37 (See Chapter Outline)
I) THE JUDGMENT OF JESUS CHRIST (TRUST IN THE CROSS Commentary)*** POWER OF GOD’S JUDGMENT ON HIS SON (WE ARE THE SCAPEGOAT) ***A) JESUS IS JUDGED BY GOD 2Cor 5-21 Commentarya 1) God judged the sin of the world through Christ KJV WEB
Mat 23-35,36 Jn 18-11
Gal 3-13,14 9,54-56 Lk 23,17-25,39-47 Mat 26,38-42 Act 3-14,15 Rom 9-22,23 Mk 15-15 b
2) Father slays His son KJV
Mk 14-27
Col 2-15
Lk 24,41-43 1Tim 2-5,6
1Jn 1-1,2 e 2) He was part of the lineage of David KJV WEB 3,23-38 Mat 22,41-46 Jn 8-13,14 Act 2,25-32 Heb 7-14 Lk 20,41-44 f 3) Jesus had human limitations KJV WEB
Mk 11-12 Jn 4-6
Heb 2,5-18
Act 2,25-28
Lk 22,35-38 g
a) His blood is the gift of His grace KJV
WEB h b) His blood delivered us from destruction KJV WEB
Jn 6,53-58 1Pet 1-2,7,17-19,23-25
Rev 3-17,18 j
b) Jesus emptied Himself of all His blood KJV
1Cor 1-18 Lk
38 Judgment of God -- Jesus Emptied Himself (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
3) God judged the devil through the blood of His son KJV
I- resurrection overcomes death KJV
Rom 4-17,23-25 Eph 5-13,14
V- resurrection of freedom KJV
Jn 14,1-3 Rom 8-11,23 2Cor 4-14 2Pet 3-13 11-15 1The 4,13-18 Rev 11-11,12 j II- resurrection of the wicked KJV WEB Gal 2-18 Rev 17-8,11 Rev 20,11-15 Rev 13-3,12 2Pet 2,9-11 k III- resurrection of the righteous and the wicked KJV WEB Mat 25,31-46 Jn 5,27-29 Act 24-15
39 Judgment of God -- Resurrection (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
a c) Resurrection of Jesus Christ KJV WEB Jn 10-17,18 1Cor 15-4 2Tim 2-8
Gal 1-1
Heb 13-20,21 b d) Characteristics of the resurrection KJV WEB
Mat 22,29-32
2Cor 5,1-9
Heb 11-35 c e) Preaching the resurrection KJV WEB Act 4-1,2 Act 25-19 Act 26-8,23 23,6-8 d f) Witnesses of Jesus’ resurrection KJV WEB Mat 28,5-10,16-20 Act 3-15 Act 10,39-41 Lk 24,13-52 Jn 21,1-14 Jn 20,1-23,26-30 2) Victory 1Cor 15-57 e
a) Jesus overcame the world KJV
WEB 1Cor 13-8 1Cor 15,54-58 Col 2-15 3) Jesus Defeated Satan a) Jesus defeated his authority i I- Jesus defeated Satan on the cross KJV WEB Jn 12-31,32 Col 2-14,15 Rev 1-17,18 ia II- The demons are subject to Christ KJV WEB Lk 8,26-33 1Pet 3-22 Jn 18,4-9 Heb 1-13 ib III- Church has inherited Jesus' authority KJV WEB Eph 1,18-23 1Jn 3-5,8 1Jn 4-4 b) Jesus defeated this world system j I- Jesus defeated Satan in the world KJV WEB Mat 4,1-11 Lk 13,10-17 Rev 12,1-17 Lk 4,3-13 Rev 6,1-8,12-17 ja II- Jesus defeated people who serve Satan KJV WEB Jn 11,46-48 Rev 17-14 Rev 19,1-3,11-21 12,9-11 18-20,21 k 4) Jesus defeated the law of sin KJV WEB Rom 5,12-21 Rom 8,1-3 1Pet 4,17-19
1Cor 15,54-58 Rev 21-4 l 5) The essence of life defeated the essence of death KJV WEB Jn 6,47-51 2Tim 1-10 Rev 2-8 1Tim 6-15,16 Lk 2,5-20
40 Judgment of God -- Jesus is the Judge (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
