178 Devil’s Work -- Presumption (Hinduism) (Chapter Outline)
a c) Presumption fills in the blanks KJV WEB Act 1,21-26 1Cor 7-16 1Cor 8-2 Act 27,10-13 3) Presuming The Facts About The Circumstances b a) Presumption is not founded on facts KJV WEB Lk 2-43,44 2Cor 10-2, 5 ,10-12 3Jn-10 Act 19-35,36 Jm 4,13-17 Rev 12-10 21-28,29,37-39 1Tim 1-3,4 c b) Presumption interprets our observations KJV WEB Jn 9,1-3 1Cor 10-12 Jm 1-10 Act 28,3-6 Heb 12-10 Rev 3-1 Lk 9-49,50 2Tim 1,16-18 Lk 12,18-21 Jn 18-38 Rom 3,3-8 Col 2-8 Act 17,16-32 1Cor 15,12-19 Tit 3,9-11 1Cor 1,18-25 Jn 5-14 H) HYPOCRISY Mat 23-131) Hypocrisy Of The Church Is Rebuked e a) The church is rebuked for rebellion KJV WEB Act 8,18-24 1The 5-14 Tit 1,9-13 1Cor 4,18-21 2The 3,6-15 Jm 3,5-18 f b) The church is rebuked for sin KJV WEB Lk 17-3,4 2Cor 13-2 Tit 3-10,11 1Cor 5,9-13 1Tim 5-20 Jm 2,8-13 6,15-20 Rev 2-4,14-16,20-25 g c) The church is rebuked for disobedience KJV WEB Rom 2,17-29 2Pet 1-9,10 Rev 3,1-3 Jm 2,14-20 h d) The church is rebuked for disunity KJV WEB Gal 2,11-14 Gal 4-21 Gal 6-13 1Cor 11,16-22,27-34 Jm 2,1-4 i e) The church is rebuked for making false judgments KJV WEB Act 21,9-14 1Cor 6,1-8 Rev 3,15-19 Rom 2,1-11 1Jn 1-6, 8 ,10 Mat 7,1-5 j f) Jesus rebuked His disciples KJV WEB Mat 16,5-12,22,23 Mk 8,15-21 Lk 9,38-41 26,48-50 2) Jesus Rebuked The Pharisees Commentary k a) Rebuked for accusing Jesus of Sin KJV WEB Mat 22,15-46 Mk 7,1-13 Lk 14,1-6 Mk 2,23-28 Lk 6,6-11 Jn 8,1-11 l b) Rebuked for having no love for God KJV WEB Mat 16,1-4 Mk 2,5-12 Lk 11,37-54 21,28-46 11,15-17 12-1 23,1-39 Lk 7,44-50 Jn 8,33-47
179 Works of the Devil -- Hypocrisy (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
a c) Rebuked for questioning His authority KJV WEB Mat 21,23-27 Jn 2,13-21 Jn 18,19-23 b d) Rebuked for loving money KJV WEB Mat 22,15-22 Mat 15,3-9 Mk 12,38-40 c 3) The world runs into the church to escape God’s judgment KJV WEB Mat 24,48-51 Rom 3,5-8 1Cor 6,9-11 Lk 3,7-9 Act 16,35-40 2Jn 9-11 Act 5,27-33 23,1-3 PART TWO) THE DEMISE OF MANKIND II) PRACTICING WITCHCRAFT: THE WOLF A) WOLVES (SPIRITUAL ABUSE) Mat 7-15 Commentary1) Wolves Stir Up The Crowd Act 17-5 d a) Stir up the crowd through jealousy KJV WEB Mat 27,20-25 Act 6-11,12 Act 19,23-41 15,11-15 17-5,8,13 Tit 1-10,11 Lk 23,20-25 16,18-23 Rev 11-10 e b) Stir up the crowd with godly motives KJV WEB Lk 23-5 Act 23,6-10 2Cor 9-2 2) False Prophets 2Pet 2-1,2 f a) False prophets preach works and deny Christ KJV WEB Act 13,6-12 