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I) GOD’S PRIORITIES A) GOD’S INTERESTS Mat 16-231) God Is Interested In His People a a) God is interested in the church KJV WEB Lk 9,54-56 Jn 17,21-26 Col 1,19-27 Jn 16-26,27 Eph 1,15-23 b b) God is interested in our spiritual health KJV WEB Phi 1-11 Col 2-6,7 Jm 4-5 2-13 2Tim 1-9 1Jn 3-22 3Jn-2 c c) God is interested in our freedom KJV WEB Lk 4-18,19 Jn 15,7-11 Heb 6,17-20 Jn 12-49,50 Act 26-28,29 Jm 2-12,13 2) Concern 2Cor 11-28,29 d a) Caring about the body of Christ KJV WEB Act 20,28-31 2Cor 12-20,21 Gal 4-19,20 2Cor 11-2,3,28,29 Col 2-1,2 1Cor 7-7,8,24-40 e b) Concerned about your well being KJV WEB Eph 6-21,22 Phi 4-10 Ph-12,13 Phi 2-20,28 Col 4-13 f c) Caring about the will of God KJV WEB Lk 22,39-44 2Cor 4-8 Heb 3-12 1Cor 7,26-35 g 3) God is interested in the cross KJV WEB Lk 9,51-53 Jn 12-27 Rom 5-18,19 13,31-33 13-31,32 Heb 2-10,11 Jn 10-17,18 Act 2-23,24 10,4-10 h 4) God is interested in the gospel KJV WEB Act 9-15,16 Act 23-11,31-35 Gal 1-11,12,15,16 17-30,31 Rom 10-1 1Pet 4-6 18-9,10 i 5) Things that please God KJV WEB Lk 10-21 Col 3-20 Heb 11-2,5 Eph 5-10 1The 4,1-7 13-20,21 j 6) God’s interests are not man’s interests KJV WEB Mat 16-23 1Cor 1-21 1Pet 3-17 Lk 12,22-32 Phi 2-20,21 B) THE WILL OF GOD Eph 5-17 Commentary1) We Play Our Part In The Will Of God k a) Doing the will of God KJV WEB Mat 26-39,42 1The 4-3 1Pet 4-19 Jn 4,31-34 5-18 5-1,2 Rom 12-1,2 Heb 10-35,36 1Jn 2-17 Eph 6-5,6 1Pet 2,13-15 Act 5,24-28
248 Priorities -- God’s will (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
a b) Knowing the will of God KJV WEB Mat 8-3 Col 1,9-12 Jm 4,13-17 Rom 1-9,10 4-12 1Jn 5,13-15 Eph 5-17 Act 21,9-14 b 2) God exercises His will KJV WEB Rom 8,26-28 Eph 1,3-11 Jm 1-18 1Cor 1-1 Col 1-1 Rev 4-11 Gal 1-4 2Tim 1-1 c 3) The will of God is sometimes a mystery KJV WEB Act 16-13,16,24,25 2Cor 7,8-10 Act 20-16 Jn 11,3-6,14,15,21-27,38-45 d 4) The will of God is acceptable to Him KJV WEB Rom 12-2 1Tim 5-3,4 Rev 3-15 1Tim 2,1-4 II) GOD’ S PREEMINENCE A) JESUS IS FIRST Col 1-18e 1) Jesus has first place in everything KJV WEB Eph 4,8-10 Heb 6-20 Rev 21-6 Col 1,15-18 Rev 1-8,17 22-13 f 2) Jesus is first born of the Father KJV WEB 1Cor 15,20-23 1Jn 4-9 Rev 1-5 g 3) Jesus is the beginning of the creation of God KJV WEB Col 1-16,17 Heb 2-10 Rev 3-14 B) VALUES LK 10-421) Valuing God h a) Knowing God is more important than serving Him KJV WEB Lk 10,38-42 Rom 14,13-21 1Cor 13,1-3 Jn 4,31-34 15,1-3 Phi 3,4-10 i b) Do not value things that devalue God KJV WEB Mat 23,16-26 Lk 16,19-31 1Tim 6,17-19 Mk 12,13-17 19,15-26 Heb 10,34-36 Lk 12,13-34 Act 20-33 Jm 1,2-9 Lk 14,16-24 Phi 1-9,10 2) The Highest Values 1Cor 13-13 Gal 6-10 2Pet 1-20,21 14-1 1Tim 2-1 3-3 15,3-8 1Pet 4-8 3Jn-4 k b) Some things take precedence over others KJV WEB Mat 4,18-20 1Cor 6-12 1Tim 5,3-16 Act 19-27 Phi 1,21-25 Heb 10-8,9 Rom 15,22-29 Heb 7,3-8 l c) The life to come is more important than this one KJV WEB Mat 18-8,9 Jn 11,3-6,38-45 Act 21,9-14 Lk 10-20 Act 25,15-23 Jn 6,26-36
249 Priorities -- Values (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
