187 (Chapter Outline)
I) SEPARATION FROM THE OLD MAN A) DIE TO THE FLESH Jn 12-241) The Ministry Of Dying To Self a) Die to self to minister to God a I- Jesus died to self and ministered to God KJV WEB Mk 14,3-9 Heb 5,7-14 Heb 9,8-10 Eph 5-1,2 Mat 26-39 aa II- Jesus died for us; now it's our turn to die for Him KJV WEB 2Cor 5-8,9,14-17 2Tim 2,3-7,11 1Pet 2-24 ab III- Pick up your cross and follow Him KJV WEB Mk 8-34 Heb 12,1-13 1Pet 4-1,2 Phi 2,1-8 Heb 13,10-15 b) Die to self to minister to people b I- die to self to encourage the strong KJV WEB Jn 6-50 1The 2-8 2Tim 2,9-11 15,12-14 Ph,10-16 1Jn 3-16 Eph 3-1,13 c II- die to self to help the weak KJV WEB Rom 15,1-3 2Cor 12-15 2The 3,7-9 1Cor 8-13 Gal 4-19 Tit 3-8,14 2) Dying To Receive The Glory Of God d a) Die to self through prayer KJV WEB 1Cor 7-5 Rev 8-3,4 Rev 12-6 1Tim 5-5 e b) Die to self to be free KJV WEB 2Cor 7-1 2Tim 2,20-22 1Pet 4-6,7 f c) Die to self to know the revelation of God KJV WEB Jn 7-17 Phi 3,7-14 Heb 13-22 2Cor 2,14-16 Heb 12,18-21,25 Jm 1,2-9,21 Rom 7,4-6 Mk 6,45-52 Rev 22-10 g d) Dying to self precedes the resurrection KJV WEB Lk 16-16,17 1Cor 15,35-38 Rev 2-10 3) Spirit Versus The Flesh Mk 14-38 a) Deny the flesh to walk in the Spirit h I- More the flesh dies, more the spirit lives KJV WEB Mat 14,22-36 Gal 5,16-25 1Pet 2-11 Lk 9-23 Eph 4,22-24 4-5,6 Rom 8,4-13 Phi 3,3-11 ha II- Deny bondage to walk in freedom KJV WEB Jn 8-32 Gal 4,21-31 Jm 2-12,13 Rom 6,6-14 Heb 12-1 1Pet 1-17,18 i b) Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak KJV WEB Mat 26-41 Rom 7,14-25 2Tim 3-6 Mk 14-38 Phi 1,21-26 j c) Trying to work the Spirit by the flesh KJV WEB Act 8,9-24 Gal 3,1-5 Jm 4,1-10 1Cor 9-26,27 5-13,16,17 1Jn 2,15-17 Act 19,13-16 Mk 14,27-31 Act 19,13-20
188 Die To Self -- Spirit VS the Flesh (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
a 4) Dying to self takes discipline KJV WEB Lk 14,26-35 1Tim 4-7,8,15 Jm 1-26,27 1Cor 15-31 2Tim 1-7 3,2-8 b 5) Dying to self keeps you on God’s course KJV WEB Act 27,18-44 1Tim 1-19,20 2Tim 4-7 1Cor 9,24-27 B) SUFFERING 1Pet 4-1,2 Commentary1) Growing Pains c a) Growing outwardly KJV WEB Act 20,22-27 2Cor 7,4-6 2Tim 2-3,9 21,11-14 1The 3,1-5 3,10-12 2Cor 6,4-10 2-1,2,14-16 2Cor 1,3-10 Col 2-1,2 Heb 10,32-36 Gal 4-19 e 2) Suffering the will of God in your life KJV WEB Act 9,13-16 2The 1,3-7 Heb 11,24-26,35-38 16,22-25 2Tim 1-8,12 1Pet 5-1,9,10 1Cor 4,8-16 Heb 2-9,10,18 Rev 2-10 f 3) Suffering righteousness KJV WEB 2Cor 4-8 Phi 3-10 Heb 