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Kingdom Of God -- Seeking the glory of God    (Chapter Outline)


                 2) God chooses us as we seek His glory

a                        a) God chooses us as we submit to Him  KJV    WEB

                                   Eph 1-6,12,14        Heb 5-4,5              Jd-24,25

                                           5-27                 1Pet 1-20,21        Rev 21-10,11,24-27

                                   Heb 2-7,8                Eph 3-14

aa                      b) God chooses us as we appeal to Him  KJV    WEB

                                   Mk 10,46-52        Act 12,5-7    Tit 3-5,6

                                   Lk 19,1-6             1Pet 3,10-12

ab                      c) God chooses us as we follow Him  KJV    WEB

                                   Lk 5-27,28        Rom 8-30        Jm 2-5

b               3) Seeking the glory of His favor  KJV    WEB

                           Lk 1,46-48          Act 16-29,30         1Jn 2-12

                           Jn 5,41-44          1Cor 8-8                Rev 14-7

                          Act 2,37-39         Heb 10-1,21,22

c               4) Seeking the glory of His Spirit  KJV    WEB

                          2Cor 3,5-18         Phi 1-19,20        2Pet 1-3,16-19

                          Gal 3-17,21                3-3               3Jn-13,14

d               5) Seeking the glory of the body of Christ  KJV    WEB

                          Act 20,31-38         Col 2-2,3             1Pet 4-10,11

                          2Cor 12-14           1The 2,7-13         3Jn, 3-8

e               6) Set your mind on the glory of God  KJV    WEB

                           Col 3,1-4                Heb 13-14         Rev 19-7

                          Heb 11,14-16         Rev 4,5-11

f                7) Seeking the fruit of the ministry  KJV    WEB

                          2Cor 4-15              2Tim 2-10         Jm 3,13-18

                          1The 2-19,20         Heb 6-7

        C) INVEST IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD  LK 19-16,17

                 1) Sold Out  Mat 13-45,46

                       a) Placing no boundaries on your commitment to God

g                                    I- completely given over to the will of God  KJV    WEB

                                              Mk 10,32-34         Lk 13,31-33         Rom 4,18-22

                                              Lk 9,51-53            Jn 4,31-34           2Cor 7-11

                                              Mat 20,17-19        Act 16-11,12

h                                    II- going to any extreme to fulfill the will of God  KJV    WEB

                                              2Cor 6,4-10               Act 21,9-14           1Cor 9,23-27

                                                       11,7-12,23-30         26-31,32         1The 2,7-13

                                              Mat 10-37,38                    17-14,15

                        b) Relinquishing your assets to Christ

i                                     I- dispose of every asset except Christ  KJV    WEB

                                              Mat 19-21,22               Lk 14-26            Rev 14-4

                                              Lk 7-37,38,44-48         Heb 5,7-9         Gal 4-8

                                                   19,8-10                   Rom 5,1-5          Act 27-19

j                                     II- invest every asset into Christ  KJV    WEB

                                              Mat 13,44-46         Mk 4-20              2Cor 8,1-5

                                                      25-20              Act 2,41-47        Mat 26,6-12

                  2) Be a Blessing  1Pet 3-8,9

k                          a) Be a blessing and love your brother  KJV    WEB

                                    Rom 13,8-10         1Cor 8,7-13                         Col 3,14-17

                                             14-19                      10-23,24,31-33         1The 5-14,15

                                             15,1-3           Gal 6-9,10                            Heb 10-24


l                           b) Freely give what you received from God  KJV    WEB

                                    Mat 10-8,11-13         Rom 1-11,12         2Cor 1-15

                                    Mk 8,1-9                              15-29           1Pet 4,8-11

                                    1Pet 3-8,9                  Lk 9,12-17





Kingdom Of God -- Investing in the Kingdom    (Chapter Outline  /  Navigation Bar)


a                         c) God blesses those around you  KJV    WEB

                                    Act 16,27-34         Act 27-24         1Cor 16-18

                  3) Tithing (backs up your words)  Heb 7-2

                      a) Be faithful in your tithes

b                                 I- tithing is a sign of faithfulness  KJV    WEB

                                            Mk 12,41-44         Phi 4,14-19         Heb 7,2-10

                                            Lk 8-3

c                                 II- unfaithfulness nullifies your tithe  KJV    WEB

                                            Mat 9-13         Mat 23-23         1Cor 13-3


                                  III- if you are unfaithful, you won’t tithe

                                            Rom 2-22         2Cor 11,7-9         2Cor 12,14-19

                      b) Offerings

d                                 I- help your weaker brother  KJV    WEB

                                            Act 11,27-30         2Cor 8,1-5,7-15         Eph 4-28,29

                                            Rom 15-26,27                9,5-15               Heb 13-15,16

                                            1Cor 16,1-3                    1-14

e                                 II- help your weaker neighbor (alms)  KJV    WEB

