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Rev 2,1-29
(136h) Temple
Your spirit is the temple of God >> The body of
Christ >> Body of Christ consists of individual
>> We should live as Christ lived – These seven churches mentioned in chapters
2&3 represent whole denominations, belief systems,
mindsets, attitudes and values.
They existed in John’s day; they were real churches with real problems; but
since this is a book of prophecy, it suggests that these churches reflect the problems
of the Church in the last days prior to Christ’s
Rev 2,1-8
Judgment >> Sequence of Revelations >> Great endtime revival
>> Church gets right with God -- These verses go with verses
Rev 2-1
(15d) Servant
Ministering spirits >> Angels Perform certain
(112d) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Light >> Jesus light in us overcomes darkness >>
The light of His power –
Jesus had seven stars in His right-hand, seven mighty angels that He intends
to release to His Church in the last days, who play seven trumpets (Rev
8-7). They will impart blessing on the Church and judgment on the world, empowering
His people to rise above their sins and circumstances and live
victoriously over the beast and his false prophet. These are seven angels, seven stars, seven churches and
seven lampstands, all acting as one, and Jesus walks in the midst of
them, ensuring every person’s light is brightly shining. Going back to the
parable of the Ten Virgins, the five wise virgins walked over the threshold and the door was
shut, and this is where they went: They entered seven anointings. This
explains why they needed extra oil for
their lamps. God
expects His people to unite around the truth with their lamps burning
brightly. In
the last days most Christians are without an anointing and are exposed to religious
lies and satanic deception, and most do not serve the Lord in their hearts.
Those with a penchant for religion but with no interest in God, the coming days will be
hellish on them. We are currently living in days when
religious people are happy, and those who desire a relationship with God are
suffering, because there is no fellowship or unity in the Church, but it was never meant to be
way. These seven lamps dwell in proximity to each other, which is
a picture of unity, separate but together, our light shining on others to
help show the way; but
when our lamp is too distant to be of any benefit to
there is no unity. See also: Ten virgins; Rev 2-5; 105f
(228i) Kingdom of God
God’s kingdom is a living organism >> God
working in you >> God works in the new
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Rev 2,2-5
(5g) Responsibility
Discipleship tested >> God tests your motives
– There are two ways to leave our first love: through wrong
motives and through unrepented sin, one like a fork in the road and
the other like a blindfold. Both have the same effect: they slowly
divert us from
your previous commitment to follow Christ. See also: Left your first love; Rev 2,2-4; 194f
(203h) Denying Christ
Man chooses his own destiny apart from God >>
Back-slider >> Withdraw from obeying God >>
Withdrawing from God
(206i) Salvation
God makes promises on His terms >> Conditions to
promises >> Conditions to doing the works of
Rev 2,2-4
(180d) Works of the devil
Practicing witchcraft >> Wolves >>
Be shrewd as wolves and more innocent than they appear >>
Wolves in sheep’s clothing -- These verses go with verse 20
(194f) Die to self (Process of substitution)
Turn from sin to God >> Hate evil >>
Condemning sin >> Judging evil –
The Ephesians had perseverance and could not tolerate evil men, but they left
their first love.” That is like a truck driver who made it safely to his destination but failed
to bring the trailer full of goods with him that he was supposed to deliver.
This was a very gentle rebuke from the Lord, compared to what He could have
said. When a person leaves his first love, the first thing he does is becomes
judgmental of others (Rom 2,1-6), like the Evangelicals who claim to be
keepers of the truth. We judge people for the very sins we commit, a spiritual principle
rooted in the mystery of lawlessness. Nevertheless, Jesus commended
them for being intolerant of evil men, since it has application, for the
culprits portraying themselves as apostles, probably embracing the
Gnostic beliefs that arose early as the first century.
They considered themselves apostles, but they didn’t preach the gospel that
Paul preached or any of the twelve apostles, but preached a different gospel that undoubtedly centered
around works. The true gospel of Christ is just the
opposite: God accepts us by faith and gently leads us into His will. See also:
Evangelicals and
Baptists; Rev 2-4,5;
193f / Left your first love; Rev 2-2,3;
Rev 2-2,3
(100c) Thy kingdom come
Perseverance >> Persevere in abiding in Christ
(156e) Witness
Validity of the believer >> Evidence of
salvation >> You will know them by their
endurance –
The Ephesians put the false apostles to the test. What is the test of
apostleship? We know that the test of Paul’s apostleship was a willingness
to suffer persecution. If they abandoned the gospel to avoid persecution, or
if they changed its teachings to appeal to a wider audience, they were not
true apostles.
