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    KJV      WEB (Gospels  Epistles)      Parallel Gospels      Endtime Prophecy




                JN 5-24


205    (See Chapter Outline)


See also:  Gospel Tract , Generosity Of God’s Salvation , Grace, Commentary

                  He who saves his life will lose it 55k


aa               Verses Useful in Evangelism  KJV    WEB

                            Jn 3,14-21,36        Jn 11-25,26             2Cor 5,1-9

                                 5-24                        12-50                 1Jn 2-25

                                 8-51                   Rom 10-9,10                 5-11,12



        A) ACCORDING TO PROMISE  1Jn 2-25

a                 1) God never Changes  KJV    WEB

                            2Cor 1-20         Heb 1,10-12         Heb 13-8

                            2Tim 1-9                    6-17,18        Jm 1-17

                                      2-13                 7-21

b                  2) Promise of His rest  KJV    WEB

                            Gal 5-5         Heb 4-1                       2Pet 1-4

                            1Tim 4-7,8           10-23,35,36        Jn 11-53,54

                            Rev 1-3

c                  3) Promise of the Holy Spirit  KJV    WEB

                            Jn 14,16-24         Act 2-33,38,39         Eph 1-13,14

                            Act 1-4,5              Lk 24-49

d                  4) Promise of His inheritance  KJV    WEB

                            2Cor 7-1         Jm 2-5         2Pet 3-9,13

                            Tit 3-7

e                  5) Promise of eternal life  KJV    WEB

                            2Tim 1-1           Jm 1-12         1Jn 2-25

                            Jn 3-15,16        Jn 6-40          Jn 12-50


        B) NEW COVENANT  Lk 22-20    Commentary

f                   1) The new covenant in His blood  KJV    WEB

                            Lk 22-20             Heb 9,13-28         Heb 12-24

                            Jn 6,51-58                  10,19-22               13-20,21

                            1Cor 11-25         Mk 14,22-24

g                  2) The new one is a better one  KJV    WEB

                            Jn 14,16-24           2Cor 3,2-18         Heb 7-3,11-28

                            Act 17-30,31         Gal 4-24                       8,4-6

                            Gal 5,16-23           Act 11,14-17        Act 15,6-11


h                  3) The old one is obsolete  KJV    WEB

                            Lk 23-45              Phi 3,3-8               Heb 9-1

                            Act 6,9-15            Heb 8,7-13                   10-8,9

                            Eph 5-31,32        Mat 27-50,51        Mk 15-38

                            Gal 2,17-21         Act 21-26

        C) FAITH VERSUS WORKS  Rom 3-28    Commentary

                 1) The Faith Of God Versus The Faith Of Men

i                         a) Faith is the work of God  KJV    WEB

                                    Jn 6,27-29             2Cor 3,5-12        2Tim 1-9

                                    Act 16,29-31         Tit 3,3-8               1Pet 1-8,9

                                    Rom 11-6              Col 2,12-15                   3-21

j                         b) Faith is the law of righteousness  KJV    WEB

                                    Jn 16-10         Rom 4,1-16,18-22         Rom 10,2-10

                                    Rom 3-27                9,30-33                  Gal 2-16,20,21

                                    Heb 11-6        Lk 10,25-29                    Lk 11,1-4

                                    Rom 8,1-4

                 2) Faith versus the law

k                        a) Faith versus the flesh  KJV    WEB

                                   Rom 3-19,20,28        Gal 2,16-21                 Gal 4,1-7,21-31

                                            7,1-6                         3,2-14,21-26               6,12-16

ka                      b) The work of faith versus the works of the law  KJV    WEB

                                   Mat 19,16-21        Act 22,12-15        1Tim 1,5-11

                                   Act 21-20,21         Gal 5,1-6              Heb 8,7-13

kb                      c) Saved by grace through faith  KJV    WEB

                                   Jn 1-17             Act 15,1-11        Heb 7-18,19

                                   Rom 4,6-8        Eph 2,8-10





Salvation -- Conditions To Promises    (Chapter Outline  /  Navigation Bar)




                    1) Conditions To Living In The Spirit

a                         a) Conditions to partaking in the Spirit  KJV     WEB

                                    Jn 18-37         Heb 3,15-19         Jm 1-4

                                    Act 10-34,35          9-8                 Rev 3,8-10

                                    Gal 6-9                   10,32-36                21-7

b                         b) Conditions to participating in the Spirit  KJV    WEB