                                            Mat 6-3,4         Act 20,33-35         1Tim 6,17-19

                                            Act 10,1-4        Lk 10,25-37

                  4) Giving (your inner self)  Rom 10-21

f                         a) Giving preference to one another  KJV    WEB

                                    Rom 12-10               2Cor 12-15         1The 5,12-15

                                    1Cor 10-24,33         Gal 5-13,14         Tit 3-2

                                              11-33              Eph 5-21              Phi 2,1-4


                          b) Hospitality (providing a temporary home)

g                                 I- Being a good host  KJV    WEB

                                            Mk 6,33-46        Rom 12-13        Heb 13-2

                                            1Tim 3-1,2        1Pet 4-9              Tit 1-8

                                            Act 21-16,17    1Tim 5-10           3Jn 5-8

                                            Act 28,7-10       Lk 11,5-8 

ga                               II- Being a good guest  KJV    WEB

                                            Mat 10,12-15        Lk 10,38-42         Act 2,41-47

                                            Lk 9,3-5

h                         c) Be liberal in your giving like God  KJV    WEB

                                    Mat 10-8            Rom 12-8         Gal 4-15

                                    Rom 10-21        Mat 5,43-48

i                         d) Give for goodness sake  KJV    WEB

                                    Rom 12,10-21         Eph 6-7,8         1Pet 3-9

                                    Gal 6-6

j                         e) Taking on the role of a priest in your giving  KJV    WEB

                                    Rom 15-15,16         1Tim 5-17,18         Heb 8-3

                  5) All Things Are For Your Sake  2Cor 4-15

                      a) We are fighting for you

k                                  I- our effort is for your sake  KJV    WEB

                                            Act 20,17-35         Phi 1,21-27         2The 3,7-9

                                            2Cor 4-15             1The 1-5               Heb 1-14

                                            Gal 4-11                          2,9-12                  6-7





Kingdom Of God -- All things are for your sake    (Chapter Outline  /  Navigation Bar)


a                                  II- our suffering is for your sake  KJV    WEB

                                            2Cor 5-13         Phi 2-17              Col 2-1

                                            Eph 3-13           Col 1-24,25        2Tim 2-10

                                            2Cor 11,23-30

b                                  III- our bondage is for your sake  KJV    WEB

                                            Act 16,25-30         Act 28-20         Eph 3-1,2


c                         b) God’s purpose is for your sake  KJV    WEB

                                    Jn 12-30                        Heb 5,1-3         Heb 12-9,10

                                    Heb 2-9,10,14-18         1Pet 1-20,21

d                         c) Our motive is for your up-building  KJV    WEB

                                    Jn 11-14,15         2Cor 2-9,10         Phi 4-16,17

                  6) Invest Your Strength In The Kingdom

e                         a) Invest your labors  KJV    WEB

                                    Mat 20,1-16          1Cor 15-58              Ph, 10-22

                                           25,1-23                    16,15-18         Heb 6,9-12

                                    Lk 19,12-27          Eph 2-10                  Rev 2-19

                                    Rom 16,1-16        Col 4-11

f                          b) Invest your ambitions  KJV    WEB

                                    1Cor 7,32-35         1Tim 3,1-13         2Pet 1,3-11

                                    Gal 6,8-10

                  7) Invest Your Treasures In The Kingdom

g                         a) Invest your flesh  KJV    WEB

                                    Mk 9,43-50            Heb 10,32-36         1Pet 3-13,14

                                    Rom 8-12,13         Jm 1-12                   2Pet 3,11-14

                                    2Cor 6,4-10           1Pet 2,18-25           Rev 1-9


h                         b) Invest everything you value  KJV    WEB

                                    Mat 6,19-21         1Cor 3,12-15         2Cor 9,5-15

                                    Lk 12-32,33         2Cor 8,1-15           Rev 3-8

                                    Act 4,32-37          Mk 10-21

                  8) Invest In The Treasures Of The Kingdom

i                         a) Invest in the gospel  KJV    WEB

                                    Act 19,8-10          1Cor 16-9,10         Phi 2-22,30

                                           20,17-38        2Cor 5,18-20         2Tim 4-1,2

                                    1Cor 4,8-16

j                         b) Invest your life in God’s faith  KJV    WEB

                                    Mk 2,3-12          Heb 11,17-19         1Pet 1,5-9

                                    2Cor 1-24          Jm 1,2-8                  Lk 19,8-10

                                    Mk 8,22-26        2Pet 1-1                  Mk 9-23,24

                                    2Cor 4-13

k                        c) Invest in the fruit of the kingdom  KJV    WEB

                                    Mat 25,31-40         Jn 15,5-11         Phi 1,21-26


                  1) The Church Is Transferred To The Kingdom

                      a) The Rapture  1The 4,13-18    Commentary

l                                  I- the day of the Lord  KJV    WEB

                                            Phi 1-6,9,10         2The 2,1-3            Rev 1-10

                                            Mat 25,1-13           1The 5,1-11        2The 1-10

                                            1Cor 1-7,8             Act 1,9-11           Heb 10-25

                                            2Tim 2-18





Kingdom Of God -- Rapture    (Chapter Outline  /  Navigation Bar)


a                                   II- appearance of Christ  KJV    WEB

                                            2The 2,6-8             2Tim 4-1,8         Heb 9-28

                                            1Tim 6-14,15         Tit 2-13

b                                  III- last trumpet  KJV    WEB

                                            Mat 24,29-31           1The 4,13-18         Rev 11,11-15

                                            1Cor 15,50-58         Rev 10-7                Rev 20-4

c                                 IV- rapture is delayed  KJV    WEB

                                            Mat 24,29-31          1Tim 3-14,15             Rev 1-9

                                            2Cor 12-20,21         Mat 13-30                 Mat 25-5

                                            Jn 17,15-21             Lk 21,7-9,34-36

d                                  V- receiving the kingdom in God’s time  KJV    WEB