2Tim 3,7-9,13 Rev 2,14-16,20-24 1Tim 1,3-7 2Pet 2,1-22 18-7,8 2Tim 2,16-18 1Jn 4,1-6 Mat 7,15-20 g b) False prophets confess to be the Christ KJV WEB Lk 17,22-24 Rev 13,11-15 Rev 19-20 h c) They prophesy truth with an evil motive KJV WEB Act 16,16-21 Phi 1,15-17 Tit 1-12 3) Unworthy Servant Mat 10-37,38 i a) Unworthy because of unfaithfulness KJV WEB Mat 10-37,38 Act 8,18-24 Tit 1-15,16 Lk 16,1-13 20-30 1Cor 5,9-13 j b) Unworthy of eternal life KJV WEB Mat 25,24-30 Lk 12,45-47 2Cor 11,12-15 14-10,11 Rom 11,17-22 4) Wolves Lead People Into A Cult k a) Leading people through ignorance KJV WEB Act 21,20-40 1Tim 4,1-5 2Pet 3-16,17 Gal 1-13,14 2Tim 2-16,18 1Jn 2,9-11 Col 2,16-23 4-3,4
180 Works of the Devil -- Wolves (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
a b) Leading people for sordid gain KJV WEB Mat 16-1,6,12 Jn 11,46-48 Tit 1,9-14 Jn 2,13-21 Act 5,35-37 3Jn-9,10 9,16-41 19,23-29 Rev 2,14-16,20-23 b c) Wolves bypass the cross KJV WEB Gal 1,6-10 Col 2,8-10 1Jn 4-3 5,1-15 Heb 3,7-11,15-19 2Jn, 7-11 6-12,13 1Jn 2-22 Jd,3-19 Phi 3-18,19 5) Be Shrewder than Wolves And More Innocent Than They Appear a) Fighting off wolves with a clever innocence c I- Being more innocent than their self-righteousness KJV WEB Mat 10-16 2Cor 11,12-15,23-30 1Jn 2-18,19 Mk 15,3-5 1Pet 3-16 ca II- Being more clever than their sin KJV WEB Act 5,17-20 Rom 16-17,18 Heb 11-29 Act 18-6 Act 23,16-22 cb III- Being more bold than their cleverness KJV WEB Jn 10,11-14 Act 4,1-22 Act 13,44-51 Act 16,35-40 d b) Wolves in sheep’s clothing KJV WEB Mat 7,15-23 Phi 3-1,2 Rev 2,2-4,20 2Cor 11-26 2Tim 3,1-9 13-11 Gal 2-4 e c) Wolves are clever KJV WEB Mk 12-12,13 Jn 18,28-32 Act 16,19-24 Lk 16,1-8 Act 6,9-15 2Tim 3-13 6) Wolves Steal, Kill And Destroy f a) Killing the sheep KJV WEB Act 5-33 Act 20-29,30 Act 23,12-22 14-5,6,19,20 2Tim 4,14-18 g b) Wolves have a killer instinct KJV Mat 23,29-36 Jn 12,9-11 Act 7,51-60 Jn 8,33-59 10-1,7-10,30-33 B) REBELLION 2Pet 2-10 Commentary1) Rebelling Against God’s Narrow Way h a) Rebelling against the word of God KJV WEB Jn 3-19,20 2The 1,6-10 2Tim 4-3,4 14-24 2,8-12 Tit 1,9-14 Act 7-51 3,6-15 Rev 3-3 i b) Rebelling against the will of God KJV WEB Lk 12-47 Eph 2,1-3 1Jn 4-20 Act 10,13-16 1Tim 1,6-9 Rev 3-17 Rom 10-21 5-20 j c) Rebelling against the ways of God KJV WEB Jn 10-1, 8 1Cor 12-20,21 Jm 3,5-12 Act 17,5-9 2Tim 3,1-9,13 2Pet 1-9,10 Rom 11,17-22 Tit 1-6,7
181 Works of the Devil -- Rebellion (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