*** JESUS EXECUTES GOD’S JUDGMENT THROUGH THE CROSS *** E) JESUS IS THE JUDGE Rev 19,11-131) Jesus Judges The Sin Of The World a a) Jesus judged the world’s unbelief KJV WEB
Mat 7,21-23
Jn 3-18,19
Heb 4-12,13 Lk 20-17,18 12,37-40 Rev 14,14-20 b b) Jesus judged the world’s disobedience KJV WEB Mk 8-38 2The 1,6-10 1Pet 2-7,8 Jn 3-36 2,6-12 Rev 6,12-17 Mat 25,31-33,41-46 19,12-16
2) Blood Of Jesus Judges The World
Rev 15,5-8 Eph 1,18-23 1Jn 3-5,8 Rom 13,1-4
Mat 3,7-9
Mat 20,25-28
1Cor 4,3-5
Rev 10,8-11
Rev 14,6-11
Act 9,3-7 l a) God defends His righteousness through judgment KJV WEB
Act 5,1-11 2Pet 3,3-14
Rev 18,4-8 2Pet 2,1-22 Heb 1-8,9 m b) God defends His righteous ones through judgment KJV WEB
Mat 23,29-36 2The 1,5-10
Jm 5,1-6 n 2) God defends His truth through judgment KJV WEB Act 9-16 Jn 9,39-41 1Tim 4-2 13,6-12 2The 2-11,12 2Tim 3,7-9,13 14,19-21
41 Judgment of God -- Glory Through Judgment (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
a 3) God is glorified as the judge of all KJV WEB
Rom 3-5,6 Rom 11-33
10-12 Jn 14-30 Rev 5-4,5 Lk 4,1-13
2Cor 5-21 Lk
3-15,16 fa II- Example of Abraham KJV WEB Rom 4,2-25 Gal 3-6,13,14,21,22 Jm 2-23 fb III- Justified by faith KJV WEB Rom 1-17 Rom 3-21,22,25,26 Rom 5-1,2 fc IV- Faith apart from the law KJV WEB
b) God’s righteousness is His doing KJV
1Jn 3-9
1Cor 12-31
42 Judgment of God -- Blameless (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
a II- prepare for His return KJV WEB
1Cor 1-8
1The 3-12,13
2Pet 3-14 Heb 10-24,25 b
b) Blameless before men KJV
WEB 26-31,32 Rev 12,7-11 Act 3-20,21 1Jn 2-1,10 1Jn 3,5-7,9 2Pet 1-10 5) Innocent Act 24-13 d a) Having no evidence against you in a court of law KJV WEB
Jn 18,18-24 Act 18,12-17
Act 26-31,32 25-7,18-20,25-27 e b) Innocent before God KJV WEB
Act 20,24-27 2Cor 7-11
1Pet 1-6,7 f c) Innocent of all evil KJV WEB Rom 16-19 Phi 2-14,15 Rev 13-7,10
B) THE TRANSFORMATION PROCESS a) Conform to the righteousness of Christ g I- conform to His love KJV WEB Jn 15-9,10 1Cor 13,4-8 Jm 2,8-13 Rom 12-14 Gal 5,22-26 1Pet 3-8,9 13,8-10 Eph 5-1,2 1Jn 4-11 h II- conform to His purity KJV WEB 1The 4,3-5 Jm 1-27 1Jn 3,3-7 2Tim 2-19 1Pet 1,14-22 3Jn-11 Tit 2-14 1Jn 2-1 i III- conform to His mind KJV WEB Rom 12-1,2 Eph 4,22-24 Jm 1,22-25 1Cor 2-16 Col 3-9,10 2Pet 1,3-11 Eph 3-18,19 Act
43 Judgment of God -- Conform To Christ (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