The Ephesians were diligent in this respect, but they had left their first
love. In all their striving against false prophets, they dropped their own
faith in God. Jd-3 says, “I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you
contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the
saints.” The Ephesians contended for the doctrines of the faith, protecting
them for their own sake and for the sake of the
generations after them, searching the Scriptures to defend their beliefs against
spiritual liars, but in the process fell out of love for God and quit
ministering to Him through the word of God and
prayer. See also: Left your first love; Rev 2-3; 102a
Rev 2-2
(68j) Authority
Discernment >> Judging truth and error >>
Perceiving a wicked heart
(69m) Authority
>> Righteous judgment (outcome of discernment) >>
Judging Those in the Church
(70c) Authority
>> Righteous judgment (outcome of discernment) >> Being sensitive to the Spirit
>> Test the spirits
(165k) Works of the devil
Manifestations of the devil >> Hardship >>
Struggles of this life -- This verse goes with verse 9
(198i) Denying Christ
Man exercises his will against God >> Ordained
by man >> Ministries ordained by men will falter
(212j) Sovereignty
God is infinite >> God is all knowing >>
God knows everything about you -- This verse goes with verse 9
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Rev 2,3-5
(207c) Salvation
God makes promises on His terms >> Eternal
security? >> God will accept you into His heaven if you overcome >> Overcome temptation to give up the faith
Rev 2-3
Authority >> Jesus delegates authority
Sacrificing your life for the name of Jesus -- This verse goes with
verse 13
(102a) Thy kingdom come
Ambitious to fulfill God’s calling >> To see
God’s will in your life -- This verse goes with verse
19. It
is a good quality to seek fulfillment of God’s calling, but not at the cost of leaving our first love. God would rather our calling
were in fact our first love, rather than bury it under a variety of higher
priorities. It is possible to leave our first love even while
we are tenaciously serving Him. What more does He want from us? He wants two things:
fulfill our ministry toward God and fulfill our ministry toward people, and
the first fulfills the second. John is
saying that the Ephesians did well in their ministry toward people grappling
with them about the Scriptures, but they neglected their ministry toward God
in prayer. The Ephesians did well to protect the
gospel and defend the truth from lying deceivers and those who would try to
corrupt the word of God (Jd-3), but they fell short
in their personal relationship with Him, which is the basis of
our ministry toward people. If our ministry toward God is lacking, it will
seriously affect our ministry with people in the world and in the Church. See also: Left your first love; Rev 2-4,5;
Rev 2-4,5
(45d) Judgment
God judges our walk in the Spirit >> For not
bearing fruit
(87j) Thy kingdom come
Obedience >> Being a slave to obedience
(134i) Temple
Your body is the temple of God >> Sins of the
body >> Immorality >>
Adultery >> Spiritual adultery -- These
verses go with verse 14
(172e) Works of the devil
Manifestations of the devil >> Tares among the
wheat >> Communion between the world and the Church >> The Church in the world --
These verses go with verses 14-16
(193f) Die to self (Process of substitution)
Turn from sin to God >> Repent >>
Bring forth fruit in keeping with repentance >>
Instruction to the Church –
This exhortation to the Church in Ephesus speaks directly to the Evangelical
community of our day, who consider themselves “keepers of the truth.”
They think that if it weren’t for them the truth would have been lost long
ago. Listen to verses 2,3: “I know your deeds, your toil and
perseverance and that you cannot tolerate evil men, and you put to the test
those who call themselves apostles, and they are not, and you found them to be
false; and you have perseverance and have endured for My name's sake, and have
not grown weary.” That is a very good description of the Baptist/Evangelical
mindset of our time. They are always fighting someone who they think is trying
to corrupt the doctrines of the Church; but then verse 4 says, “I
have this against you, that you have left your first love.” This also is
highly descriptive of the Baptist/Evangelical community. We go to
some of these churches and stay for six months, we discover they are preaching reruns, because their
sphere of truth is very small. Verse 5 says, “Remember from where you have
fallen, and repent.” If we were to compare this to the Law, it says in
Exodus 20 that we should put no other gods before Him; we should not commit
murder or adultery or lie, etc. These are all things that Evangelicals
have included in their religion, but at the very top of
God’s law it says, “[You shall] Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with
all your soul and with all your strength” (Deuteronomy 6-5). Sometimes we
get so busy trying not to offend God by our sins that we offend Him in the
worst way, by forgetting about Him through a lack of prayer. They expelled
God from their religion, so all that remained were a set of rules. How
then do we love God? We say we love Him by loving others, and we summarize the Law into two commandments: love God and love our fellow man.
This means that loving
God and loving our fellow man are two distinct things; that is, if we try to love God
by loving our neighbor, we haven’t loved God yet; we have only loved our
neighbor. So how do we love God? We spend time coming to know Him as students
of His word and as disciples of prayer. The Church in Ephesus read their
Bibles to defend their religion from those whom they considered heretics, but their prayer life
suffered. We could
say the same about the Evangelical Church today. Much as they claim to be
keepers of the truth, their payer life is usually in shambles. A person who has prayed only
one time in his whole life has a prayer life, but God wants us to have a life of
prayer! God
said that if they didn’t repent, He would take their lampstand from its
place, which would be fatal. Once we lose our light, we’re done;
that is what it makes us Christians, someone whom God has illumined. See also:
Left your first love;
238h / Evangelicals and
Baptists; Rev 2-4;
74c /
1The 5-20; 222l
(203a) Denying Christ
Running from God >> Wicked men cannot approach
the throne of God >> God chases them away from
His presence
(238h) Kingdom of God
Pursuing the kingdom >> Pursuing the knowledge
of the kingdom >> Teachers >>
Teachers "remind" their students >>
Strong reminders –
This is a strong reminder to repent. We are to remember where we once stood
with God and the spiritual status we once enjoyed and the faithfulness we once
demonstrated and return to that standard. He said they lost their first love. It has been