2) Rebelling Against God a a) Rebelling against the authority of God KJV WEB Lk 20,1-8 1Cor 10-9 1Jn 3-4 Rom 8-7,8 11,16-22,27-34 Jd 6-13 10,2-4 2Pet 2,4-22 Rev 21-8 b b) Rebelling against the witness of God KJV WEB Mk 1,40-45 Act 8,18-24 Rev 9-20,21 Jn 12,37-43 Rom 1,18-32 16,9-11,17-21 Act 6,8-15 Lk 1,18-20 c c) Rebelling against the men of God KJV WEB Lk 20,19-26 1Cor 4,1-5 2Cor 10-1,2,7-11 Jn 8-49 Act 27,10-25,30,31 13-3 C) LAWLESSNESS 1Jn 3-41) Lawlessness Is No Excuse For Sin d a) Sinning under the law is still lawlessness KJV WEB Jn 7,48-52 1Cor 6-1,4-10 Tit 2-14 Act 16,16-21 1Tim 1,6-9 1Jn 3-4 e b) Lawlessness cannot cancel the power of sin KJV WEB Rom 1,18-32 2The 2,1-12 2Pet 2,1-3,7-22 2-12 Heb 10,26-31,37-39 2) Having No Regard For The Law f a) Forsaking the law KJV WEB Act 6,9-15 Act 23,12-22 2The 3,11-15 17,5-9 2Cor 6-14 2Pet 3-17 g b) Being without law KJV WEB Act 12,1-4,21-23 Rom 7-9 2Tim 3,1-9 19,23-41 1Cor 9-21 Jm 3,5-12 PART TWO) THE DEMISE OF MANKIND III) THE ORIGIN OF LAWLESSNESS A) DECEPTION Rom 7-11 Commentary1) Self-Deception a) Imaginary perception of self h I- distorted perception of self KJV WEB Lk 20-14,15 1Cor 4-6,8 Jm 1,22-26 Rom 11,17-22 2Cor 10-12 Rev 3-17 i II- pretending to be someone you’re not KJV WEB Mat 26-25,48 Lk 22-47,48 Act 8,9-11 27-24 Jn 18-18 Col 2-18 j b) Deceitfulness of sin KJV WEB Rom 1-21,28 Gal 6-7,8 1Jn 3,19-21 2-1,17-24 Heb 3-8,12-19 Rev 20,7-10 k c) Deceiving and being deceived KJV WEB Act 5,1-11 2Pet 2-13 Rev 17,8-18 Rom 16-17,18 Jd-12,13 18-7,8 2Tim 3-13 Rev 13,1-4 Lk 4,33-35 Lk 19-47,48 Mat 23,1-36 8-30,31
182 Works of the Devil -- Deception (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
a d) Believing the darkness within you is light KJV WEB Lk 11-34,35 Jn 18-18,28 1Jn 2-9,11 Jn 12-35 2Pet 2-18,19 1Tim 2-13,14 b e) Believing you know God when you don’t KJV WEB Jn 8-54,55 Heb 11-29 2Pet 1-10 2Cor 13-5 Lk 23-1,2 Act 4-11 c f) Lying to yourself KJV WEB 1Jn 1-6,8,10 Jm 4,13-16 Lk 4,22-30 d g) Trying to hide from God KJV WEB Mat 27,62-66 Jn 3,18-20 2Tim 4-3,4 2) Three Causes of Misinterpreting Scripture e a) Because they have no regard for God’s word KJV WEB Act 19,35-37 2The 2,1-4 2Pet 1-16 1Cor 6,9-11 Tit 1,10-16 1Jn 3-7 Eph 5-5,6 Mat 24,37-39 Jn 12,1-3 Jd-3,4 2Tim 2,16-18 f b) Because they do not understand the Scriptures KJV WEB Mat 16,6-12 Mk 12-24 1Tim 1,3-7 22-29 Act 22,3-5,18-20 1The 4,13-18 g c) Because they want to be approved by men KJV WEB Jn 5,39-47 Eph 