                                            Lk 19,12-15         Rom 13-11         Phi 4-5

                                            Act 3-20,21          1The 1-10          Heb 8-9

                                            Lk 12,35-46         Eph 1-10            

e                                 VI- selective rapture  KJV    WEB

                                            Mk 13,24-27         2Jn-1,13         Rev 11-1,2

                                            Lk 17,34-36

f                                  VII- rapture of the blameless  KJV    WEB

                                            Mk 4-28,29         1The 3-12,13         1The 5-23

                                            Heb 11-5

g                                VIII- the church in heaven  KJV    WEB

                                            Rev 11-15         Rev 12-10         Rev 15,2-4

                      b) The ascension  Act 1-9,10

h                                    I- Jesus’ ascension  KJV    WEB

                                            Mat 28-16,17         Jn 20-17              Eph 4,8-10

                                            Mk 16-19,20          Act 1,3-11           1Tim 3-16

                                            Lk 24,50-53           Eph 1,18-23        Heb 9-11,24

i                                    II- believers’ spiritual ascension  KJV    WEB

                                            1Cor 15-22,23         Rev 4-1,2          Rev 11-11,12

                                            Eph 2-6,7                         12-5,6        Col 3,1-4

                                            Mat 17,4-8                Commentary

j                         c) Citizens of heaven (Family of God)  KJV    WEB

                                    Lk 6-35,36         2Cor 5-8,9          2Tim 4-18

                                    Jn 17-24            Eph 2-19             2Pet 1-11

                                    Act 13-48          Phi 3-20,21         2Cor 9,12-15

                                    Rev 7,9-12        Rev 21-9,10        

k                        d) Transferred from darkness to light  KJV    WEB

                                    Jn 12-35,36         Col 1-13            1Pet 2-9

                                    Act 22-11            Jm 5-17,18         Rev 11-15


l                         e) Transformed from death to life  KJV    WEB

                                    Lk 23,40-43             2Cor 5,6-8         1Jn 3-14

                                    Rom 11-17,24         Heb 12-9            Rev 4-1

                                    Mk 12-26,27            1Pet 2-24           Jn 11-25,26

                                    Jn 6-63

m                       f) Transferred from the law to the Spirit  KJV    WEB

                                    Mk 10,19-21         Gal 2-19         Gal 4,1-7

                                    Rom 7,1-4

n                        g) Transferred from lawlessness to righteousness  KJV    WEB

                                    2Cor 5-21         Heb 11-31         Jm 5,4-9

                                    2Tim 4-18





Kingdom Of God -- Born Again    (Chapter Outline  /  Navigation Bar)


                 2) The Kingdom Is Transferred To The Church

                      a) Born again  Jn 3,3-8    Commentary

                                    I- born of the Spirit by the will of God

a                                           A- born again by the will of the Father  KJV    WEB

                                                      Jn 1-12,13         Tit 3-4,5             2Pet 1-4

                                                           3,1-8             Jm 1-18,21        1Jn 3-1,2,9

                                                      Eph 2,4-10        1Pet 1-3,23

aa                                         B- born again by the will of Christ  KJV    WEB

                                                      Jn 4,10-14        2Cor 5-17        Gal 4-29

                                                           20-22           Gal 3-3,29        Act 9,1-6

b                                 II- born of the Spirit by the will of man  KJV    WEB

                                            Jn 14,16-24           Gal 4-19           1Jn 2-29

                                            1Cor 6-17              Ph-10                       4-7

                                            2Cor 3,14-16         1Pet 2-1,2               5-4

                                                      13-5,6           Act 16-14         Act 14-1

c                                 III- born of the Spirit by the resurrection  KJV    WEB

                                            Lk 23-42,43         Act 16,26-30         1Pet 3-21

                                            Act 13-33             Gal 2,17-21                    1,21-25

d                                IV- Jesus is born again from the dead  KJV    WEB

                                            Rom 8-29              1Jn 5-1,18         Rev 3-14

                                            Col 1-15,18           Rev 1-5

                      b) New creation  2Cor 5-17

e                                  I- the new creation is our spiritual identity  KJV    WEB

                                            Mk 1-17                Gal 1,13-24         Eph 2-15

                                            Rom 12-2                    4,1-7                     4,22-24

                                            2Cor 4-10,11,16         6-15              Col 3,9-17

                                            Rom 8,18-23        Jn 21,1-7             1Cor 3,21-23

f                                  II- the new creation is our spiritual composition  KJV    WEB