a II- conform to His resurrection KJV WEB Rom 6,3-14 Phi 3,7-14 1Pet 1-6,7 Phi 2,3-11 Heb 12,1-6 4,12-19 2Cor 4,10-12,16 Rev 11,7-10 c) Conform to the character of Christ b I- Conform to His nature KJV WEB Jn 12-35,36 Heb 4-9,10 Rev 2,26-29 2Cor 5-17 1Jn 1,5-8 3-21 c II- conform to His image KJV WEB Lk 6-40 Rom 13-14 2Cor 3-18 Rom 8-29 1Cor 15,47-49 Gal 4-19 d) Conform to the ministry of Christ d I- conform to His ministry to the church KJV WEB Jn 13,3-17 Eph 4-31,32 Col 3-12,13 Act 20-28,31 Phi 2-29,30 1Pet 2-4,5 e II- conform to His ministry to the world KJV WEB Mk 6,7-13 Act 4-13 Act 16,26-31 Jn 20-21 Lk 18,28-30 Jn 7,1-14 f e) Conform to me as I conform to Christ KJV WEB Act 26-28,29 1Cor 11,1-3 Heb 6-12 2) Perfect (mature) Mat 5-48 Commentary Mk 10,46-52 Eph 5-27 Jm 1-17,25 Jn 2-9,10 1Tim 6-13,14 1Jn 2-21,27 Rom 8-1,2 Heb 10-1-7,14 3-2 Lk 6-40 Jm 3-2 Eph 4,11-16 Jn 11-9,10 1Cor 13-10 1Tim 1-15,16 1Jn 5-18 Phi 1-6 Heb 12-2 Jd-24 1The 5-23 1Pet 5-10 Mat 6-12,13 j d) Perfected in love KJV WEB Mat 5,38-48 Col 3-14 1Jn 4,7-12,16-21 Lk 6,27-38 1Jn 2-5 Jn 17-23 k e) Perfected in weakness KJV WEB 2Cor 12-8,9 Heb 5,7-9 1Pet 1,4-7 Heb 2-9,10 Jm 1-4,12 Heb 4,14-16 l f) Perfecting the will of God KJV WEB Rom 12,1-3 Phi 3,12-15 Col 4-12 2Cor 7-1
44 Judgment of God -- Complete (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
3) Complete Col 2-14 a) It is finished Jn 19-30 a I- fulfillment of God’s will KJV WEB Jn 19,28-30 Gal 5,7-11 Heb 7-26,27 Act 3,18-22 2Tim 4-7 Rev 10-7 Gal 1-8,9 Heb 5,7-9 21-6 Heb 1,1-13 Heb 4-3 Heb 6-16 b) Fulfillment c I- fulfill the requirements KJV WEB 2Cor 8-6,10,11 1Jn 2-5 Rev 3-2 Jm 1-12 3-18 6,9-11 2,20-26 4-12,17,18 Mat 3,13-15 d II- finish the course KJV WEB
Act 20,17-32 Phi 2-30
2Tim 4-7 Rom 8-1,2 Eph 1-10 f d) Completing the will of God KJV WEB
1Cor 1-10
Eph 6-11 1Pet 1-6,7,13 g e) Lacking in nothing KJV WEB
Mk 10-21 1Cor 13-10
Jm 1-4 Jn 16-24 Phi 2,1-4 1Jn 1-4 4) Fulfill Your Ministry Col 4-17 a) Fulfill your calling from God
Mk 6-36,37
Eph 2-10 Ph-21,22 j II- fulfill it according to the will of God KJV WEB
2Cor 4-1,2
1Tim 1-18,19 Heb 9-14 1Tim 5-3,4,9,10,16 Act 27,1-8 Act 12,1-3 b) Fulfill your ministry in evangelism k I- Complete your mission KJV WEB Mat 28,18-20 Rom 15-18,19 Col 1-25 Mk 16-15 2Cor 10-13 4,2-6 Act 26-31,32 1The 1-7,8 ka II- Fulfill your ministry through opposition KJV WEB Act 4-29 Act 22,1-22 1The 2,1-12 Act 21-20,21,27-40 1The 1,6-8 l c) Make sacrifices for the ministry KJV WEB Act 20,28-35 Phi 2-17 1The 1-6,7 21,9-14 Col 1-24,25 2Tim 4-6
45 Judgment of God -- Believers’ judgment (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
C) GOD JUDGES HIS PEOPLE IF THEY DO NOT JUDGE THEMSELVES 1) Believers’ Judgment 2Cor 5-10 a) God judges His people for what they do in the body a I- preparing in life for the believer’s judgment KJV WEB
Lk 21-36
2Cor 1-14 Phi 2-16 b II- we will be judged according to our deeds KJV WEB
Rom 14,10-12 2Tim 4-1