4-14 2Pet 2,1-3 Gal 1,6-10 1Tim 4-1,2 2Jn 9-11 3) Being Deceptive With People Mat 2-7,8 Mat 28,11-15 Jn 18-29,30 21-28,29 Mk 7,21-23 Act 6,8-15 26-25 Lk 20,1-8 25-2,3 i b) Distorted perception of others KJV WEB Act 10-14 Col 2-4,8 2Tim 3,7-9 24,5-9 1Tim 6-20,21 2Cor 6-8 j c) Telling the truth with an evil motive KJV WEB Mat 4,1-7 2Cor 4,2-4 1The 2-3,4 Mk 1,23-26,34 Jn 12,4-6 Phi 1,14-18 k 4) Deceitfulness of riches KJV WEB Mat 13-22 1Tim 6-5,9,10 Jm 2,1-9 Mk 10,20-25 Jm 1-10,11 4,1-4, 7 Lk 12,13-21 Lk 16,1-15 l 5) Unaware of the spirit world KJV WEB Lk 8-23 Lk 16,19-31 1The 5,1-3
183 Works of the Devil -- Spirit of Error (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
B) SPIRIT OF ERROR (ANTI-CHRIST/ANTI-SEMITISM) 1Jn 4-61) Witchcraft Rev 12-15 a) Sin is the nursery of witchcraft a I- through rebellion KJV WEB Mat 23,14-39 Heb 11-25 Rev 21-8 Gal 5,19-21 Rev 9-20,21 22-15 b II- through satanic influence KJV WEB Mat 14,6-12 Rev 13,3-8 Rev 3-9 Act 13,9-11 2-9,20-24 18,1-8,23 Mk 13,14-20 Mk 14-10,11 Act 19,16-20 d c) Anointing of error KJV WEB Act 16,16-18 Rev 12-15 Rev 16-13,14 2The 2,8-12 13,11-17 19-20 1Pet 2-16 2) Nursery of The Spirit of Error a) Selfish ambition e I- Seeking to control the truth KJV WEB Mk 8-32,33 Act 8,9-24 Heb 12-16,17 Lk 22-47,48 1Tim 2-13,14 Jm 3,13-16 Jn 6,26-36 ea II- Seeking to control the Church KJV WEB Lk 16,1-13 Act 24,24-27 1Tim 5-21 Act 17,5-8 Gal 6-13 Jm 5,1-6 Lk 11-44 1Jn 2-26,27 1The 5,1-3 1Cor 8,4-6 Rom 2-28,29 Lk 9,53-56 1Cor 10,18-21 Act 19,13-20 Gal 3,1-5 3) Spirit Of The Broad Road g a) Spirit of the world KJV WEB Jn 3-20 Eph 6-11 1Jn 2,15-17 1Cor 2-12 1Tim 4-7 5-19 4,22-24 2Pet 1-4 Jn 17-14 h b) Spirit of unbelief KJV WEB Mk 4-15 Lk 16,27-31 Act 28,24-29 6-51,52 18,31-34 2Cor 3,14-16 Lk 8-12 Jn 8,43-47 4-3,4 i c) Spirit of error will lead you astray KJV WEB Mk 13-5,6,21-23 Jm 5-19,20 Rev 20,1-3 1Tim 4-1,2 2Pet 2,10-22 Jn 9,39-41 4) Truth Is The Enemy Of The Spirit Of Error j a) Spirit of error interrogates the truth KJV WEB Mat 4,1-11 Lk 4,1-13 Lk 20,19-26 26-59 Jn 8,1-11 Act 4,1-14 Mk 12,13-17 k b) Spirit of error rejects the truth KJV WEB Jn 8,44-47 1Jn 2-22,23 2Jn-7,8
184 Works of the Devil -- Darkness (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