12,1-4 Gal 3-4 Col 1-24 1Pet 3-14,17 Phi 1-29,30 1Tim 4-7,8 4-1,2,12-19 g 4) Enduring your circumstances KJV WEB Rom 5,2-5 Phi 4-14 1Pet 2,18-23 2Cor 8-2 Jm 5-13 C) SORROW (Vexation) 2Cor 7-9,101 ) Grieving Over Your Own Loss h a) Grieving over your sinful nature KJV WEB 26-75 7,8-11 5-1 Rom 8,16-23 Heb 12-11 i b) Grieving over your circumstances KJV WEB 1Pet 2-19,20 Rev 5-4,5 Rev 18,9-11,15-19 j c) Grieving over your loved ones KJV WEB Jn 16-5,6,20-22 Phi 2-27 1The 4-13 2Cor 2-10 Jn 11-21,32 k 2) Grieving over the loss of others KJV WEB Act 17-16 Rom 9,1-3 2Cor 12-20,21 Rom 12-15 Phi 3-18,19 Mat 19,4-6
189 Die To Self -- Holy Sacrifice (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
D) HOLY SACRIFICE Rom 12-11) The smell of death a a) Priestly anointing perfume of sacrifice KJV WEB aa b) Stench of the dead KJV WEB Mk 16,1-3 Rev 14-11 Rev 19-3 Jn 11-39 Jd-23 Mat 5-23,24 2Cor 11-2,3 Col 1-24,28 1Cor 5,6-8 Phi 1-4 2Tim 4-6 9,3-23 2-17 Heb 8-3 c 3) Acceptable sacrifice KJV WEB Act 10,13-15 2The 1-4,5,11,12 1Pet 2-4,5 Rom 12-1 Heb 11-4,17-19 Rev 14,9-11 Mat 2-11 Rom 15,26-28 2Cor 8,1-5,10-15 2Cor 9,1-15 1Tim 6,6-8,17,18 Mat 10,34-39 Lk 18,28-30 Mat 27,57-60 E) MARTYR (Literally Dying to Self) Rev 16-5,6e 1) Tested for faithfulness to the death KJV WEB Jn 21-18,19 Heb 5,7-9 Rev 2-10 Act 12,1-3 11,35-40 7-14,15 2Cor 5-1 12,1-3 14-13 Heb 2-9,10,14-18 f 2) Martyrs bring about the judgment of God KJV WEB 1Cor 3-16,17 Rev 17-1, 6 Rev 19-2 Rev 6,9-11 18,19-24 20-4 g 3) Martyrs witness the life of God KJV WEB Act 20,22-31 Phi 1,20-25 Rev 2-13 h 4) Dying to self through persecution KJV WEB Lk 21,16-18 Act 14,19-21 Rev 13-7 Act 7,51-60 Rev 12-4 i 5) Jesus was a martyr KJV WEB Jn 6,37-40,47-58 Heb 6,17-20 Heb 9,7-28 F) MASOCHISM (Self-made martyr) F) MASOCHISM (Self-made martyr)1) Fasting Mat 9-14,15 Commentary j a) Fasting simulates dying to self KJV WEB Mat 4-2 Act 13-2,3 Heb 13,11-15 17-21 14-23 1Jn 3-16 Mk 9-28,29 Rom 14-6 Rev 13-10 k b) Fasting is a state of mourning KJV WEB Mat 6,16-18 Lk 5,33-35 Act 27,33-36 9-14,15 Act 9-9 Jm 4-9,10
190 Die To Self -- Masochism (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