Rev 2,14-16,20-25 1The 4,3-8 b) God judges His people for their walk in the spirit c I- God rewards His people for bearing fruit KJV WEB Lk 19,16-19 2Tim 4-8 1Jn 4-17 d II- God judges His people for not bearing fruit KJV WEB Lk 13,6-9 Rev 2-4,5 Rev 3-3 19,20-26 2) Judged believers’ sin 1Pet 2-24 a) God judged His people through His son e I- believers’ sin is judged on the cross KJV WEB Jn 6,51-58 Phi 2,5-11 Heb 2-14,15 Gal 3-13,14 Col 2,13-15 1Jn 3-5,8 Heb 9,11-14,25,26 Act 3,13-15 f II- Jesus absorbed the sin of the church KJV WEB Mat 27-46,50,51 Jn 18-11 Heb 5,7-10 Jn 13,3-17 2Cor 5-21 1Pet 2-24 g b) God will judge us with the world if we live like them KJV WEB
Lk 6-37
2Cor 12-21 1Pet 1-17 11,31-34 Rev 3-2,3,15-19 h c) God will judge us if we don’t heed His word KJV WEB Mat 5-19 Heb 2,1-4 Heb 4,3-5 1Cor 4,2-4 3,6-19 Jm 3-1 i d) God will judge us for trampling on His son KJV WEB 1Cor 11,27-30 Heb 6,4-8 2Pet 2,20-22 1Tim 1,18-20 10,26-31 j e) God will judge us for the words we speak KJV WEB Jm 5-9,12 *** GOD USES HIS PEOPLE TO JUDGE SATAN *** D) SPIRITUAL WARFARE Eph 6,10-20 Commentary1) Subjecting Your Flesh to be Innocent of Your Opponent’s Sin a) Satan versus the saints k I- Defeating Satan in weakness of sinful flesh KJV WEB Mat 5,43-45 1Jn 4,2-4 Rev 12,1-13,17 l II- Fighting against Satan KJV WEB Mat 12,25-29 Lk 11-21,22 Rev 20,7-10 m III- Demons are subject to the Church through Christ KJV WEB Lk 10,17-20 1Cor 6-3 Eph 6,10-12 Mat 17,14-21 Mk 9,25-29 See also: 46k
46 Judgment of God -- Spiritual Warfare (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
b) The violent take it by force a I- Taking the kingdom by force KJV WEB Mat 11-12 Lk 16-16 2Cor 10,2-6 Lk 13-34,35 Jn 18-36 Jd-23 aa II- Taking the sinful nature by force KJV WEB Rom 6,10-14 Eph 2,14-16 1The 5-15 2Cor 9,8-11 Phi 3,7-14 ab III- Fight the good fight of faith KJV WEB Lk 17-5,6 1Tim 1-18,19 1Jn 4-18 b c) Preparing for battle KJV WEB Rom 16-19,20 1The 5-8 Rev 1-16 2Cor 6,4-10 Heb 4,8-13 2-12,16 c d) Revelation knowledge is our weapon KJV WEB Lk 24-45 Eph 1,15-23 1Pet 1-13 Act 23,12-16,22 4-3 1Jn 2-7,8,12-14 d e) Hindrances to the kingdom KJV WEB
Mk 2,1-12 Rom 8,35-39
1Pet 2,4-8
1Tim 6-11,12
2Tim 4,6-8 Mk 1-13 Mat 24-4,5,23-25 Lk 22,40-46 Eph 4,22-32 1Jn 2-18 Rev 13,1-18
Rev 17,8-13
Lk 4,1-13
Lk 8,26-33 Eph 6,10-20 Act 20,28-31 Jm 4-7
Mat 2,1-23 Rev 18,1-24 Lk 11-17,18 Rom 9-22,23
Act 2-23,24
Col 1-16,19,20
1Pet 3-22
Lk 4,33-37
Rom 16-20 See also: 45m m d) Demons are subject to the word of God KJV WEB
Lk 4,1-13 Act 19-15
1Jn 2-13,14
47 Judgment of God -- Hell (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
III) GOD JUDGES THE WORLD 1) Hell Is A Place Of Sorrow a) Hell is a great fire prepared for the devil and his angels a I- the lake of fire KJV WEB
25-41,46 Rev 14,9-11
Rev 20,9-15 Lk 8-30,31 Mat 8-28,29 b II- burning site where people are thrown away KJV WEB Mat 7-19 Lk 3-9,17 Jn 15-2,6 c b) Hell is to be avoided at any cost KJV WEB
Mat 5-29,30
Mk 9,43-48