said that when people fall in love for the first time, they cannot form
emotional attachments closer to anyone else. Likewise, when a person gets
saved, he becomes spiritually alive for the first time, meaning before that
he was dead; he was transferred from darkness and brought into God’s
marvelous light (1Pet 2-9). The first moment of life that a Christian
experiences from God is his first love. It was a wave of spiritual affection,
and God wants us to ride that wave to the shores of heaven. Maybe we have been saved for forty years; God wants
us to return to the time when we first believed when it was all brand new, a
time when we opened the Bible and the words lifted off the page and leapt
into our heart. We were so happy to believe in God and so pleased to love our fellow man, and
we served the Lord with joy and gladness. The temptations of the world
became distant, and we could hardly remember what we saw in them, and then
time and the pressures of life slowly eroded our affections, faith became old
and love began
to wane, and our excitement for God turned to naivety in our memories. God wants us to go
back to that initial time and return to our
first love. It is still possible to love God now as much as when we first
believed, and even more because of our spiritual maturity. God doesn’t want our love for Him to
become mundane; He
wants our faith to grow strong and our joy to remain. See also: Left your first love; Rev 2-4;
Rev 2-4
(74c) Thy kingdom come
The heart >> God wants you to protect your heart
The Church in Ephesus represents the
Evangelical denomination, who are 30 million people strong in
America; they are very dogmatic and doctrine oriented and very skeptical of
other people’s beliefs. They consider themselves keepers of the faith,
though the Catholics believe the same about themselves, and there could be no
two Christian faiths more opposite. They rarely take the time or
the interest to hear other people’s views, considering everyone else to be automatically
wrong by evidence that they disagree. Also, the Church at
Ephesus sounds like the Evangelical persuasion in that they
cannot tolerate evil men. They put them to the test, using all their
energy to maintain their doctrines, but it says, “I have this against
you, that you have left your first love.” Evangelicals are guilty of being more concerned about their doctrines than they are about their
faith in Jesus. They will argue theology all day long, but when it
comes to actually practicing their faith, they fall short. God
threatens to take their lampstand out of its place, which represents their
love of the truth. See also: Evangelicals and
Rev 2,2-4; 194f / Left your first love; 161d
(161d) Works of the devil
>> Satan
determines the world's direction >>
Wandering from the character of God >> Wander
from the love of God –
God charges us with the responsibility of keeping the faith and fixing the
problems associated with our heart. How easy is it to leave our first love,
and how hard it is to return? It takes
every ounce of soul! Since we
are talking about issues of the heart, the first and foremost priority is
sincerity. The heart is like a sharpshooter; whatever the bullet
hits proves the true direction the gun was pointed. We try
to hit the bullseye, which represents the truth, but we often miss. We eye up the
target in the scope with a steady hand, putting the crosshairs on the bullseye and
slowly squeeze the trigger; the bullet is released, but there is no guarantee
we will hit the bullseye, because there are issues beyond our control. The
heart of man is very complex. We think if the crosshairs were in the center of
the bullseye when we pulled the trigger we should hit it, but some people
can’t even hit the target, because they are not in control of their heart; other forces
are pulling on them, seeking their
affections, and they just can’t find it in themselves to put it all aside
and focus on their one true love. When they think they have dedicated their heart to the Lord, they
pull the trigger and the target goes untouched, and they have no idea what they
are doing wrong. See also: Left your first love; Rev 2-5; 105f
/ Analogies (Looking at our reflection in the mirror); Jm 1,22-25; 55b
(178f) Works of the devil
The religion of witchcraft >> Hypocrisy >>
Hypocrisy of the Church is rebuked >> The Church is rebuked for sin -- This verse goes with verses 14-16
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Rev 2-5,6
(42j) Judgment
Satan destroyed >> Transformed >>
Conform to the walk of Christ
Rev 2-5
(11o) Servant
Example of God’s people >> The Church
(45g) Judgment
Believer’s sin >> God will judge us with the
world if we live like them -- This verse goes with verse
(87a) Thy kingdom come
Obedience >> Be doers of the word from the
heart >> God blesses us for doing His word,
not for knowing it
(105f) Thy kingdom come
Pure in heart >> Lacking a pure heart –
This is about leaving our first love; it says that it can result in the
removal of our lampstand. Not many people shudder about this, but they
should. They don’t because they believe in eternal security, but they
shouldn’t. Removing our lampstand is tantamount to losing our salvation.
Note that the Lord threatened to remove the lampstand, but in the parable of the
Ten Virgins their flame died from a lack of fuel, indicating
there are two ways to lose our light. Remember, this scene takes place
after the five wise virgins cross the threshold into the Most Holy Place and
the door is shut, meaning God takes the sins of the five foolish virgins
very seriously. Whether our flame dies from a lack
of fuel or the Lord removes our lampstand, we have lost our light, and Scripture
does not teach that God will relight our flame or
replace our lampstand. Once the light goes out we’re done. The objective
of Christianity, therefore, is to make sure our light keeps burning; that is all God
really asks of us. Two things will douse our flame quicker than anything:
failing to repent of sins that lead to death (1Jn 5-16,17), and omitting
righteousness that God is calling us to do. One leads to the other. See also: Left your first love; Rev 2,2-5; 5g
/ Ten virgins; 222b / Eternal security? (We can
break the seal); 2Cor 1-22; 71k
(222b) Kingdom of God
The elusive Kingdom of Heaven >> Do not give
what is holy to dogs >> God does not entrust
his treasures to dogs >> God retrieves his
treasures when sheep revert to dogs –
The description that John gave of Jesus was that His voice was like the
sound of a trumpet and like many waters (Rev 1-10). The trumpet sounds are
the voices of angels calling man to repent. We can hear His voice by a spiritual revelation from
the Holy Spirit. Removing the
lampstand from its place douses the light of truth, a very severe
consequence. They might still have their Bible and can read
the words, but the spiritual revelation is gone, and now His words sound hollow.