a 2) Laying your body on the altar KJV WEB Act 16,22-30 Rom 16-3,4 Gal 6-14,15 Rom 6,1-23 1Cor 4,9-13 Heb 8-3 12,1-3 2Cor 4,10-12,16-18 Phi 4-18,19 b 3) Taking your sinful nature by force KJV WEB Mat 5-29,30 1Cor 9-27 Jm 4,6-10 10-38 Heb 2-9,10,14-18 1Pet 4-1,2,12-19 Rom 8-17,18,22,23 5,7-9 Rev 17-16 c 4) Passing through the fire KJV WEB 1Cor 3,12-15 1Cor 7-9 Rev 3-18 2Pet 3,5-7,10-12 d 5) Self-afflictions that are against the will of God KJV WEB Mk 5-5 Gal 5-12 Col 2-18,20-23 Act 16-28 Eph 5-28,29 1Tim 6-9,10 6) Suicide (Literally dying to self) da a) Spiritual suicide KJV WEB Mat 5-13 Mat 28,2-4 1Cor 5,9-13 26,21-25 Act 28,23-29 Mat 27,3-10 1Cor 3-16,17 1Cor 11,27-34 1Cor 5-5 dc c) Die to self for Jesus' sake KJV WEB Act 16-27 Rom 6,20-23 Rom 8-12,13 G) CIRCUMCISION (Old Covenant Sign of Obedience) Col 2-11 1) Undressing Eph 4-22 e a) Take off your sins KJV WEB Mk 10-50 Col 3,8-10 Jm 1-21 Rom 13,12-14 2Tim 2-4 4-8,9 f b) Dismantling the outer tabernacle KJV WEB Rom 14-20,21 Heb 1-12 Heb 10-8,9,35 2Cor 5,1-4 8,7-13 2Pet 1-14 Mk 4-41 1Cor 11-5,6,13 Heb 10,26-31 Rev 16-15 2) Circumcision Is A Sign Of Obedience h a) Circumcision is a sign of believing KJV WEB Rom 3-1,2 Rom 15-7,8 Phi 3-3,5 i b) Obeying the Holy Spirit makes circumcision obsolete KJV WEB Rom 2,25-29 1Cor 7-18,19 Col 2,11-13 6-6 Gal 2-3 j c) Symbolism over substance KJV WEB Act 21-20,21 Gal 2,11-14 Gal 6-3,4,12-15 15-1,5,10,11,20 5,2-6,11,12 Col 3-11 H) BAPTISM (New Covenant Sign of Obedience) Rom 6-3,4k 1) Baptism of the Holy Spirit KJV WEB Commentary Mat 3-11 Jn 1-33 Act 10,44-48
191 Die To Self -- Baptism (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
a 2) Immersed in His Spirit KJV WEB Lk 1-15,40-45 Jn 3-34 1Tim 4-15,16 11,11-13 Eph 4-5 Heb 10-22 24-49 5,25-27 2Pet 3,5-12 3) Baptism symbolizes death, burial and resurrection b b) Baptism is a sign of obedience KJV WEB Mat 28,18-20 Act 2-37,38 1Cor 15,12-58 ba a) Baptism is a sign of faith KJV WEB Mat 21-32 Act 9,17-19 Col 2-12,13 Act 8,36-38 16-15 1Pet 3-21 I) EXTRACT THE LEAVEN 1Cor 5-7 c 1) Extract the leaven of hypocrisy KJV WEB Lk 12-1 Jm 1-6,21-25 1Jn 1,5-7 Rom 12-9 4,7-10 d 2) Extract the leaven of false doctrine KJV WEB Mat 13-52 Act 21-20,21 Heb 11-14,15 Act 13,6-12 Gal 5-9 1Jn 2-7,8 15-1,2,5,8-11 2The 2,1-3 Act 10,12-16 28,7-10 e 3) Extract the leaven from the church KJV WEB Mat 3,10-12 1Cor 5,6-8,13 1Jn 2-18,19 II) THE RESULT OF PUTTING OFF THE OLD MAN A) SET APART (SANCTIFICATION) Rom 1-1 Commentaryf 1) God sanctifies us through our devotion to Him KJV WEB Lk 9-51 Rom 6,1-23 2Tim 2-20,21 Jn 17,11-19 1Cor 4,9-16 1Pet 3-15 Act 21-13,14 1Tim 3-1,13 Rev 20-4 g 2) God sanctifies us by His doing KJV WEB Act 15-14 1The 5-23 Heb 10-10,14 Gal 4-30,31 9-13,14 h 3) God sanctifies us through His calling KJV WEB Jn 10-35,36 1Cor 1-2 Gal 1-15,16 Act 13-2,3 9,1-6 Heb 7-26 