                                            1Cor 15,35-46         Jm 1-18         Rev 3-14

                                            2Cor 5-17                1Pet 2-9                21,1-5

                                            Tit 3,4-6                   1Cor 5-7         Mk 9,1-8

g                         c) Jesus will never leave us  KJV    WEB

                                    Mat 28-20                       Act 3-20         1The 5-9,10

                                    Jn 14,16-20                    2Cor 4-9         Heb 13-5,6

                                    Rom 8-9,10,35-39         2Jn-2


                  1) Teachers  Jm 3-1    Commentary

                      a) Teachers "Remind" their students  2Pet 1-13

h                                 I- strong reminders  KJV    WEB

                                            Rom 15-15         2Tim 2-14         Rev 3-3

                                            Gal 5-21              Rev 2-4,5                 8-7,8

                                            1The 4-6

i                                 II- prevention against forgetting  KJV    WEB

                                            Jn 21,15-17           2Tim 1-5,6         Heb 12-5,6

                                            Phi 3-1,18,19         Heb 10-3                   13-3,7

j                                 III- teaching by rote  KJV    WEB

                                            Tit 3-1              2Pet 3-1,2            Jd-5

                                            2Tim 2-8                   1,12-15        Mat 6-7

                                            Mk 14-9           1Jn 2,12-14





Kingdom Of God -- Teachers    (Chapter Outline  /  Navigation Bar)


a                                 IV- recalling the word of God  KJV    WEB

                                            Jn 15-20         1The 5,1-3         Jd-17

                                                 16-4            2The 2-5

b                                 V- recalling the circumstances  KJV    WEB

                                            1The 3-3                     2Tim 1-15,18         Heb 10,32-36

                                                      2-1,2,9-11         Rev 20-12              Jm 5-10,11

                                            Jn 21-25

c                                 VI- repeating instructions  KJV    WEB

                                            1The 4-1,2,9-12         Col 2-7         1Tim 4-6

                      b) Teachable students

d                                 I- the teachable submit to the word  KJV    WEB

                                            Act 2,37-41              Act 18,24-28        2The 2-15

                                                  17-4,11,12         1The 2-13             2Tim 3-10

                                            Jn 19,4-6                  1Tim 2,1-3,11-15

e                                 II- the teachable are taught by God  KJV    WEB

                                            Jn 6-45                Heb 8,10-12         2Jn-9

                                            Heb 5-8,14                 12,5-11          Jd-3

                                            Mat 26,6-13        Jn1,35-46

f                                 III- the teachable are a blessing to their teachers  KJV    WEB

                                            Gal 6-6        1The 5-12,13         1Tim 5-17

                      c) Teachers are construction workers

g                                 I- God raises up teachers to raise up the body  KJV    WEB

                                            Act 28-30,31         1Tim 5-7                   Tit 2-15

                                            Eph 6-4                  2Tim 4-1,2               Heb 5,11-13

                                            1Tim 4,11-13                  2-2,23,24        2Jn-4

                                            Jn 21,15-17

h                                 II- Jesus is a teacher  KJV    WEB

                                            Mat 4-23         Mk 10-1         Jn 13,13-17

                                            Mk 4,1-3         Jn 8-2             Mat 7-28,29

                      d) The gift of teaching

i                                 I- teachers are a gift to the body  KJV    WEB

                                            1Cor 12-28         1Tim 2-7            1Tim 5-17

                                            Eph 4-11,12                 3-1,2         2Tim 1-11

                                            1The 5-12,13

j                                 II- the ability to teach is a gift from God  KJV    WEB

                                            Rom 12-7         2Cor 2-9         Col 3-16

                                            1Cor 14-6,26

                      e) Let not many of you become teachers

k                                 I- divide accurately the word of truth  KJV    WEB

                                            Act 18,14-16,24-28         2Tim 2-15               Tit 2-1,3,11,12

                                            1Tim 6-2,17,18                          3-16,17         Heb 6-1,2

                                            Mat 22-31,32                    Mk 12-26,27          Heb 7,1-3

                                            Rev 9,1-12                        

l                                 II- teachers incur a stricter judgment  KJV    WEB

                                            Rom 2,17-24         1Tim 4-16         Jm 3,1-18

                                            1Tim 1,3-8,20        1Cor 3-10        Gal 1-8,9

                                            Heb 13-17              Rom 12-6





Kingdom Of God -- Pastor    (Chapter Outline  /  Navigation Bar)


                  2) Pastor (Shepherd)  1Pet 2-25

a                         a) Jesus is the chief shepherd  KJV    WEB

                                    Mat 2-6             Mk 6-33,34            1Pet 2-25

                                           23-10         Jn 10,1-16                      5-4

                                           26-31         Heb 13-20,21         Rev 7-17

b                         b) Pastor has a shepherd’s heart  KJV    WEB

                                    Mk 4-31,32          Rom 12-8           Heb 13-17

                                    Jn 21,15-17         1Tim 3,1-7         1Pet 5,1-3

                                    Act 20-28             Tit 1,5-9              Eph 4-11,12

c                         c) Paul had a shepherd’s heart  KJV    WEB

                                    1Cor 9,7-23         Gal 4-11,12,19         1The 2,3-12

                                    2Cor 12,14-16


        A) HINDERING THE KINGDOM  Mat 23-13

                  1) Natural Disadvantage  Jm 3-15

                      a) Beware when all men speak well of you

d                                 I- natural disadvantage of being popular  KJV    WEB