When our lampstand is taken from its
place, we have lost our faith. Our
spirit becomes silent; the revelation of God’s truth becomes a
distant memory; we remember having affections for God, but now His word is
no longer a reality after our lamp has been removed. Remember the
parable of the Ten Virgins; the five foolish virgins who didn’t have
enough oil in their lamps to last through the night, when they came banging
on the door asking the Lord to open up for them were denied and told
to go away, “you who practice lawlessness” (Mat 7-23). They
didn’t make it to heaven. The Ephesians were a strong church; Paul wrote
some of his most beautiful words to them, yet Jesus found fault with them. How much more does He find
fault with American Christianity, which is on par with Laodicea? See also: Hearing ear; Rev 2-7;
79k / Ten virgins; Rev 2-1;
Rev 2-6
(194e) Die to self (Process of substitution)
Turn from sin to God >> Hate evil >>
Condemning sin >> Hate evil by being innocent of
it -- This verse goes with verse 24. The
doctrines and deeds of the Nicolaitans that Jesus hated were that of compromise
with the evil practices of their surrounding culture and failure to separate from the
world, "by 'believing' we are released from the necessity of being doers of the Word. But this is the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which Christ so unsparingly condemned in the book of Revelation"
( That is, Jesus’ complaint was that they were not sanctified, not set apart
from the world. His complaint was with their deeds and
not with their theology. However, our theology is directly
linked to our deeds, in that what we believe determines how we live;
so if we have loose theology, we tend to live loosely. Others know the
truth yet don’t follow it, making them on par with Pharisees and their fellow
pagans and heathens.
Rev 2-7
(39e) Judgment
Jesus defeated death >> Victory >>
Jesus overcame the world -- This verse goes with verse 11
(79k) Thy kingdom come
Know the word >> Listen to the word >>
He who has ears to hear, let him hear -- This verse goes with verse
11. This statement is repeated seven times throughout
chapters two and three of Revelation: “He who has an ear to hear, let him
hear what the Spirit says to the Churches.” Then He said, “To him who
overcomes…” associating the hearing ear with overcoming. Revelation is a
prophetic book about endtimes, and reiterating this statement
many times hints at its importance. We should tune
our ears to hear His voice as a primary means of surviving the last days. The Holy Spirit is John’s theme throughout all of his writings, emphasizing
Him in his gospel. When we let the Holy Spirit in our lives and He highlights the
word of God as a revelation of Jesus Christ
with a consummate love of the brethren, He will ensure
His will is done in us through His power. See also: Hearing ear; 106e
(98ka) Thy kingdom come >>
Endurance (Thorn in the flesh) >>
Endurance invites the Holy Spirit into your life >>
The salvation of God >> Enduring the wicked is to overcome them -- This
verse goes with verse 17
(106e) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Hearing from God >> Attaining the hearing ear >>
Having the ability to hear -- This verse goes with verse 11. Having an ear to hear what the Spirit
will be our greatest asset to surviving the Great Tribulation, but those who
have not tuned their ear to the voice of the Spirit will not survive. They will fall away from the faith,
proving to be of the five foolish virgins. How do we define overcoming? In Mat 24-4
the disciples asked Jesus, “What will be the sign of your coming and of
the end of the age?” He replied, “Watch out that no one deceives you.”
How do we “see to it” that no one misleads us? We develop the hearing ear; that is how we define overcoming! The ability to discern the truth will protect us
from those who come claiming to be the savior of the world. We may laugh
at such lunatics now, but desperate times are coming when
we will have incentive to trust the wrong people, who will claim to be Jesus Christ, and their claims
will be backed by signs and wonders. That does
not tell us about their deceptions as much as the desperation of
those days. People will latch onto any hope they can find, so when someone
says, ‘I am He,’ we will have a tendency to
believe him, and the poison of these false prophets is deadly to our faith. See also: Hearing ear; Rev 2-17;
(109ha) Thy kingdom come >>
Faith >>
Spirit and the word >> Spirit the teacher >> Spirit interprets the word for
us -- This verse
goes with verse 29
(110h) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Spirit and the word >> Born of the Spirit by the
truth >> Hearing the Spirit -- This verse
goes with verse 11
(254i) Trinity
Holy Spirit’s relationship between Father and Son >>
Jesus is equal with the Holy Spirit >> Holy
Spirit is life >> Spirit of Jesus
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Rev 2,8-11
(65i) Paradox
Anomalies >> Satan Glorifies God
Rev 2-8
(39l) Judgment
The essence of life defeated the essence of death
(56i) Paradox
Opposites >> Last is first and the first is last –
This phrase, “the first and the last” is a principle of Christ regarding
His kingdom, that whatever the Church experiences, Christ experienced it first.
Just as Jesus is the first fruits of the resurrection, so He put
Himself last among the people He was saving. He humbled Himself and became
servant of all, and as a result He received first place in everything.
(113l) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
The anointing >> Anointing establishes us in His
will – Jesus spoke to the angel,
who represents an anointing, and the angel relayed the message
to John. If John
learns these things through an anointing (Rev 1-4), then the Church must read
the Book of Revelation and all the books of the Bible through an anointing if
we are going to understand it the way God intended.