Jm 3-6 2) Hell is a place d
a) Hell is a place of destruction KJV
WEB Rev 9,1-12 Rev 16,1-12 Lk 6,20-26
Lk 16-9,23-28
Jn 7-33,34
48 Judgment of God -- Eternal Judgment (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
2) Eternal consequences for sin
b 3) God’s eternal judgment on the world
1Cor 5-12,13 Mat 25,41-46
Jd,6-8 e a) In the day of judgment KJV WEB
Mat 23-14 2Cor 11-14,15
2Tim 4-14,15
Mat 16-27 Rom 13-3,4 Gal 6-7,8 1Pet 1-17 1Cor 10,5-11 Col 3-25 Act 4,23-31 g 2) Judged according to your standard of measure KJV WEB 23-32 16-25 Rev 18,5-8 Mk 4-24 1The 2,14-16 Lk 21,1-4 h 3) Judged according to your type of sin KJV WEB Act 8,18-24 1Cor 6-18 Rev 2,21-23 i 4) Judged according to your knowledge of God KJV WEB Mat 11,20-24 Lk 12-47,48 Heb 2-2,3 12-41,42 19-22 Lk 10,12-15 j 5) Judged by withdrawing rewards KJV WEB k 6) God judges your enemies according to your faithfulness KJV WEB Act 12,1-4,18-23 Rom 12-19,20 Jm 5,4-6
Jn 20-23
1Pet 3-9 l a) Enemies of the truth are destroyed KJV WEB
Act 3-22,23 2Tim 3,7-9
1Pet 2-7,8 m b) Enemies of His grace are destroyed KJV WEB Mat 2,13-20 Lk 22-21,22 Phi 3-18,19 22,4-7,11-14 1Cor 3-16,17 Heb 10-12,13 n c) Enemies of His glory are destroyed KJV WEB Mat 16-28 Lk 19,12-14,27 Heb 1-13 Mk 12-36 1Cor 15-25 Rev 17,14-18
49 Judgment of God -- God’s Enemies Destroyed (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
2) Nations Destroyed a a) Israel judged as an example for us KJV WEB
Mat 12,43-45
Lk 19,41-44 Act 6-14 Rom 11,17-24 Rom 10-21 b
b) God judges the nations through the church KJV
Rev 3-9
16,17-21 Mk 4-7,18,19 e 5) Enemies of the church are destroyed KJV WEB
Lk 17-1,2
1The 2,14-16
2Tim 4-14,15 f 6) Enemies of the prophets are destroyed KJV WEB
Mat 23,29-36
Rev 18,6-8,17-24 g 7) Enemies of God’s will are destroyed KJV WEB
Mk 1-24 Jm 4,1-4
Rev 20,1-3 E) LAST DAYS 2Tim 3-1 Commentary
1) Judgment Day Rev
Mat 13,40-42
Lk 23,27-31
Rom 2-5,6,16 Mat 23,29-36 Mk 13-19,20 2The 1,5-10 2The 2,1-12 Mat 24-21,22 1Pet 4,12-19 1Cor 10-13 2) State Of Affairs In The Last Days l a) Condition of the world in the last days KJV WEB Mat 24,1-14 Lk 21,7-19,25,26 2Pet 3,3-14 Mk 13,1-13 Jm 5,1-11 Jd-18 m b) Condition of the church in the last days KJV WEB Lk 15,11-32 2Tim 3,1-13 Mat 25,1-46 Mat 24,42-51 1Tim 4,1-3 Rev 3-10 2Tim 4-3,4 Eph 5,25-27 Mk 15,3-5
50 Judgment of God -- Last Days (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
a c) Condition of Israel in the last days KJV WEB b 3) The second coming of Christ KJV WEB Mat 24,25-41 Jn 14-2,3 Jm 5-7,8
Mk 13,24-37 Act 1-6,7