C) DARKNESS Lk 22-52,53 1) Hiding Behind Your Own Imagination a a) Hiding behind a false partition KJV WEB Jn 3,19-21 Rom 13-12 Eph 5,6-14 13-30 1Cor 4-5 1The 5,3-7 Rom 1-21 Eph 4,17-19 Jm 1,13-15 b b) Hiding behind a false authority KJV WEB Lk 22-52,53 Eph 6,10-12 1Pet 2-9,16 2Cor 11,12-15 Col 1-13 1Jn 3,10-15 Eph 2,1-3 Lk 11,14-20 Lk 23,8-12 c c) Hiding from the truth KJV WEB 2) God Controls Darkness d a) God hides unbelief in darkness KJV WEB Act 13,6-12 2Cor 3,14-16 Jd-6,13 Rom 1-24,25,28 Mk 1,43-45 e b) Darkness is the absence of light (outside heaven) KJV WEB Mat 4-16 Jn 9-4,5 Jn 12-35,36,46 Lk 1-78,79 11-10 2Pet 1-19 Jn 8-12 1Jn 2,9-11 D) ABUSING THE GRACE OF GOD Rom 6-1,21) Spending His Grace On Your Pleasures f a) Trying to take advantage of God’s kindness KJV WEB Mat 18,23-35 Rom 3,3-9 Jm 3,13-16 Lk 15,11-16 6,1-4,15-18 4,1-4 Rom 2-4,5 Heb 3,7-19 Lk 6,20-26 Jm 2,14-26 1The 4,1-8 Jd,3-5 g b) Abusing your position KJV WEB Mat 24,48-51 Act 20,29-31 Heb 5-4,5 Lk 12,42-48 1Tim 1-7 3Jn-9,10 h c) Abusing the anointing KJV WEB Jn 6-28 2Cor 12-7 Gal 5,1-13 Act 8,18-24 Gal 3,1-5 1Pet 2-16 i d) Adding leaven to His grace KJV WEB Mat 5-13 1Cor 5-1,6-13 2Cor 13-2 Mk 9-49,50 2Cor 12-20,21 2) Dragging God’s Grace Through The Mud j a) Unwilling to honor God’s grace KJV WEB Mat 25,41-46 1Cor 4,6-10 1Jn 1-6 Lk 7,40-47 Gal 4,21-31 2-4 Rom 11,17-23 Jm 2,1-11 Rev 3,1-3 k b) Dishonoring the grace of God KJV WEB Mat 26,65-68 Lk 23-39 1Cor 6,15-17 Mk 12,1-12 Mk 15-29,30
185 Works of the Devil -- Abusing the Grace of God (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
a c) Operating His grace through religion KJV WEB Mat 3,7-12 Gal 2-20,21 Phi 1,15-17 9-16,17 3,1-5 Col 2,20-23 Lk 3-7,8 6-12,13 Jd-4 Act 15-1,5,10,11 E) MYSTERY OF LAWLESSNESS 2The 2-7 Commentary1) Having No Grounds For Your Hate b a) Hating Christ without a cause KJV WEB Mk 15-10 Jn 15,18-25 Jn 19,5-8,12-16 Jn 8,31-59 18,29-32 Act 26,4-11 c b) Hating the church without a cause KJV WEB Mat 23,28-36 Act 22,17-22 Rev 11,7-10 Act 5,27-33 21,27-40 d 2) Denying Christ in spite of His proven identity KJV WEB Lk 16,22-31 Jn 11,46-48 Heb 6,4-8 Jn 9,28-30 Act 4,13-20 10,26-31,37-39 10-32 5,14-20 2Pet 2,1-3,19-22 e 3) The mystery of sin KJV WEB Rom 7,7-13 Jm 3,6-16 Jd 6-13 Eph 2,1-3 2Pet 2,10-18 Rev 17,5-13,16 Heb 3,7-19 1Jn 5-16 21-8,27 f 4) Having knowledge but not knowing God KJV WEB Jn 7,25-30 Rom 1,18-32 2Tim 3-5,13 18-38 1Cor 10-20,21 Rom 10-2 g 5) God helps Satan in the mystery of lawlessness KJV WEB Jn 12,37-43 2The 2,3-12 Rev 20,1-3,7-10 Rom 9-18 Rev 13,1-7,11-18 PART TWO) THE DEMISE OF MANKIND IV) THE RESULT OF LAWLESSNESS (Profile of a Psychopath) CommentaryA) BLASPHEMY Mk 3-28,29 Commentary1) Responding With Contempt