                                    Gal 5-25         1Tim 1,18-20         1Tim 6-6

                                    Phi 4,11-13              3,1-13

                    2) Conditions To Receiving In The Natural

c                         a) Conditions to partaking in the natural realm  KJV    WEB

                                    2Cor 9,6-11         2The 3-10         1Tim 5,9-16

d                         b) Conditions to participating in the natural  KJV    WEB

                                    Eph 6,1-3         1Tim 2-15         1Tim 5-19

                                    Phi 1-5

                    3) Conditions To The Love Of God

e                         a) Conditions to the father’s love  KJV    WEB

                                    Jn 10-17,18         Jn 16-27         Heb 8-9


f                          b) Conditions to loving Jesus  KJV    WEB

                                    Jn 14-15               Eph 5-28,29         1Jn 4-12

                                         15-10,14         1Jn 2,3-6

                    4) Conditions To Receiving The Gifts Of God

g                         a) Conditions to the promises of God  KJV    WEB

                                    Gal 3,15-18         Heb 9-1,10,16-18,22         1Pet 3-6

                                    Heb 11,8-19        Lk 21,1-4                            Mat 18-19,20

                                    Mk 11-22,23

h                         b) Conditions to salvation  KJV    WEB

                                    Act 27-22,31         1Tim 1-13         1Pet 2-2,3

                                    Heb 3-6,14            Jn 8-51

i                   5) Conditions to doing the works of Jesus  KJV    WEB

                            Mat 14,26-33         Rev 2,2-5         Rev 17-14


j                   6) Conditions to getting your prayers answered  KJV    WEB

                            Mat 21,23-27         1Pet 3-7              1Jn 3-22

                            Jn 15-7                   Jn 16-23,24        Jn 14,12-15

        B) ETERNAL SECURITY?  Mat 18-14    Commentary

                    1) Perish In Your Sin

k                         a) Perish in your omission of righteousness  KJV    WEB

                                    Mat 24,45-51                 Lk 12-46         Heb 3,15-19

                                    Lk 6,46-49                     Heb 2,1-4                10,26-31

                                    Mat 25,1-13,24-30        Rev 16-15

l                          b) Perish from a lack of fruit (Starvation)  KJV    WEB

                                    Lk 13,6-9         Jn 15-2,6         Rom 11,17-23


                                    Mk 4-7,18,19





Salvation -- Eternal Security?    (Chapter Outline  /  Navigation Bar)


                    2) Perish By Losing Your Faith (Love)

a                         a) The apostasy (walking out the same door you came in)  KJV     WEB

                                    Mat 24-24          1Tim 4-1               Jm 5-19,20

                                    2The 2-3            Heb 6,4-9                    4-4

                                    Lk 8-6,13           Rom 8-38,39        1Jn 5-16

b                         b) Perish in deception  KJV    WEB

                                    1Cor 9-27         Gal 5-4         1The 3-5

                    3) God will accept you into His heaven if you overcome

c                         a) Overcome temptation to give up the faith  KJV    WEB

                                    1Cor 15-1,2           Heb 12,15-17        Rev 14,9-12

                                    Heb 10,37-39        Rev 3-5                           2,3-5

ca                       b) Proven faithful if you overcome  KJV    WEB

                                    Rom 8-16,17        1The 3-7,8        Heb 3-6,12-14

                                    Col 1,21-23

cb                       c) Endure to the end  KJV    WEB

                                    Mat 24-13        Lk 21-19        Rev 2-10,11

                                    Mk 13-13

d                  4) You can get lost again  KJV    WEB

                            Mat 18,12-14,23-35         1Tim 6-10,20,21         2Pet 2,20-22

                            Lk 15,11-14,24,32

e                  5) God Himself will tear you down  KJV    WEB

                            1Cor 3-16,17         1Cor 5-5         Rev 22-19

                            Mat 7-26,27


        A) SALVATION VERSES  Jn 5-24  

                  1) The Kingdom Of God

f                         a) Children of God’s kingdom  KJV    WEB

                                    Mat 13,24-30,37-43         Lk 10-21         Jn 10,10-16

                                    Mk 10-15                          Jn 3,3-8          1Cor 1,19-29

g                         b) Invest in the kingdom of God  KJV    WEB

                                    Mat 7,24-27         Lk 14,28-35         Jn 17,21-26


h                         c) Salvation authority of God’s kingdom  KJV    WEB

                                    Mat 10,40-42         Jn 1-12,13         Jn 14,7-15

i                          d) Salvation authority of Jesus Christ  KJV    WEB

                                    Lk 10-22         Jn 10-17,18         Jn 17,1-3

                                    Jn 5,21-23           12,44-49

                  2) The Generosity Of God’s Salvation

                  Note: These KJV are useful in evangelism (See also: Grace 31d)