Rom 1-1 i 4) Set apart from sin KJV WEB 1Cor 5,9-13 Eph 5,3-14 1Tim 2-15 11,27-32 1The 4,3-8 Heb 12-14 j 5) Set apart from the world KJV WEB 2Cor 5,14-20 Gal 6,14-16 Rev 18-4 6,14-18 Rev 15-2 Act 22,3-22 1Jn 2,15-17 3-1,2 Heb 11,13-16 Rom 13,1-7 k 6) Set apart by faith in the truth KJV WEB 26-18 Eph 5-26,27 1Tim 4,3-5 l 7) Set apart by the Holy Spirit KJV WEB Rom 15-15,16 1Cor 6-11 1Pet 1-2 2-28,29
192 Die To Self -- Gain By Losing (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
B) GAIN BY LOSING (A Paradox) Mat 19-211) Life For Life a a) Lose your life to gain God’s life KJV WEB Mk 8,34-38 Jn 10-11,14-18 2Cor 5-14,15,21 Lk 9-22,23 1Cor 15,35-44 2Tim 4,6-8 17-33 2Cor 4,8-18 Act 16,23-34 b b) Lose your life to gain God’s purpose KJV WEB Jn 3-30 1Cor 7,29-31 Heb 2,9-18 Act 20,22-24 2Cor 11,5-13,23-30 3,6-19 Rom 8,4-13 2The 2-13,14 4,1-11 1Cor 4,5-16 Rom 14-7,8 Rev 6,9-11 c c) Lose your identity to gain God’s identity KJV WEB Mat 5,38-48 Lk 7,6-10 Phi 3,3-11 18,3-5 10-21 2) Receiving From God By Substitution d a) Wheeling and dealing in God’s spiritual economy KJV WEB Mat 13,44-46 Lk 11-41 Phi 4,14-19 25-16,17 19,12-27 1Tim 6-18,19 2Cor 9,5-15 Mk 12-17 Lk 6-38 e b) Committed in the natural to receive in the spiritual KJV WEB Lk 12,35-44 Gal 5,16-26 1Pet 1-6,7 1Cor 9-27 6,8-10 3) Waiting For God To Do It His Way f a) Lose your rights to gain His vindication KJV WEB Mat 26-63 1Cor 6-12 2Cor 7,8-11 Rom 12,17-21 9-19 2The 1-4,5,10 g b) Being patient to receive something better KJV WEB Jn 5,1-9 2Tim 2-12 Heb 11,35-40 11,3-6,17,21,38-45 1Pet 5,8-10 Gal 5-4,5 4) Gain God’s Kingdom To Lose The Domain Of Darkness h a) Gain integrity to lose the world’s respect KJV WEB Mat 27,11-14,27-35 Lk 3-15,16 Heb 10,32-36 i b) Gain heaven to lose the world KJV WEB Mat 19,27-30 Lk 18,28-30 Rev 12-11 III) TURN FROM SIN TO GOD A) REPENT (RESTORED) Mat 4-17 Commentary1) Stop Practicing Sin Jn 8-11 Eph 4,25-31 1Pet 3,9-12 1Cor 15-34 2Tim 2-19 Rev 2,14-16 2Cor 7-1 1Pet 1,14-17 Rom 6,10-14 Lk 17,29-33 1Cor 10-14 2Tim 2-22,23 1Cor 6-18 1Tim 6-11 Rev 18-4
193 Die To Self -- Repent (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