1Jn 2-28 6) God calls His two witnesses as benevolent stewards of the grace of God, who call the 144,000 Jewish witnesses, who manage the worldwide revival of the gentiles during the Seals of Satan's wrath (Rev 11,3-12). Pay attention to the Two Witnesses who switch roles and become God's vengeful adjudicators during the Trumpets. Also, read the stories of Joseph and Daniel, paying close attention to: Genesis chapter 41 and Daniel chapters 1&2. 7) Jewish Led Great Endtime Revival Mat 22,1-14 Commentary a) Jews lead the world in revival d I- Israel prophesied to lead the harvest at the end of the age KJV WEB Mat 13-30 Lk 14,15-24 Jm 5-7,8 Mat 22,1-14 Jn 4,34-38 Rev 7,1-17 da II- Israel prophesied to believe in Jesus at the end of the age KJV WEB Mat 23,37-39 Act 5,11-16 1The 5,1-11 db III- Israel prophesied to unite the body of Christ at the end of the age KJV WEB Jn 17,21-26 2Jn,1-5 Rev 12,1-17 dc b) Israel prophesied to restore the gentiles to salvation KJV WEB Act 13,44-48 Rom 9,22-29 Rom 11,1-36 15,13-19 Lk 24,25-27 Mat 24-14 8,26-35 Rom 15,9-12 Act 3,19-21 Mat 17,10-13 dd c) Jews become obedient in the last days KJV WEB Mat 21,28-32,42-44 Lk 13-35 Col 3,1-4
F) SEQUENCE OF ENDTIME EVENTS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 17, 18, 10, 11, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22 - The "Beast" refers to a religious/economic/political/military new world order - These events occur within a relatively short period - Mathematical calculations are based on 8 billion world population - The first half of the tribulation is the seals of Satan's wrath, martyrdom of the saints - The second half, the trumpets, is God's response to the world martyring His people - The bowls of God's judgment are not part of the tribulation of the saints; they have been raptured - God judges the world for refusing to repent. G) SEQUENCE OF REVELATION Commentary e 1) Church gets right with God KJV WEB Rev 1,1-6,8-20 Rev 2,1-8,11-29 Rev 3,1-22 2) First Half Of The Tribulation (3 1/2 years) ea a) Heavenly ceremony prior to the seals Rev 5,1-14 KJV WEB b) The seals of Satan's wrath (2 billion people die within a 3.5 year period) · First seal - collapse of the global economy Rev 6-1,2 · Second seal - WWIII Rev 6-3,4 · Third seal - Rioting, social unrest, famine and disease Rev 6-5,6 · Forth seal - Starvation (Massive human die-off) Rev 6-7,8 f · Fifth seal - Mark of the beast -- Martyrdom KJV WEB Rev 2-9,10 Rev 6,9-11 Rev 13,1-18 g · Angelic warning not to take the mark of the beast Rev 14,6-13 KJV WEB · Sixth seal - A colossal earthquake Rev 6,12-17 c) Mystery Babylon, mother of harlots Rev 17,1-18 3) Second Half Of The Tribulation (3 1/2 years) a) Sealing the 144,000 Jews Rev 7,1-8 Rev 14,1-5 b) Heavenly ceremony prior to the spiritual ascension Rev 4,3-11 c) The saints flee into the wilderness - spiritual warfare h (Pre-rapture ascension) KJV WEB Rev 3,8-10 Rev 4-1,2 Rev 8,1-5 7,9-12 Rev 12,7-17 Rev 18,1-24 Rev 19,1-6 e) Two witnesses - adjudicators of God's