To The Holy Spirit h a) Resisting the Holy Spirit KJV WEB Jn 3-32 Act 7-51 Act 18-5,6 i b) Evicting the Holy Spirit KJV WEB Mat 8-34 Heb 12,16-29 1Jn 5-16 j c) Replacing the Holy Spirit KJV WEB Act 12,21-23 Rev 13-1,4-8,11-17 Rev 17,3-8 k d) Indifferent to the Holy Spirit KJV WEB Mat 11,20-24 Lk 10,12-15 Jn 18,4-7 2) Unwilling To Obey The Revelation From Heaven l a) Unwilling to walk in God’s freedom KJV WEB Mat 12,43-45 Rom 2,17-24 Heb 10,26-31,37-39 Mk 1,40-45 10-21 2Pet 1-9,10 7-36 Heb 3,7-19 2,19-22 Jn 13-2,18,23-27 Jm 5-19,20
186 Works of the Devil -- Blasphemy (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
a b) Unwilling to walk in God’s ability KJV WEB Mat 7,21-23 Lk 13,6-9,24-28 1Cor 3,12-15 Lk 12,45-48 Jn 7-19,20 Heb 6,4-8 Mat 25,1-13,24-30 Jn 15,18-25 Lk 23-34 3) Cursing The Holy Spirit b a) Consider the work of the Holy Spirit to be sin KJV WEB Mat 12-31,32 Jn 9-24 Act 4,14-18 Mk 3,22-30 10-20,30-33 Jd-15 Lk 12-10 15,22-25 Rev 16,9-11,21 Jn 8,46-49 11,45-48,53,54,57 c b) Lying to the Holy Spirit KJV WEB Mat 28,11-15 1Cor 12-3 Jm 3-14 Act 5,1-10 1Tim 1-13,19,20 Rev 2-9 13-44,45 Mk 14,18-21 B) THE REPROBATE (Someone Who Cannot be Saved) B) THE REPROBATE (Someone Who Cannot be Saved) Commentary1) Man’s Role In Becoming A Reprobate (Having a dead conscience) a) The fool Mat 7-26,27 I- The fool throws Jesus away for something better d A- The world betrayed the Lord KJV WEB Mat 7-26,27 Gal 3,1-7 2Tim 3,6-9 Rom 1-14,18-32 1Tim 6-9 Jm 1,5-8 da B- Israel betrayed the Lord KJV WEB Mk 15,11-16 Jn 6,26-36 Heb 12,15-17 Lk 11,14-20 Mat 26,57-68 db C- Judas Iscariot betrayed the Lord KJV WEB Commentary Mat 26,14-16 Mk 14-10,11,18-21 Jn 12,4-6 e II- the fool does nothing with Christ KJV WEB Mat 25,1-13 Tit 3-3 1Pet 2-15 f III- the heart of a fool KJV WEB Mk 7,21-23 1Cor 15,17-19 Jm 2-20 Rom 11,17-32 2Tim 2-23 2Pet 2-12 g b) After they reject God’s faith how can they believe? KJV WEB Lk 22,50-53 Jn 12,1-4,37-43 2The 2,1-12 23-39 Act 5,23-33 1Tim 4-1,2 Jn 8,30-59 Phi 3-18,19 2Pet 2-1 Lk 7-39 Act 19,23-27 h c) Being unable to repent KJV WEB Lk 16,27-31 2Pet 2,1-18 Rev 14,9-11 Heb 12,15-17 Rev 9-20,21 20,7-10 i d) Having a perverted sense of justice KJV WEB Mat 24-12 Act 19,23-29 1The 2,14-16 Act 16,18-23 Rom 2,1-11 Rev 18,9-20 2) God’s Role In Forming A Reprobate j a) Marked out for destruction KJV WEB Mat 3,7-9 Jn 7-33,34 Jn 12,3-6 23-33 8-21 Act 1,15-20 Lk 3,7-9 Rev 9,1-6 Lk 14-24 Lk 20,15-18 Rom 9,15-23 16-1,2 Rom 1,18-32 2Tim 3,1-9,13