                                            Lk 4-22         Jn 9,26-28         Jm 2,1-9

                                                 6-26         1Cor 4-8                  5-5


e                                 II- natural disadvantage of seeking popularity  KJV    WEB

                                            Mat 23,5-7                Act 24-27         1Cor 11-19

                                            Lk 16-15                          25-9            Rev 17-15

                                            Jn 12-42,43

                      b) Natural disadvantage of the flesh

f                                  I- limitations of the flesh  KJV    WEB

                                            Lk 19,1-5         Col 2-5         Heb 7-23

                                                 21-23           Ph-9                     9-27

                                            2Cor 5-16

g                                 II- the sinful flesh  KJV    WEB

                                            1Cor 11-14         Col 2-11         Jm 3-4,7,8,12

                                            Gal 4,21-31

h                         c) Natural disadvantage of the world  KJV    WEB

                                    Jn 14-19,22-24         2Tim 2-4           1Pet 1-6

                                    2Cor 10-7                  Jm 2,1-4           Rev 17-16,17

                                    Eph 2,1-3,11,12              3-15

                  2) Taking Away The Key Of Knowledge

i                         a) Hindering people from entering the kingdom  KJV    WEB

                                    Mat 23-13         Act 13,6-12,42-48         Gal 5,7-12

                                    Lk 11-52                  14,1-3                     2Tim 2-14,16-18

                                    Jn 7,45-52               17,5-8,13,14           3Jn-10

                                    Mk 12-17          Lk 8,33-39

j                         b) Suppressing the truth  KJV    WEB

                                    Act 4,14-20         1Cor 9-12                     2Tim 3-8

                                          15,1-11          Gal 1,6-10,22-24         Tit 1,9-11

                                    Rom 1-18            1Tim 4,1-5                    2Pet 2,1-3

                                    Lk 20,19-26





Kingdom Of God -- Taking away the key of knowledge    (Chapter Outline  /  Navigation Bar)


a                         c) Hindering unity in the church  KJV    WEB

                                    Rom 16-17                 1Pet 3-7         Jd-12

                                    Rev 3,1-3,15-20        

                  3) Obstacles In The Way Of The Kingdom

                      a) Ask but don’t receive  Jm 4-3

b                                 I- asking for something that is not in His will  KJV    WEB

                                            Mk 5,18-20         Lk 16,24-31         Act 1-6,7,24-26

                                            Lk 8-38,39          Jn 7,3-8               1Cor 12-11,18


c                                 II- asking with wrong motives  KJV    WEB

                                            Mat 20,20-23         Mk 11,27-33         Act 8,18-24

                                                   21,23-27          Lk 23-8,9             Jm 4-3

                                            Mk 10,35-40           Jn 8,4-9

d                                 III- getting an answer that is not in your will  KJV    WEB

                                            Lk 17-20,21         Jn 6-25,26         2Cor 12,7-10

                                            Jn 4-49,50                19,9-11

e                                IV- ask but don’t receive because of unbelief  KJV    WEB

                                            Mat 17,15-21         Jn 6,34-36             Jm 1,6-8

                                            Jn 5-40,43,44         Rom 11,7-11        Jn 9-31

f                         b) Obstacles that keep you from Jesus  KJV    WEB

                                    Mat 13,40-42         Rom 8,35-39         Rev 2,14-16,20-24

                                           18-6                 Gal 6-12,13                   20,7-10

                                    Mk 2,1-12               Heb 12-1               Lk 6,20-26

                                          8,10-13             Lk 11,37-54

g                         c) Distractions  KJV    WEB

                                    Act 6,1-4         Act 18,1-5         2Cor 6-12

                                    1Cor 7,32-38

        B) PERSECUTING THE KINGDOM OF GOD  Jn 15-20    Commentary

                  1) Persecution To The Death

                      a) Kill Jesus  Mat 2-13

h                                 I- kill Jesus because of who He is  KJV    WEB

                                            Mat 2-13                 Jn 7-1,32             1The 2-14,15

                                                  27-1,2,22-35         11,7-10           Heb 6-6

                                            Mk 14-1,2               Lk 11-53,54        Jn 10-32,33

                                   II- kill Jesus by the predetermined plan of God

i                                           A- The apostles taught about His death  KJV    WEB

                                                    Jn 8-28          Act 4-10                  Heb 2-9,10,14,15

                                                     Act 2-23        Rom 11-15,16        Heb 9,11-15

ia                                         B- Jesus forewarned His disciples  KJV    WEB

                                                     Mat 20,17-19        Mk 9,9-13        Mk 10,32-34

ib                                         C- The Jews had Jesus murdered  KJV    WEB

                                                    Mat 26,2-5,14-16,47-50,57-68        Lk 22,63-71        Rev 13-8

j                                  III- kill Jesus because of what He said  KJV    WEB

                                            Mk 12,1-12         Lk 20,9-26         Jn 8,37-41,56-59

                                            Lk 4,23-30         Jn 7,19-27,43-46

k                                 IV- kill Jesus because of what He did  KJV    WEB

