against Him (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
a c) Whoever does not receive God’s word is against Christ KJV WEB Mat 22,1-14 Act 22,18-22 1Jn 2-22,23 Jn 8,31-59 24,23-27 4-3 14,16-24 28-22 2Jn 7-11 2) You Are Against Christ When Your Unbelief Materializes b a) Our disobedience is against Christ KJV WEB Mat 7-26,27 2The 1-8,9 Heb 10,26-31,37-39 1Cor 16-22 Heb 6,4-8 Rev 22-15 c b) If your heart is not with Him your deeds are against Him KJV WEB Mat 7,21-23 Lk 23,35-39 Jn 11-45,46 21,33-44 Jn 3,18-21 2Pet 1,8-10 Mk 5-40 Rom 5,8-10 Mat 27,62-66 D) JESUS IS AN OFFENSE 1Pet 2-7,81) Truth Offends Error d a) The word offends peoples’ sinful lifestyles KJV WEB Mk 11,15-17 Lk 11,37-54 Act 4-11 Lk 2-34 Jn 3,18-20 Gal 4-16 e b) The gospel offends the religious establishment KJV WEB Act 4-17,18 Act 26,4-15 Gal 2-4,5 5,17-20,40-42 28-22 2Tim 4-14,15 9,22-24,29 Jn 1,24-30 Act 7,54-60 2) Jesus Offends The World f a) The cross offends the world KJV WEB Jn 6-61 Act 5,26-33 Gal 5-11 Act 4,1-3 1Cor 1-18,23 6-12,13 g b) The church offends the world KJV WEB Lk 21,16-19 Rev 11,3-10 Rev 20-4 Rev 6,9-11 2Cor 11-32,33 h 3) Faith offends unbelief KJV WEB Mk 6,2-6 Rom 9,30-33 Heb 11,24-26 Jn 12,37-43 Gal 3,1-7 1Pet 2-7,8 E) RUNNING FROM GOD Lk 15,11-161) Man’s Will Over God Act 14-16,17 i a) Man is unwilling to repent KJV WEB Mat 11,20-24 Rev 2-21 Rev 18,9-11,15-19 2Pet 2-10,20-22 16,9-11 j b) God permits man to go his own way KJV WEB Mat 22,1-6 Act 14-16,17 2Tim 2-18 Lk 15,11-16 1Tim 4,1-3 3,1-6 k c) Man is unwilling to acknowledge God KJV WEB Lk 9,51-56 Act 1,21-26 Jm 5,4-6
202 Denying Christ -- Running From God (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
a d) Man is unwilling to walk in God’s grace KJV WEB Act 28,24-27 Heb 3-16 Heb 8-9 Rom 10-21 Act 24,1-9 Mat 19,16-22 2) Running To Your Sinful Nature b a) Run from God by running to the world KJV WEB Mat 26,14-16 Col 2,16-23 1Pet 4,3-5 Lk 14,16-24 1Tim 6-9,10 Rev 2,14-16,20-24 15,11-16 2Tim 4-9,10 18,9-21 Eph 2,1-3 c b) Run from God by running to your flesh KJV WEB 1Cor 4,8-10 Gal 4-17 1Tim 5,11-15 Gal 3,1-5 Phi 3-18,19 d c) Run from God through a lack of character KJV WEB Mat 13,5-7,20-22 Lk 7,39-47 Lk 21-34,35 26,69-75 14,25-35 e d) Laziness has plenty of ambition to run from God KJV WEB Mat 12,43-45 Tit 1,12-16 Rev 3,1-3,15-17 3) Running From The Word Of God f a) Running from the truth KJV WEB Mat 28,11-15 Gal 1-13,14 2Tim 4-3,4 Lk 17-22,23 1Tim 1,3-11 Tit 1,9-11 Act 6,8-15 6-20,21 1Jn 1-6,8,10 g b) Running from