j                          a) Salvation is the gift of God  KJV    WEB

                                    Jn 14,16-24          Rom 3-24,25             Eph 2,1-10

                                    Act 2,37-40          2Cor 3,14-16             Jm 4-5

                                           16-30,31        Eph 1-7,8,13,14        Rev 21,6-8

k                         b) Salvation is eternal life  KJV    WEB

                                    Jn 4-10,13,14         Jn 8-51               Jn 6-40,47,51

                                         5,24-29                   10,27-30             12-50

                                         7,37-39                   11-25,26        Heb 5-9

                  3) The Kindness Of God

                           a) God is kind to sinners

l                                   I- He seeks and saves that which was lost  KJV    WEB

                                            Mat 18-11        Lk 15,1-7,11-32        1Tim 1,12-16

                                            Lk 7,36-50            19,5-10                 1Pet 3-18

                                                 9-56             Jn 3,14-17

la                                 II- He calls sinners to repentance  KJV    WEB

                                            Mat 5,43-45        Mk 2,15-17        Jn 5,8-17

                                                   9,10-13        Lk 5,29-31          2Cor 2,5-11






Salvation -- Salvation verses    (Chapter Outline  /  Navigation Bar)


a                         b) The cross  KJV    WEB

                                    Mk 8,34-38         Jn 12,23-26         1Cor 1-18

                                    Lk 9,23-27          Act 5,30-32         1Jn 2-24

                                         14-26,27        Lk 23,39-47

b                         c) You and your household shall be saved  KJV    WEB

                                    Jn 1,40-42         Act 11-14                        Act 18-7,8

                                    Act 2-38,39              16-14,15,31-34        2Tim 1-5

                                    Jn 4,49-53

bb                       d) You can be saved without ever hearing about Jesus  KJV    WEB

                                     Mat 25,20-23,31-46        Rom 2,14-16,25-29        1Jn 3,5-10

                                     Gal 3,23-25                    1Jn 4-7,12,13,16             Mat 6-14

                                     Lk 10,25-28                     Act 17,26-29                       10,40-42

                  4) The Expectations Of God

c                         a) God expects us to repent and be saved  KJV    WEB

                                    Mk 10,19-21         Lk 14,16-24         Act 17-30,31

                                    Lk 5-32                 Jn 3,18-21            2Pet 3-9

                                         24,36-43          Act 24-24,25

d                         b) God expects us to follow Him  KJV    WEB

                                    Mat 7-13,14         Jn 10,1-9         Act 4-12

                                    Jn 8,31-36                 14,1-6

e                5) Preaching on hell  KJV    WEB

                            Mk 9,43-48         Lk 16,19-31         2The 1,6-10


                 1) Being The Friend Of God

                          a) Relationship with God through obedience

f                                  I- We are His friends if we keep His commandments  KJV    WEB

                                            Lk 11,5-8             1Cor 8-3        1Jn 2-3,8

                                            Jn 14-15              Jm 2,21-24           4,19-21

                                                 15-14,15        1Jn 1-6                  5,1-3


fa                                II- We resemble Him through faith  KJV    WEB

                                            Jn 20-31             Eph 6-24        1Pet 1-8

                                            Rom 12-1,2        Ph-4,5            Rev 3-9

                                            1Jn 3,1-3            Mat 5-44,45

g                         b) Father/son relationship  KJV    WEB

                                    Mat 7,9-12         Jn 10-14,15         Heb 2,9-18

                                    Lk 15,11-32            15,9-15                   12,7-11

                                    Jn 5-20                   16-26,27         Mk 15,33-37

                                    Gal 4-6

h                         c) Relationship with God by the Spirit  KJV    WEB

                                    Jn 4-10,13,14         Eph 5-18              Act 1-1,2

                                         14,15-24                    2-18,19         Heb 8-10,11

                                    2Cor 3-18               Lk 1,1-3                Act 17-22,23

                                    Act 15-28                

i                          d) Having fellowship with God  KJV    WEB

                                    Jn 13,3-11         2Cor 13-14         1Jn 1,3-10

                                    1Cor 1-9            Phi 2,1-4             3Jn-13,14

                                    Mk 1,30-34

                  2) Being Married To God    Commentary

                          a) Knowing God

j                                  I- Sharing intimacy with Him  KJV    WEB

                                            Mat 7,21-23          2Tim 1-12           1Jn 5-20

                                            1Cor 6-16,17        1Jn 2-13,14        Rev 2-17

                                                     13-12                   4,6-10                  14-3

ja                                II- Church knows Christ as a woman knows a man  KJV    WEB