                                            Mk 3,1-6              Lk 19,45-48         Jn 11,47-53

                                                  11,15-18        Mat 12,9-14





Kingdom Of God -- Persecution    (Chapter Outline  /  Navigation Bar)


a                         b) Killing God’s prophets  KJV    WEB

                                    Mat 22-6              Lk 13-34                Rev 11,7-10

                                           23,34-37            20,9-18                     16-5,6

                                    Mk 12,1-11           Act 7-51,52                  18-20,24

                                    Lk 11,47-51         1The 2-14,15        Rom 11,1-5

b                         c) Martyrs  KJV    WEB

                                    Jn 16-2,3             Act 14,19-22         Rev 6,9-11

                                    Act 7,54-60         Rev 1-9                         13-7


                  2) Persecuting God

c                         a) Persecute the word of God  KJV    WEB

                                    Jn 15,18-25          Act 21,27-36          1The 2-1,2,14-16

                                    Act 13-49,50         Phi 1-7                   2Tim 2-9,10

                                           18,11-17        Col 4-3                             4,14-18

                                    Mat 10,25-27

d                         b) Persecute righteousness  KJV    WEB

                                    Lk 3-19,20         Jm 5,1-6         1Pet 4-3,4,12-16

                                    Jn 3-19,20         1Pet 3-14

e                         c) Persecute the power of God  KJV    WEB

                                    Mk 3,1-6         Act 6,8-15         Act 16,16-24

                                    Jn 7,19-23

f                          d) Persecute Jesus  KJV    WEB

                                    Mat 9-34            Mat 26,59-68         Mk 3-21,22

                                    Heb 12,1-3        Act 4,23-31

                  3) Worldly Pressure  Mat 27-22,23

g                         a) World pressures you to forsake God  KJV    WEB

                                    Lk 15,11-16                     Act 4,14-20           2Tim 1-7,8,12

                                    Act 5-17,18,23-33,40-42         17,5-9           Rev 12-4,13,17

                                    Heb 12-4                          Lk 23,35-38

h                         b) World pressures you to forsake your convictions  KJV    WEB

                                    Mat 27,22-26         Jn 18,38-40         Gal 6-12,13

                                    Jn 9,17-34                   19-1,4-6,12-16,19-22

                                    Act 28-22

i                          c) World pressures you to forsake your values  KJV    WEB

                                    Mk 10,21-23         2Cor 6,14-16         Tit 2-11,12

                                    Act 21,9-14                 12-10,11

j                          d) World pressures you to forsake your neighbor  KJV    WEB

                                    Lk 10,30-37         Lk 17-1,2         Lk 22,49-51


                  4) Reacting To Persecution

                           a) Enduring persecution  

k                                  I- hated by the world  KJV    WEB

                                            Act 14,1-7             1Cor 4-12,13        2Cor 4-9

                                            Rom 8,35-39        2Cor 1,8-11

ka                                II- persecution to the death  KJV    WEB

                                            Mat 10,21-28        Mk 13,9-13        Lk 21,12-19


kb                                III- having a reputation of being persecuted  KJV    WEB

                                            2Cor 6-4,5        2The 1,3-7        2Tim 3,10-12

                                            2Cor 11,23-26

l                         b) Responding to persecution  KJV    WEB

                                    Mat 5,10-12         Lk 10-10,11         Rom 12-14,19-21

                                    Lk 6-22,23                 18,1-8            1Pet 2-12

                                    Phi 1-12,13





Kingdom Of God -- Persecution    (Chapter Outline  /  Navigation Bar)


a                         c) Falling away through persecution  KJV    WEB

                                    Mat 13-20,21         Mk 4-16,17         Heb 10,37-39

                                    Rev 12-3,4                   14,50-52

                  5) Mocking

b                         a) Mocking Christ  KJV    WEB

                                    Mat 9-24,25                     Mk 5-39,40         Gal 6-7,8

                                           27,27-31,39-44         Lk 4-23               2Pet 2,10-14

                                    Mk 15,29-32

c                         b) Mocking the church  KJV    WEB

                                    Act 2-12,13         2Pet 3,3-9         Jd-18

                                    Heb 11-36

                  6) Sources Of Persecution

d                         a) Persecution from within the body  KJV    WEB

                                    Mat 24,48-51         Phi 1,14-18         Jm 2-6

                                    Mk 14-6

e                         b) Persecution from jealousy  KJV    WEB

                                    Mat 27-18             Gal 4-29         Rev 20,7-10

                                    Act 13,42-48        Mat 24-9,10

f                 7) Persecuting the church of God  KJV    WEB

                            Mk 10,29-31         Rom 8-33,34         1Tim 1-12,13

                            Act 8,1-3               Gal 1-13,14            Heb 10,32-36

                                   9-1,2               Phi 1,27-30                    11,36-38




                  1) The Body Of Christ Is Indestructible (Incorruptible)