(248f) Priorities
God’ s preeminence >> Jesus is first >>
Jesus is first born of the Father
Rev 2-9,10
Judgment >> Sequence of Revelations
>> First half of the tribulation
>> The seals of Satan's wrath >> Fifth seal - Mark of the beast -- Martyrdom
Jesus promised martyrdom to the saints. It seems that people who are most
interested in endtime prophecy are those who believe in the pre-tribulation
Rapture, yet according to them, they will not even be here while endtime
prophecy advances, so why do they care? They would say the people that Jesus mentioned do not pertain
to them, but to those who are left behind. They had better be
right, because if they’re not, they have not prepared to pay the ultimate price for their
faith. After the Rapture, the tribulation of the
saints will end, defining the Rapture as a
post-tribulation event. Accordingly, Post-tribulation theology suggests that
by definition the Rapture occurs at the end of the great tribulation, and
after that, God will continue judging the world for
martyring His saints in the bowls of His fierce wrath. The first five Seals occur,
and then the Trumpets will sound, and at the seventh and last trumpet (1Cor 15-52) the Rapture will occur.
See also:
Sequence of endtime events;
Rev 8,7-13; 49c
Works of the devil >> Manifestations of the devil >> Tares among
the wheat >> Devils among the saints >> False brethren among the
people of God >> Antichrists among Christians –
The Church of Smyrna is one of two churches
in this list of seven that are serving the lord, and the false brethren are
persecuting them both. None of the other five churches are serving the Lord. These
ten days represent ten years, and we know that the tribulation is a seven-year
period, so it could be that persecution starts three years before the
seven-year Tribulation formally begins. Jesus said to be faithful until
death and He will give us the crown of life, meaning that this is a time of
martyrdom, that martyrdom begins before Jesus breaks the first Seal
(Revelation chapter six). False brethren are responsible for martyring the saints, and it says they
claim to be Jews (and are not). The book of Revelation was written
after 70 AD (best estimate is 96 AD according to Irenaeus, a disciple of John)
during the later part of Domitian’s reign (81-96). These were days of great
Jewish persecution; therefore it was disadvantageous to claim Jewish heritage,
making this statement about being Jewish illogical. Consider this: a Jew is
not a Jew according to the flesh but according to the Spirit, for gentile
Christians are spiritual Jews, whereas unbelieving physical Jews do not meet
the definition of a true Jew in the new covenant. Therefore, John was talking
about Jew and gentile Christians being martyred three years prior to the seven-year
Tribulation. These false brethren claimed to be Christians, and they were
mostly responsible for persecuting the Church. The Muslim religion of Islam
claims to be the true children of God, children of Ishmael, who claim that he
inherited the promise and not Isaac. This passage is therefore prophesying
about the tremendous persecution of Islam against the Church. The first Seal
describes a man on a white horse holding a bow with no mention of any arrows,
meaning it will be an unconventional war. Nobody is being killed; it is a war
of economics, depicting the collapse of the global economy. Persecution will
increase beyond any historical recollection three years prior to this
collapse, and we are seeing a great ratcheting-up of persecution against
Christians and Jews by the Islamic state, which is a fulfillment of this
passage. See also: Ten years; Rev 2-10; 241dd
Rev 2-9
(23f) Sin
Poverty (Oppression) >> Rich are those who are
poor in their own minds –
This verse is best understood in the backdrop of Mat 5-3, “Blessed are the
poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.” This is one of the
most popular verses in the Bible, yet who knows what it really means to be
poor in spirit? Paul spoke similarly in Rom 12-3, saying that we are
not to think more highly of ourselves than we ought to think. Sound
judgment should be a trait of those who belong to the Kingdom of God, meaning
that the narcissist who is full of himself does not possess
eternal life, unless of course he repents. People full of pride
find it very difficult to repent, because how do they empty themselves of
themselves? If they want to know God, they will need to seek humility in order
to relate to Him.
(94b) Thy kingdom come
Perspective on wealth in this life
(165k) Works of the devil
Manifestations of the devil >> Hardship >>
Struggles of this life -- This verse goes with verse 2
(183b) Works of the devil
The origin of lawlessness >> Spirit of Error (Anti-Christ / Anti-Semitism) >>
Witchcraft >> Sin is the incubator of witchcraft >> Through satanic influence -- This
verse goes with verses 20-24
(186c) Works of the devil
The result of lawlessness >> Blasphemy >>
Cursing the Holy Spirit >> Lying to the Holy
(212j) Sovereignty
God is infinite >> God is all knowing >>
God knows everything about you -- This verse goes with verse 19
(249g) Priorities
God’ s preeminence >> Wealth >>
True perception of wealth >> The infinite and
eternal wealth of God >> God’s perception of
wealth >> Our hope in this life
God’s perspective on His people is that they can have nothing to their name
regarding possessions, yet be rich in faith and be on course with eternal
life. Those who are fully committed to Him are rich in spirit; they are truly
in possession of life indeed, and one day they will possess all things. God will
give them the entire universe as their possession. We can even say that we already possess these
things. Some people have stars named after them, and we can observe vast
galaxies with our giant telescopes, but if we can’t go there, how do we own them?
Many don’t even own a point on the map in their
city, much less a star. We usually have everything
we need, and that is enough for now, but the Bible teaches that God will give
us all things, and we will have access to it. One day
we will possess the universe in ways that will enable us to visit other
planets that are being colonized by God’s growing kingdom. If we will one
day own everything, it is no wonder God is on a campaign to perfect humility
in us now; we are going to need it! the Church of Smyrna was in dire poverty;
they may not have been dying from hunger and thirst, but they lived without
many things, yet they received affirmation from Christ that they were rich,
like Paul said in 2Cor 6-10, “As sorrowful yet always rejoicing, as poor yet
making many rich, as having nothing yet possessing all things.” The people
who have the affirmation of Christ truly possess all things. See also:
Inheritance; Rev 2,26-29; 36h
/ Navigation Bar
Rev 2-10,11
(207cb) Salvation >>
God makes promises on His terms >> Eternal
security? >> God will accept you into His heaven if you overcome >> Endure to the end
Rev 2-10
(5f) Responsibility
Discipleship tested >> God tests your faith
through hardship –
God severely criticized most of the Churches in chapters 2&3 of
Revelation, but Smyrna was blameless
in His eyes. What is God's reward for cleansing themselves from
all defilement of flesh and spirit only to be martyred? There will be some who do not see the justice in
that. However, because Smyrna was unblemished, they understood the mind of God and His justice, that the reward of
eternal life is worth a lifetime of adversity, and that there is nothing man
can do to them.