a c) Be zealous and repent KJV WEB Lk 17-3,4 Heb 12-13 Rev 3,15-20 2) Turn From Your Evil Ways Mk 1-4 Act 13-24 Heb 6-1 Mat 4-17 Act 20-20,21 2Pet 3-9 Mk 1-15 1Pet 2-25 Rev 1-12 d c) Turn from sin to God KJV WEB Act 2,37-40 Act 14-15 1The 1-9,10 3,17-19 Lk 7,24-28 Lk 15,17-32 3) Bring Forth Fruit In Keeping With Repentance e a) Testimony of Paul’s life KJV WEB Act 9,19-22 Act 26,4-20 Gal 1,13-24 22,6-20 1Cor 15-9 1Tim 1,12-16 f b) Instruction to the church KJV WEB Mat 3-8 Eph 5,7-12 1Pet 4,1-5 Lk 3-7,8 2The 3-11,12 Rev 2-4,5 13,6-9 2Cor 2,5-11 g 4) God grants repentance KJV WEB Act 3-26 1Cor 14-24,25 2Tim 2,23-26 5-31 2Cor 4-1,2 Tit 3,3-5 11-18 Eph 2,1-10 1Jn 5-16 Rom 2-4 Col 1,21-23 h 5) Repent from not renewing your mind KJV WEB Jn 11,21-27 Act 8,18-24 Heb 5,11-14 i 6) Making amends with people you offended KJV WEB Lk 19,5-10 2Tim 4-11 1Pet 3-1 j 7) Consequences of not repenting KJV WEB Mat 11,20-24 Lk 13,1-5 Heb 12-17 12-41,42 16,24-31 Rev 2,20-25 22,10-14 Rom 2-5 3,1-5 B) RUN TO GOD Heb 12-1k 1) Run to God to avoid running from Him KJV WEB Mk 13,21-23,33-37 Rom 7,14-25 Jm 4,7-10 Lk 15,17-22 1Tim 6-11 1Pet 3,10-12 21-36 2Tim 2-22 2Pet 2-18 Jn 6,66-69 Heb 13-13 1Jn 1-7,9 l 2) Run to God in your freedom to choose righteousness KJV WEB Mat 13,44-46 Lk 23,40-43 1Cor 7,32-35 Mk 2,3-12 Jn 3-21 14-1 5,6-8 Rom 6,8-22 Lk 7,36-50 2Pet 1,5-8 1Cor 15,30-34
194 Die To Self -- Run to God (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
a 3) Run the race that is set before us KJV WEB Rom 4,18-22 Phi 3,7-14 Heb 10,19-23 1Cor 9,24-27 Heb 4-6,7,15,16 11,1-40 Phi 2-16 5,7-9 12,1-4,13-15 b 4) Run to Jesus when He calls for you KJV WEB Mat 13-8,9,23 Jn 11,28-35 1Tim 1,12-16 Mk 10,46-52 Act 8,27-29 1Pet 2-4,5,21,25 Lk 19,1-10 Mat 4,18-20 Jn 20-16 c 5) Run to meet Jesus prior to His visitation KJV WEB Mat 25,1-10 Jn 20,3-6 Jm 5,7-9 Jn 11-20,28,29 Heb 6-18 Rev 3,7-13 d 6) Run to God from your enemies KJV WEB Act 4,23-31 2Cor 12,7-10 Gal 5-7 7,54-60 Lk 17,29-33 C) HATE EVIL Rom 12-91) Condemning Sin e a) Hate evil by being innocent of it KJV WEB Rom 16-19 1The 5-22 Jd-23 1Cor 14-20 1Pet 4-3,15,16 Rev 2-6,24 2Cor 7-11 1Jn 2-1 Rom 8-3 Act 13,9-11 Tit 1-12,13 Rev 2,2-4 Eph 5-11,12 Heb 12-2 16-2 6,10-13 2Jn-10,11 1Cor 5,3-5 2) Victory Over Sin g a) Hate evil by loving good KJV WEB Rom 7,7-25 1Cor 13-6 Heb 3-12 1Cor 10-6 h b) Hate evil by doing good KJV WEB Rom 6,11-22 Tit 2-11,12 1Jn 2,15-17 12,17-21 1Pet 3,9-12 3Jn-11 Gal 6-14 D) YIELDING Rom 6,11-13i 1) Yield to God’s right to direct your way KJV WEB Jn 3-21 Rom 6,11-23 Eph 5,22-24,33 5-19,30 2Cor 6,11-13 Heb 5,7-9 6,38-40 Gal 5-1 Lk 12,22-34 Mat 5,3-12 Col 3,18-25 Jm 4,13-17 j 2) Confess your sins to God KJV WEB Mat 3-6 Act 19,17-19 Jm 5,14-16 Lk 15,17-24 Eph 5-13 1Jn 1-9 23-40,41 k 3) Antithesis: Yielding to sin KJV WEB Jn 13,23-30 1Tim 5-6,7,14,15 2Pet 2,1-3