a d) Spirit over the law KJV WEB C) WEALTH Heb 10-34 Commentary1) True Perception Of Wealth a) Do not trust the carnal perception of wealth b I- do not pursue wealth KJV WEB Act 20-33 1Tim 6,5-12 Heb 13-5,6 1Tim 3-3,8,9 Act 21,1-3 Mat 6-25 c II- the pursuit of wealth brings a curse KJV WEB Lk 6-24,25 Rom 11,7-10 Rev 18,1-24 d III- do not try to hold on to your money KJV WEB Mat 25,14-21,34 2Cor 9,8-12 3Jn-6 Mk 12,41-44 Jm 2,15-17 Lk 9,22-26 e IV- do not depend on wealth KJV WEB Mat 10-9,10 Lk 1-53 1Tim 6,17-19 f V- wealth influences your motives KJV WEB Act 24-26,27 Jm 2,1-7 1Pet 5-1,2 b) The infinite and eternal wealth of God I- God’s perception of wealth g A- Our hope in this life KJV WEB Act 3,4-8 Jm 1,2-5,12,21,22,25 Rev 2-9 Rom 11-12,33 3,1-4,13,17,18 3-18 Col 2,1-4,8-10 4,5-10 ga B- Our blessed hope of eternal life KJV WEB Eph 1-3,6-9,18-23 Heb 10-34 Rev 21,9-27 Eph 3,11-21 1Pet 1,3-7,18,19 h II- being rich in Jesus KJV WEB 1Cor 1-5 Eph 3-8,16-21 Col 3-16 2Cor 6-10 Phi 4,11-13,19 Tit 3-8 Eph 2,4-7 Col 1-26,27 2Pet 1,3-8 Mat 13-12,44-46 3Jn-2 2Cor 8-9 2) World’s Perception Of Wealth (Materialism) a) The world's wealth erodes good values i I- being a slave to wealth KJV WEB Mat 6-24 Mk 10,17-31 Rev 9-20,21 19,23-26 Lk 16,1-13 Jm 5,1-6 j II- the world’s wealth is deceitful KJV WEB Mat 13-22 Lk 8-14 Jn 11,46-48 Mk 4-18,19 k III- the world attains wealth by hook and crook KJV WEB Lk 16,14-17 Act 19,23-27 2Tim 3,1-5 b) The world’s wealth has no value l I- the world’s idea of wealth opposes the truth KJV WEB Lk 14,16-24 1Cor 9-25 1Jn 2-15,16 1Cor 4-8 Gal 2-6 Rev 6-5,6 m II- the world’s wealth cannot afford a single soul KJV WEB Mk 8-36,37 Lk 12,13-21 Lk 16,19-31
250 Priorities -- Sequence of Priorities (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
III) GOD’S PREREQUISITES A) SEQUENCE OF PRIORITIES 1Cor 15-461) In All Things ... 1The 5-18 a a) Glorify God in all things KJV WEB 1Cor 10-31 2Cor 11-6 Heb 13-20,21 16-14 Col 3-17 b b) Be obedient in all things KJV WEB 2Cor 2-9 2Cor 9-11 1Tim 4-7,8 8-7 Col 3-20 1Cor 11,23-26 Mat 3-14,15 c c) Be a servant in all things KJV WEB 2Cor 6,4-10 1Tim 3-11 Tit 2-7,9,10 Eph 5-24 2Tim 4-5 d d) Be innocent of all evil KJV WEB 2Cor 7-11 Tit 1-15 Heb 13-18 Mat 10-16 Rom 14,15-21 Act 20-26 Rom 16-19 Phi 2-14,15 e e) Give thanks for all things KJV WEB Eph 5-20 Phi 4-6,7 1The 5-17,18 f 2) Natural then the spiritual (Obedience then anointing) KJV WEB Mat 5-23,24 Lk 17,7-10 1Cor 15-46 Lk 11-41 Mat 10-40 Act 2,41-47 1Pet 1-6,7 Gal 3,22-26 Rev 7-1 g 3) Spiritual then the natural (Anointing then miracles) KJV WEB Rom 4,9-16 Gal 3,16-18 1Pet 4-17 1Cor 11,7-12 1Cor 4-8 Rev 8-1 h 4) The first is a condition for what comes after it (Cause and effect) KJV WEB Mat 6-33 2Pet 1,5-8 1Jn 4-10,19 Eph 1-12 Rev 16,1-21 Mat 19,16-22 1Tim 5,3-16 Lk 19,1-10 Rom 4,9-25 Rom 8,20-23,28-30 Jm 1-18 hh 5) Believe the first message; all subsequent messages are meant to dissuade you KJV WEB Mat 24-4,5 2Cor 11-4 2The 2,1-3 1Tim 2-13,14 1Jn 2-7,8 Jd-3 1Cor 4,14-16 Gal 1-8,9 Rev 2-14 Tit 1-10,11 B) LISTS Gal 5,19-211) List Of Traits That Can Be Found In Man i a) List of deeds of the body KJV WEB Rom 13,12-14 Eph 5,3-5 Rev 20-12 2Cor 12-20,21 1Tim 1-9,10 22-15 Gal 5,19-21 Tit 3-3 j b) List of traits of the heart KJV WEB Mat 15-19 2Cor 6,14-16 2Tim 3,1-5,10 Rom 1,28-32 2) Terms Of Graduating To The Next Level k a) List of spiritual traits in descending order KJV WEB Rom 12,6-21 Gal 5-22,23 Jm 3-17,18 1Cor 12,7-11,28 Col 3,12-17 Rev 20-15 13,4-8 1Tim 6-11 l b) List of prerequisites KJV WEB Mat 25,34-40 1Tim 5,9-16 2Pet 1,5-8 1Tim 3,2-13 m 3) List of physical circumstances KJV WEB Rom 8,35-39 2Cor 4-8,9 2Cor 6,4-10 1Cor 4,9-13
251 Priorities -- Making Plans (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
C) MAKING PLANS Jm 4,13-151) Making Plans According To The Will Of God a a) Making plans within the boundaries of God’s will KJV WEB Act 19-21,22 1Cor 16,2-12 Phi 1,21-25 20,3-16 2Cor 1,15-17 1Tim 3-14,15 b b) Making plans according to the counsel of His will KJV WEB Mat 25,1-4 Eph 3-11 Rev 6,9-11 Act 20-22 c 2) Making evil plans KJV WEB Mat 28,11-15 Lk 12,16-21 1Tim 6-9,10 Mk 14,27-31 Act 23,12-15 Jm 4,13-17