(24a) Sin
Poverty (Oppression) >> Fear of hardship (punishment) –
If we are the generation that sees the fulfillment of endtime prophecy, it
says, “Do on fear what you are about to suffer.” Suffer is a scary
word, but we don’t have to fear suffering; fear will not help us get through the
tribulation. Fear has not helped anyone in any way. In fact, according to
Scripture, "fear" is about as opposite of God that we can get. When we fear something, it influences the decisions we make to alleviate the problem, so when Jesus said, “do not
fear,” He was saying, ‘Do not attempt to fix the problem,’ telling us
not to fight them. Jesus has made us overcomers, but He doesn’t want us trying to overcome the
circumstances of the last days tribulation using force, for endtime
prophecy was predestined to happen, so we must go though it, and He will be
with us the whole time, and if we
fear, our ability to sense His presence will fade. Fear diminishes faith, and
when the entire
world is joining forces against us, we will need every ounce of faith God
avails to us.
(46j) Judgment
Spiritual warfare >> Demons are subject to
(53b) Paradox
Opposites >> Of life and death >>
Death cannot hurt you
(57j) Paradox
Opposites >> Crown of life is awarded to those
who die to self
(102k) Thy kingdom come
>> Loyalty (Faithfulness) >> Tried and true >> Loyal
(163b) Works of the devil
Being a slave to the devil (Addictions) >>
Bondage >> Being slaves of men >>
Prison –
Prison takes away our rights and our options but not our freewill. Does that refer to concentration camps? For some it
does, but Jesus may not be talking about concentration camps per se, in that
this is a figurative prison. Every
Christian on the planet will be in Satan’s prison in one form or another. It will
not be the devil testing us, but God, who will ordain this satanic wickedness
perpetrated against the saints that will come upon the Church to test His
people in the last days as to who is worthy to be a member of His heavenly
family. Those who merely pretend Christianity
will fall away almost immediately, leaving only the saints, who will then
become concentrated and unified. This period of prison will end through the unity of the saints. As Satan persecutes the
Church, we will unite and break the power of Satan and Christ will set us free, and in this
state of freedom He will come for us. Jesus will not come for a Church in
bondage but one that is free of Satan’s power and
influence, a people tried and tested and found true (Eph 5-27).
(187g) Die to self (Process of substitution)
Separation from the old man >> Die to the flesh >>
Dying to receive the glory of God >> Dying to
self precedes the resurrection
(188e) Die to self (Process of substitution)
Separation from the old man >> Suffering >>
Suffering the will of God in your life
(189e) Die to self (Process of substitution)
Separation from the old man >> Martyr >>
Tested for faithfulness to the death –
The worst thing that could happen to a Christian is that the circumstances
become more severe than the strength of his faith. The greatest act of
endurance is to give our lives as martyrs for Jesus' sake. The question is: how much faith do we need to be
ready for martyrdom? This is a question we must all ask ourselves. We
know many stories about the saints in the past who were martyred for their
faith. The stories are told that God gives them grace at their moment of trial
to endure their circumstances.
(214dd) Sovereignty >>
God controls time >>
God’s timing transcends our comprehension >>
God’s time is none of our business –
Jesus gave us a time period of ten days. We know God is very conservative about time, but in this case He
freely divulged a time period of ten days. The question is, how long is a day-unit? Ten years is the most likely case, and if
it indicates a ten-year period, then it
will be a horrific decade for Christians as the length of time of the first
five seals. Start preparing for it now. See also: Ten years; Rev 2-9,10; 172a
(226b) Kingdom of God
Illustrating the kingdom >> Rewards of the Kingdom of Heaven >> Reserved in heaven >>
God crowns us with glory for sharing our rewards >>
The reward of a crown
(233a) Kingdom of God
Pursuing the kingdom >> Seeking the kingdom >>
Seeking the goals of the kingdom >> Seek the
goal of the resurrection
(246b) Kingdom of God
Spirit realm imposed on the natural realm >>
Literal manifestations >> Literal bondage to
/ Navigation Bar
Rev 2,11-29
Judgment >> Sequence of Revelations >> Great endtime revival
>> Church gets right with God -- These verses go with verses
Rev 2-11
(39e) Judgment
Jesus defeated death >> Victory >>
Jesus overcame the world -- This verse goes with verse 17
(47e) Judgment
>> God
Judges the world
Hell is a place of the dead – The second death refers to hell. We must all
die once, but the second death will last forever, an existence of continuous
death. It is
similar to a person who is on his deathbed and worsens each day until he
finally breathes his last, only in hell he never dies because he is
already dead. He is stuck in that condition, and his suffering never ends, for
there is no other place for him to go. In the way that those of us in
heaven will go from glory to glory throughout the eons, each day being more
wonderful than the last, so the person in hell will continually discover new
lows in his depression, new horrors in his terror and new sufferings in his
torment. He didn't want anything to do with God, so God took him literally and
removed everything about Himself from him and his environment, and the
result is hell.