the gospel KJV WEB Lk 10,10-16 Act 18-5,6 1Cor 1,18-29 h c) Running from the witness of God KJV WEB Mk 11,15-18 Jn 5,40-47 Rom 1,18-32 4) Running From Walking In Faith i a) Running from God through disobedience KJV WEB 2Tim 4-16 Jm 2,14-20 Rev 16,9-11,21 Mk 1,43-45 Heb 10,26-31,37-39 j b) Running from God through unbelief KJV WEB Jn 12,37-43 Rom 10,16-21 Rom 11,17-22 6,15-17,22-36,66 Heb 3,6-19 Mat 11,20-24 5) Wicked Men Cannot Approach The Throne Of God k a) Goats are unsaved church attendants KJV WEB Mat 25,31-46 Lk 16,22-26 1Cor 5,9-13 Lk 3-9,17 Jn 15,18-25 Phi 1,15-17 13,23-30 Rom 9,18-23 Rev 3-20 14-30,31
203 Denying Christ -- Running From God (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
a b) God chases them away from His presence KJV WEB Jn 9,39-41 Rev 2-4,5 Rev 20-11 2The 1-8,9 Mat 23,16-22 Mat 25,41-46 F) DISHONOR GOD Jn 8-49b 1) Dishonor God by your unbelief KJV WEB Mat 14-31 Rom 4-20 Heb 10,26-31,37-39 Lk 1,8-20 6,4-8 Rev 21-8 9-41 c 2) Dishonor God by not receiving Him KJV WEB Mk 3,21-30 Lk 7,40-47 Lk 19,45-48 8,32-38 9-26 Jn 8,48-50 Mat 26,69-75 1Tim 5-11,12 1Jn 5-10 Act 5,1-10 1Jn 1-10 Mat 21-30 e 4) Stepping out of position KJV WEB Lk 16,1-13 Tit 2-5 Heb 12,15-20 1Cor 11,4-7,13-34 Rev 3,15-19 f 5) Dishonor God by dishonoring your own body KJV WEB 1Cor 5-1,2 Phi 3-18,19 Col 3,5-9 Eph 5,3-7 1Cor 6,18-20 g 6) Dishonor God by dishonoring your brother KJV WEB Lk 15,28-32 1Cor 8,9-13 Jm 2,1-7 Rom 14-3,4,10-13,15,20,21 1The 4,3-8 G) BACK-SLIDER Jn 6-661) Withdraw From Obeying God h a) Withdrawing from God KJV WEB Mat 26,31-35 2The 1-8,9 1Jn 2-18 Jn 6-66 1Tim 5-14,15 Rev 2,2-5 Gal 3,1-4 2Tim 2,14-18 3,1-4 i b) Withdrawing from the truth KJV WEB Mat 13,20-22 Gal 1-6 1Tim 6-20,21 Lk 8,11-14 5,1-4 2Tim 4-3,4 Jn 12-35,36 1Tim 1-6 Heb 2-1 j c) Withdrawing from the narrow way KJV WEB Lk 15,1-7,11-24 Heb 4-1,11 Heb 11-14,15 Heb 3,7-19 8-9 2) Practicing Sin 2Cor 12-20,21 Eph 5-18 1Tim 5-20 13,1-3 2The 3-6,10-15 1Pet 1-14 Gal 4-8,9
204 Denying Christ -- Back-Slider (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
1Cor 5,1-5 Heb 6,4-8 Jm 1,13-15 11,16-22,27-34 10,26-39 2Pet 2,19-22 1Tim 1,18-20 Mat 24-24 Jm 5-19,20 2Pet 3-17 Act 20-30 1Pet 2-25 Mk 14,66-72 2Tim 4-10,16 2Pet 2-1,15 Lk 15,8-10 c 4) Withdrawing from a righteous standard KJV WEB Gal 2,11-14,18 Phi 3-16 1Tim 6-10 4-15 1Tim 5-8 2Pet 1-9,10 d 5) The apostasy KJV WEB Commentary Mat 24-10 1Tim 4,1-3 Rev 12-4 Mk 13-12 2Tim 3,1-9,13 13-7,10 2The 2-3,4 1The 4,1-8 Lk 18,1-8 Act 20,28-31 Mat 25,1-13 Heb 10,37-39