                                            Jn 17-2,3             Gal 4-8,9              Rev 19,7-9

                                            2Cor 11-2,3         Eph 5-31,32        1Cor 12,22-24

jb                                III- We are bonded to Him  KJV    WEB

                                            Rom 7,1-6        Phi 3,7-10        Jm 4-4

                                            Gal 3,22-25

k                         b) Emotional relationship  KJV    WEB

                                    Mk 6-10                        Jn 16,19-22          Jn 20,2-10

                                    Lk 7,36-50                         13,23-25          Rom 8-15    

                                    Jn 11,3-6,11,20,28-38        21-7,15-17,20-24

                                    Mat 26-29                      Act 20,36-38





Salvation -- Personal Relationship    (Chapter Outline  /  Navigation Bar)


a                         c) We go where He goes  KJV     WEB

                                    Lk 23-42,43                  Jn 10-4,5,27-30         Jn 14,1-3

                                    Jn 1,22-24,35-39         Jn 12,1-3                     Col 2-6,13

                                    Lk 20,27-36                  2Tim 2-11

                  3) Counterfeit Relationship Through Religion

b                         a) Knowing about God, but not knowing God  KJV    WEB

                                    Mat 25-24                               Jn 15-21         Act 17-22,23

                                    Jn 1,10-13,26                              16-3           1The 4,3-5

                                         14,7-9                                      17-25         Heb 10-30

                                         8,18-24,41,42,54,55         Rev 3-20

c                         b) I never knew you  KJV    WEB

                                    Mat 7,19-23           Lk 13,23-30         2The 1-8,9

                                           25,11-13         1Cor 16-22          Jm 4,1-4


                  1) Righteous Saved With Hardship

d                         a) Righteous saved with adversity  KJV    WEB

                                    Jn 16-33         Act 12,2-11         1The 1-6,7

                                    Act 6,8-15             14-22            2Pet 2-18

e                         b) Righteous saved with endurance  KJV    WEB

                                    Lk 21,34-36         Heb 10,26-39         2The 1-4,5

                                    Heb 3,6-19                   12,1-3             Rev 18-4

f                          c) Righteous saved with grief  KJV    WEB

                                    Mk 10,21-27         Heb 12,18-21,25-29         1Pet 4,17-19

                                    Jn 16,20-22

g                2) Righteous saved with casualties  KJV    WEB

                            Mat 5-29,30         Heb 11-35             Rev 12-11

                            Lk 21,16-19         Rev 6,9-11                    18-20,21,24

                            Act 7,51-60                  14-12,13        Mat 26,38-42

h                3) Fulfill your calling with difficulty  KJV    WEB

                            Mat 2,13-23         Phi 1,27-30         1The 3,1-5

                            Act 9-15,16          1The 2-1,2,14-16


                  1) Jesus Paid The Price For Us

i                          a) Jesus paid our ransom with His own blood  KJV    WEB

                                    Mat 20-28            Rom 5,6-11         1Tim 2-6

                                    Jn 11,49-52         Gal 3-13,14         1Pet 2-24

                                         12-31,32         Col 1,21-23          Rev 5-9

                                    Rom 4-25             Mat 8-16,17

                           b) Jesus is the lamb of God

j                                   I- The Great High Priest offered up Himself  KJV    WEB

                                            Jn 19,12-18        Heb 9,6-27        1Pet 2-4,5

                                            Heb 7,26-28               10,10-12

ja                                 II- He was the Passover lamb  KJV    WEB

                                            Lk 22-7,8        1Pet 1-18,19        Rev 6-16,17

                                            1Cor 5-7         Rev 5-6,12

jb                                 III- We remember His sacrifice at communion  KJV    WEB

                                            Mat 26,26-32        Jn 18-11        1Cor 11,23-26

                                            Lk 22-19

k                         c) Father sent His son to the cross  KJV    WEB

                                    Mk 12-6             Jn 6,38-40,51-58         Rom 8-31,32

                                    Jn 3,14-17         Act 5,30-32                  Gal 1-4

                                         7-18              Heb 5,4-6





Salvation -- Jesus is our Sacrifice    (Chapter Outline  /  Navigation Bar)


a                         d) Jesus saved from death by submitting to the cross  KJV    WEB