(79k) Thy kingdom come
Know the word >> Listen to the word >>
He who has ears to hear, let him hear -- This verse goes with verse
(106e) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Hearing from God >> Attaining the hearing ear >>
Having the ability to hear -- This verse goes with verse 17
(110h) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Spirit and the word >> Born of the Spirit by the
truth >> Hearing the Spirit -- This verse goes with verse 17
(217d) Sovereignty
God overrides the will of man >> God’s will
over man >> God gives up on you >>
When you give yourself over to sin
Rev 2-12
(46b) Judgment
Spiritual warfare >> Subjecting your flesh >>
Preparing for battle -- This verse goes with verse 16
(111k) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Spirit and the word >> Living and active word of
God –
Jesus has a sharp two-edged sword, and in Ephesians Paul revealed one edge of
the sword to be the Holy Spirit and the other edge to be the word of God. With
two edges on one sword, it cuts both ways, but one without the other is no
longer the sword that Jesus carries. Some people carry a sword with one edge,
the Bible, who dismiss the ministry of the Spirit, while others carry a sword
with the other edge, the Spirit, who care not what the Bible says, with the result that both are ineffective. Anybody who rejects the
ministry of the Spirit is heretic, and anybody who rejects the Bible
has rejected the origin of his faith. The Holy Spirit does nothing without the
word of God, and the word of God is powerless without the Holy Spirit, but the
two of them working together are the power of God. Had Jesus done what He wanted in disregard of His
Father, He would have rejected the Holy Spirit’s ministry and denied Himself
as the word of God. So the Bible needs the Spirit to be the truth, and the
Holy Spirit needs the Bible to be authenticated. Without the word of God,
whatever the Holy Spirit did on His own could not be attributed to God, but
with Scripture the Holy Spirit confirms the Bible as God’s holy
Rev 2-13
Authority >> Jesus delegates authority
Sacrificing your life for the name of Jesus -- This verse goes with
verse 3. We
are an eternal soul and our life began at our birth. The Bible teaches that
our life in eternity has already begun; the life we were given that we enjoy will continue in heaven. Therefore, what we learn in this
life will directly translate to the life to come, and for this reason, God
wants to fill us with experiences of triumphing over darkness, deception, sin
and Satan in order to teach us the
meaning of evil and the value of
righteousness and the freedom of truth. God plans to create another people
after us, and we will become as it were their spiritual fathers, and we will
teach them right from wrong. If we are going to do this, then we need to know
right from wrong ourselves, not on some theoretical basis, but in a very
practical way, experientially. This is the kind of God we serve, one who
values experience over theory, and this is why we have been forced to live in Satan's
kingdom, why we are tempted every day and
struggle every day and make decisions every day about what is right and wrong,
what is ethical and unethical, moral and immoral. We not only have circumstances
against us that test us, we also have a spirit against us that tempts us to
make wrong decisions, but God has given us His Spirit to help us make right
decisions and to strengthen us with His grace to maintain a life
fashioned for righteousness. See also: suffering and evil; 164c
/ God allows suffering and evil to test us in relation to others; Mat
5-23,24; 137l
(97k) Thy kingdom come
Endurance (Thorn in the flesh) >> Rooted deeply >>
Standing firm together in the faith
(102m) Thy kingdom come
Faithfulness (Loyalty) >> Loyalty is unswerving
-- This verse goes with verse 26
(144b) Witness >>
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Witnesses of Jesus >> The Church bears witness of Jesus >>
It bears witness of the
(147i) Witness
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Works of the Church bear witness to Jesus >> Evangelism >>
Solemnly testify about Jesus
Witness >> Validity of Jesus Christ >> Works of the Church bear
witness to Jesus >>
Confessing Jesus to be saved >> Confessing Jesus as the Son of God
(164c) Works of the devil
Manifestations of the devil >> The world system >>
Satan rules the world >> The world is his
kingdom –
God created the conditions to make us live with Satan. This was God’s design from the beginning that man
should be tested in the Garden of Eden, fail and be pushed into
Satan’s habitat. If Christ hadn’t come and saved us, we would have all
perished in our sins, but God has established His manner of forgiveness
and gave us His Spirit, empowering us to overcome temptation, so we can do the will of God and be forgiven our mistakes
and go to heaven when we are finished in this life. Some people don’t
understand why God left us here and arranged the circumstances that allowed
mankind to suffer all these thousands of years. The answer to this is
understood in the purpose of God in heaven; He is preparing us for our eternal future.
also: suffering and evil; 67h
(189g) Die to self (Process of substitution)
Separation from the old man >> Martyr >>
Martyrs witness to the life of God
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Rev 2,14-16
Judgment >> God judges us for not judging ourselves
>> Believer's judgment >> Judged
According to our deeds -- These verses go with verses 20-25. Not
everyone was guilty of the sin of Balaam, only some, and the Lord wanted the
rest to repent of their deeds or He would confront Balaam with the sword of
His mouth. The purpose of the faithful
are to help those who are weak, not to condemn them but to guide them into the
ways of righteousness. If they have a heart for God, they will listen;
but if not, we should question their faith and wonder why they want
to associate with the saints. Those who love the Lord will accept criticism
and rebuke, but if they don’t, they prove themselves false brethren, and we should be wary of
them. Their complacency is a danger to the Church and a contagion, yet the hope is always that they will return to the faith and be
restored to fellowship, though bear in mind that false
brethren are one of a variation of reprobates, and those with a reprobate mind never repent.