judgment Rev 11,1-6 i f) The seventh seal - Trumpets of God's judgment (2 billion people die within a 3.5 year period) KJV WEB · First trumpet - Fire mixed with blood Rev 8-6,7 · Second trumpet - Massive volcano erupts Rev 8-8,9 · Third trumpet - Asteroid hits the earth, poisoning the water Rev 8-10,11 · Forth trumpet - Smoke from the volcano and asteroid block out the sun Rev 8-12,13 · Fifth trumpet - Demonic insect-like creatures torment mankind Rev 9,1-12 · Sixth trumpet - Demons mutate from insects to horsemen Rev 9,13-21 Rev 14,14-20 · Heavenly ceremony prior to the First Resurrection Rev 10,1-11 j · Seventh trumpet - First Resurrection/Rapture of the Church Rev 11,7-14 KJV WEB -- (2 billion people suddenly disappear, 1/2 the population of the earth) Rev 7,9-17 Rev 11,15-19 -- Marriage supper of the lamb Mat 26-29 Rev 19,7-10 4) The bowls of God's judgment - 2 billion people remain on the earth; k Most will die, leaving a remnant KJV WEB a) Heavenly ceremony prior to the bowls Rev 15,1-8 b) First bowl - Loathsome and malignant sores Rev 16-1,2 c) Second bowl - Sea turned to blood, killing everything in it Rev 16-3 d) Third bowl - Poisoned all the fresh water of the earth Rev 16,4-7 e Forth bowl - Sun scorched the earth with fire Rev 16-8,9 f) Fifth bowl - Throne of the beast was darkened Rev 16-10,11 g) Sixth bowl - Preparations for the war against God Rev 16,12-16 h) Seventh bowl - Greatest earthquake in history Rev 16,17-21 l 5) God puts away sin and glorifies the Church KJV WEB a) Armageddon b) Satan bound for a thousand years Rev 20,1-3 c) Millennium Rev 20,4-6 d) Final Satanic deception Rev 20,7-9 m e) White-throne judgment - Lake of fire (the second death) KJV WEB Rev 19-20 Rev 20,10-15 f) The new heaven and the new earth Rev 21,1-27 Rev 22,1-21
51 Judgment of God -- Warning of wrath (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
IV) GOD JUDGES THE CHURCH ALONG WITH THE WORLD A) WARNING OF WRATH Heb 12-251) God Warns Man Of The Consequences Of Sin a a) Warning of God’s judgment KJV WEB Lk 11,42-52 Rom 2,1-13 Heb 11-7
Rev 6,12-17 b b) Warning about hell KJV WEB Lk 3,7-9 Jn 3-36 Rev 22-18,19 10,12-16 Rev 14,9-11 c
2) God warns the Church KJV
Heb 10,26-39 g 1) No distinction between the saved and the unsaved KJV WEB
Mat 18-34,35 Rom 13,1-4
Heb 6,4-8
Gal 6-7,8 i
3) Do not show partiality to one another KJV
52 Judgment of God -- Law Judges Sin (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
1) The law judges those who transgress against it
WEB Rom 8-7 Eph 2,14-16 Col 2,13-15 c 3) The power of sin is the law KJV WEB Rom 4-15 Rom 7,7-13 1Cor 15-56 d 4) Law finds all men guilty of sin KJV WEB Lk 13,1-5 Gal 2-17 Gal 3,10-14,19-22 e 5) God judges the lost through the law KJV WEB 1Cor 6-9,10 Heb 8-7,8 Rev 20,11-15 Gal 5-3,10