                                    Mat 28,5-7         2Tim 1,8-10         Heb 2-9,15-18

                                    Lk 23,40-43

b                2) Jesus goes willingly to the cross  KJV    WEB

                            Mat 26-2                  Gal 2-20         Phi 2,5-8

                            Jn 10-11,15,17,18         3-1           Tit 2-14

                                 13-1                     Eph 5-2          1Jn 3-16

c                3) God used sinners to sacrifice His son  KJV    WEB

                            Mat 27,22-35         Lk 9-22            1The 2-14,15

                            Mk 8-31                 Act 3,13-15      Jn 11-53

        E) JESUS IS OUR SAVIOR  Jn 1-29

d                1) Jesus is Savior of the world  KJV    WEB

                            Jn 1-29                2Cor 5-19,20         1Jn 2-2

                                 4-42                Tit 2,11-13                     4-14

                                 12-46,47        1Tim 2-3,4              Jn 8-23,24

                            Lk 4,14-21

e                2) Especially of believers  KJV    WEB

                            Act 13-22,23         Phi 3-20,21         1Tim 4-10

                            Eph 5-23,25          1The 5-8,9           2Tim 2-10

f                 3) We must believe in the savior to be saved  KJV    WEB

                            Jn 3-36            2Tim 3-15         2Pet 3-18

                            Rom 1-16        Act 10,37-42

g                4) Jesus is the only savior  KJV    WEB

                            Jn 10-9         Jn 14,5-7         Act 4-12


        A) SALVATION IS FROM THE JEWS  Jn 4-22  U-Tube: God's Evidence in His people

                1) The Jew first

h                       a) Jews lead the world to faith in Jesus  KJV    WEB

                                  Jn 4-22             Rev 12,1-6        Act 17,10-13

                                  Act 6-5                     14,1-5        Rom 11-12,15-32

                                  Rom 9-4,5        2Jn-1,5,6

ha                     b) Jesus was a Jew  KJV    WEB

                                  Act 3,22-26        Act 13,14-52        Act 26-23


hb                     c) Jesus ministered to gentiles by exception  KJV    WEB

                                  Mat 15,22-28        Mk 7,26-30        Lk 17,11-19

                2) Jews are believers

i                        a) Gospel belongs to the Jew first  KJV    WEB

                                  Rom 1-16         Rev 7,1-8                           Act 19,32-34

                                  Act 17,1-4        Rom 2-9,10,17,25-29        Rev 11-1,2

                                  Rom 10-1

ia                      b) Gentile Christians have a Jewish religion  KJV    WEB

                                  Act 10-44,45        Rom 11,23-27        Rom 15,25-27

                                  Rom 4,11-17                  3-1,2

ib                      c) Jew and Gentile believers are one flock with one shepherd  KJV    WEB

                                  Jn 17-20,21        Rom 10-12        Gal 2-15,16

                                       10-16                       9-6

        B) GENTILES INCLUDED  Act 11-18

                  1) Fellow Heirs With Israel (Spiritual Jew)

j                          a) God welcomes the Gentiles to the promise of Israel  KJV    WEB

                                    Act 9-24                  Act 14-1,27            Gal 3-8,14

                                          10,9-36,44-48         15,7-19            Col 1-26,27

                                          3,19-26             Rom 11,13-16        Rom 15,7-12,26,27

                                    Act 18-27,28

k                         b) Ministry to the Gentiles  KJV    WEB

                                    Act 11,1-23                  Gal 2-8,9             1Tim 2-7

                                    Rom 1,5-7,13-16         Eph 3-1,6-12        2Tim 4-17

                                    Gal 1,15-24                  Act 9-15,16         1Cor 5-1





Salvation -- Gentiles Included     (Chapter Outline  /  Navigation Bar)


a                         c) We are one in Christ  KJV    WEB

                                    Jn 10-16         Gal 3-28              Eph 4,17-19

                                         11-52         Eph 2,11-22        1Pet 2-12

                                    Rom 3-29,30

b                2) God gives the Gentiles Israel’s place  KJV    WEB

                            Mat 8-11,12         Act 22-21              Rom 10-19,20

                            Mk 12-9                      28-28                        11,17-25

                            Mat 3,7-9             Mat 21,28-46        Mat 22,1-14

c                3) Gentiles steal the kingdom from Israel through obedience  KJV    WEB

                            Mat 13-44             Act 18-5,6                   1The 2,14-16

                            Act 13,44-48        Rom 11-11,12,28        Lk 19,12-27

                            Rom 9,10-13