g                         a) The indestructible kingdom within us  KJV    WEB

                                    1Cor 9-25         Heb 12,27-29         1Pet 5-4

                                    Eph 6-24          1Pet 1-4,6,7

h                         b) The new creation is indestructible  KJV    WEB

                                    Lk 21,16-18         Rom 8,35-39         1Pet 3-3,4,13,14

                                    Jn 11-25,26         1Cor 3-15              1Jn 2-17

                                    Mk 16-18             Rev 21-15,16,25

i                         c) Our spiritual bodies are indestructible  KJV    WEB

                                    Lk 16-22,23         1Cor 15,40-44         2Cor 5,1-4

                                    Mk 14-58

                  2) The Head Of The Body Is Indestructible

j                         a) Jesus is indestructible  KJV    WEB

                                    Act 2-24            1Tim 6-15,16         1Pet 1,18-20

                                    1Tim 1-17         2Tim 1-10               Rev 1-17,18

                                    Heb 7-3,14-17,23-25,28

k                         b) The word of God is indestructible  KJV    WEB

                                    Act 14-19,20         1Pet 1,23-25         2Jn-1,2

                                    2Cor 13-8              Mat 24-35

        B) THERE SHALL BE NO END TO HIS INCREASE  (Isaiah 9-6,7)

l                   1) He shall reign forever and ever  KJV    WEB

                            Lk 1-32,33         Heb 6-20         Rev 1-4,8

                            Eph 3,16-21               7-24,28           11-15

                            Heb 1,8-12





Kingdom Of God -- No End to His Increase    (Chapter Outline  /  Navigation Bar)


a                   2) The Church will reign with Christ forever  KJV    WEB

                                Eph 3-11         2Pet 1-11         Rev 22-5

                                2Tim 1-9         Rev 1-6                    21,1-6,26,27

                                Eph 2-6,7        Jn 10,33-36

b                   3) The Father is eternally glorified  KJV    WEB

                                1Jn 2-13,14         Rev 7-12         Rev 15-7

                                Rev 4,8-11

c                   4) Jesus is glorified forever  KJV    WEB

                                Gal 1-5             Heb 13-20,21         1Pet 4-11

                                1Tim 1-17        Lk 9-28,29              Mk 9,1-13


d                   1) Jesus is the source of eternal life  KJV    WEB

                                Lk 18,28-30        Jn 11-25,26                  1Tim 1-16

                                Jn 3-36                     17-2,3                     2Tim 2-10

                                     10,27-30        Rom 5-13,20,21           1Jn 1-1,2

                                     6-40,47-58,66-68                                        5-13,20

e                   2) Father is the source of eternal life  KJV    WEB

                                Jn 12-50          Tit 1-2         1Jn 2-25

                                Rom 6-22,23         3-6,7            5-11

                                1Tim 6-12        Rev 4,6-11

f                    3) Spirit is the source of eternal life  KJV    WEB

                                Jn 4-13,14         Jn 14-16,17         Heb 9-14,15


g                   1) The word of God will outlast the creation  KJV    WEB

                                Mat 24-35           Lk 21-33              1Pet 1,23-25

                                Mk 13-31            Heb 1,10-12        Lk 16-17

                                Jn 14-28,29        2Pet 3,10-13

h                   2) The word of God transcends the creation  KJV    WEB

                                Jn 1-1         Heb 1,1-3         Rev 14-6

                                Heb 7-3,16,24,25,28          2Pet 3,5-7


        A) LITERAL MANIFESTATIONS  Rev 1,10-16

                  1) Literal Manifestation Of God’s Word

i                         a) Manifesting the righteousness of His kingdom  KJV    WEB

                                    Rom 3-5,25,26         2Cor 9-13         Jm 3,13-18

                                    2Cor 7-11                 1Tim 3-10         2Pet 1,5-10

                                    Rom 12,17-21

j                         b) His cross is the manifestation of truth  KJV    WEB

                                    Lk 23,33-38              Jn 19-1,16               Phi 2-8

                                    Jn 18-33,34,38         Rom 6-6,11-14        Lk 2-34,35

k                         c) Obedience is the manifestation of truth  KJV    WEB

                                    Jn 17-17         Col 1-26,27         Tit 1-3

                                    2Cor 4-2

l                         d) Love is the manifestation of faith  KJV    WEB

                                    1Cor 13,4-8,13         1Jn 4-9





Kingdom Of God -- Literal Manifestations    (Chapter Outline  /  Navigation Bar)


                  2) Literal Manifestation Of Jesus Christ

a                         a) Manifestation of the body of Christ  KJV    WEB

                                    Eph 4,11-16         Rev 3-12              Rev 21-9,10

                                    Col 2-19                       7,15-17        1Cor 12,12-27

b                         b) Jesus is the manifestation of the Father  KJV    WEB

                                    Jn 14,6-9         Heb 1-3         Rev 21-6


c                         c) Jesus is the light of the world  KJV    WEB

                                    Mat 17-2         Rev 18-1                Rev 22-5

                                    Rev 1,10-16           21-22,23        Jn 17-24

                                    Lk 9-28,29

d                         d) Jesus literally gives sight to the blind  KJV    WEB

                                    Lk 18,35-43         Act 9,8-12,17,18         1Cor 15,5-8

                                    Jn 9,1-12

e                         e) Manifestation of Jesus’ second coming  KJV    WEB

                                    Lk 17,31-37        1Cor 13-9,10        2The 2-1

                                    Act 1,9-11           Act 4,24-26           Rev 1-5

f                          f) Jesus is the manifestation of God’s grace  KJV    WEB

                                    Gal 4,1-7         Tit 2-11  

                  3) Manifestation Of God’s Righteous Judgment

g                         a) Manifestation of God’s justice  KJV    WEB

                                    1The 5,1-3          2Pet 3-7,10-13         Rev 16,1-12,18-21

                                    Jm 1-10,11         Rev 6,12-17                      18-8,9,21

                                    2Pet 2-4,17                11,3-6,17                   20-11,14,15

                                    Mat 5-11,12                19-3

h                         b) The resurrection is a manifestation of His life  KJV    WEB

                                    Jn 12,9-11,17-19         Act 16-28            Rev 22-1

                                    Act 1-3                         2Cor 4,7-11        Jn 5,24-29

                                    1Cor 15,12-58             Lk 7,12-15          Eph 1,18-23

i                         c) Manifestation of Jesus’ victory over sin  KJV    WEB

                                    Heb 2-14,15         Rev 12,7-9,11         Rev 19,11-21

                                            5-7                        17-14                      20,1-6,10

                                    Lk 22,41-44          Act 3,20-26             Heb 8,10-13

                                    Rev 2,26-29

j                         d) Manifestation of God’s authority  KJV    WEB

                                    Act 13,2-4         Act 22-14         Rom 13,1-4


                  4) Manifestations Of The Devil

k                         a) Manifestation of sin  KJV    WEB

                                    Rom 7-13            Rev 10-8,9         Rev 17,1-5

                                    2The 2-3,4,8-10         16-13                  18,1-4

                                    Rev 6-8

l                          b) Manifestation of the prince of the power of the air  KJV    WEB

                                    Mat 8,24-27         Mk 4-39                             Lk 8-23,33

                                    Lk 21-25,26         Mat 24-4,5,11,23-26        Rev 12,7-14

ll                         c) Manifestation of the spirit of murder  KJV    WEB

                                    Mat 23,29-36         Rev 17-16        Rev 13,1-18

                                    Rev 9,13-19           

m                       d) Manifestation of darkness  KJV    WEB

                                    Rev 8-12         Rev 9,1-3          Rev 22-15

                                    Act 13-11

                  5) Spirit Realm Superimposed Upon The Natural Realm

n                         a) The spiritual manifesting into the natural  KJV    WEB

                                    Jn 1-14             Heb 2-17,18          2Jn-12

                                    1Tim 3-16        2Pet 1,16-19         3Jn-13,14

                                    Ph-22               1Jn 1-1,2               Mk 14-62

                                    Rev 22-1          Phi 2,5-11             Rev 7-15

o                         b) The natural manifesting into the spiritual  KJV    WEB

                                    Mat 6-10         1Cor 13-12         2Cor 5-11

                                    1Cor 15,44-46





Kingdom Of God -- Literal manifestations    (Chapter Outline  /  Navigation Bar)


a                         c) Outside is a manifestation of the inside  KJV    WEB

                                    Mat 13-33         Mat 23-26         Act 6-15

b                  6) Literal bondage to Christ (See also: Jesus' Yoke 5l KJV    WEB

                            Act 26-29         Phi 1,12-14         Heb 13-3

                            Eph 3-1            2Tim 1,8-10         Rev 2-10


c                  7) Literally unable to acknowledge the presence of God  KJV    WEB

                            Lk 24-16         Act 7-57,58         Heb 12-19,20

                    8) Literally set free from bondage

                            Act 12,3-11     Act 16-25,26        Heb 11-29

                            Mat 5-29,30

d                  9) The true tabernacle  KJV    WEB

                            Heb 8,1-6         Heb 9,1-28         Rev 21,1-5

                            Mk 9,5-7           Mk 11-11

e                  10) Disciples literally feed the people through Christ  KJV    WEB

                             Mk 6-36,37        Lk 12,42-44

                    11) The literal mystery of godliness     Rev 10-3,4


                  1) God Demonstrates His Glory

f                          a) Demonstration of the Spirit  KJV    WEB

                                    Act 10,44-48         1Cor 2-4              1The 1-5

                                    Rom 15-18,19               12,4-11        2The 2-13

g                         b) Demonstration of His power  KJV    WEB

                                    Jn 15-24         Rom 1,18-20         2Cor 12-12

                                    Act 16,28-30          9-17,22

h                         c) Demonstration of His healing virtue  KJV    WEB

                                    Act 3,1-10         Act 4-13,14         Act 5,12-16

hh              2) Materializing the inner man  KJV    WEB

                            Act 6-15                               1Cor 11,4-11         1The 5-22

                            Rom 1,18-21                       2Cor 8-21               1Tim 3-7

                            1Cor 12-15,16,21-25          Eph 5,25-27                     5-24,25

                            Lk 13-20,21                         Jn 11-21

i                 3) Demonstration of His words  KJV    WEB

                            Jn 8-38         Jn 15-22         1Cor 1,19-21

                            Act 27-10,11,21-26,30,31

j                 4) Outward demonstration of an inward work  KJV    WEB

                            Act 22-16              Ph-6                    1Pet 1-6,7

                            2Cor 8-10,11        Mat 5,43-48        Mk 14-58

k                5) Demonstration of His love  KJV    WEB

                            Rom 5,6-10         2Cor 8-24         1Tim 1-15,16



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