See also: Balaam; 163d
(161k) Works of the devil
>> Satan
determines the world's direction >>
Carried away by religion -- These verses go with verses 20-24
(163d) Works of the devil
Being a slave to the devil (Addictions) >>
Bondage >> Being slaves of men >>
Bondage makes you a victim of God’s judgment -- These verses go with
verses 22&23. The
things that were mentioned here were on the short list of things to avoid in Act 15-28,29, “It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to
lay upon you no greater burden than these essentials: that you abstain from
things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from things strangled and from
fornication.” People were demanding that the new covenant had rules, so to
appease the people the apostles established a short list, and these two things
were on that list: eating things sacrificed to idols and fornication. We
should remember that the apostles didn’t want any rules at all. In the new
covenant there is no need for rules, because the Holy Spirit leads us into
all the will of God and away from things that are
displeasing to Him. We instinctively know His will by the new
nature that He has given us, and so we have the list written in our heart. Why then did these people who received such a good report from the
Lord also receive this criticism? They were legalistic and consequently did things
they knew were wrong. Therefore, God’s complaint was that they were violating their conscience. They were
denying Christ's lordship in their lives and overriding the Holy Spirit. God wants His people to listen to their conscience and
follow the Holy Spirit, and anything less is like being led by a dumb donkey
(2Pet 2-15,16), like Balaam. The New Testament says, “We know that there is no such
thing as an idol in the world, and that there is no God but one” (1Cor 8-4).
Those who walk in the Spirit are not constrained by these rules, so we should not eat things sacrificed to idols for
conscience' sake and for onlookers, who would
learn the unintended lesson of worshipping other gods as though it were acceptable
to God. See also: Balaam; Rev 2-14;
(172e) Works of the devil
Manifestations of the devil >> Tares among the
wheat >> Communion between the world and the Church >> The Church in the world --
These verses go with verses 20-24
(178f) Works of the devil
The religion of witchcraft >> Hypocrisy >>
Hypocrisy of the Church is rebuked >> The Church is rebuked for sin -- These verses go with verses 20-25
(179f) Works of the devil
Practicing witchcraft >> Wolves >>
False prophets >> False prophets preach works to deny Christ
-- These verses go with verses
(180a) Works of the devil
Practicing witchcraft >> Wolves >>
Wolves lead people into a cult >> Leading people
for sordid gain -- These verses go with verses 20-23
Works of the devil >> Practicing witchcraft >> Rebellion >>
Rebelling against God >> Rebelling against the men of God –
Act 21-25 says, “As for the Gentile believers,
we have written to them our decision that they should abstain from food
sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from
sexual immorality.” God has a problem with dabbling in things
that are included in this short list of restrictions. The early
apostles were careful not to turn Christianity into a legalistic credo of dos and
don’ts, similar to what happened to the old covenant, and for this reason it
was a short list. The things on
the list to avoid were for health reasons and for conscience sake (1Cor
10-28,29). It would seem logical, then, that those who lived entirely in
the interest of their flesh would want to avoid them, but they are more
interested in rebellion than they are in their
physical health, which is an anomaly.
(192j) Die to self (Process of substitution)
Turn from sin to God >> Repent >>
Stop practicing sin >> Stop sinning
(202b) Denying Christ
Man chooses his own destiny apart from God >>
Running from God >> Running to your sinful
nature >> Run from God by running to the world --
These verses go with verses 20-24.
(241f) Kingdom of God
Opposition toward the Kingdom of God >>
Hindering the kingdom >> Obstacles in the way of
the kingdom >> Obstacles that keep you from
Jesus -- These verses go with verses 20-24
Rev 2-14,15
(232j) Kingdom of God
Pursuing the kingdom >> Seeking the kingdom >>
Embrace (Jesus during the storm) >> Things not
to embrace -- These verses go with verse 24
Rev 2-14
(134i) Temple
Your body is the temple of God >> Sins of the
body >> Immorality >>
Adultery >> Spiritual adultery -- This
verse goes with verses 20-25
(151e) Witness
Validity of the Father >> New Testament bears
witness of the Old >> The Patriarchs >>
The Old Testament prophets
(155d) Witness
Validity of the believer >> Witness of the
believer >> Conscience >>
An evil conscience keeps us from believing God >>
Knowledge of evil testifies against our deeds -- This verse goes with
verse 20
(173h) Works of the devil
The religion of witchcraft >> Catholicism >>
Unholy sacrifice (Penance) >> Offering sacrifice without
God’s approval >> Sacrifice against the ways of
God -- This verse goes with verse 20
(195g) Denying Christ
Man exercises his will against God >> Idolatry >>
Worshipping men >> Worshipping the idol of
pleasure -- This verse goes with verse 20
Priorities >> God’s prerequisites >> Sequence of priorities >> Believe the first message; all
subsequent messages are meant to dissuade you –
king of Moab, hired Balaam the false prophet to
curse the people and prophesy falsely against them, because Balak was afraid
of them, and so Balaam climbed a high mountain where he could see the nation
of Israel in the valley, and God commanded Balaam not to curse these people
because they were blessed, but Balaam disobeyed the Lord's command and
attempted to curse the house of Israel, but the curse backfired on him. Balaam had a dream that night to go with
them but to speak only the word of the Lord, but the dream was not from God.
Balaam's sin was that of a disobedient prophet (also read 1King 13,11-24). Gal 1-8
says, “Even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel
contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed!” Therefore,
Christ's message to Pergamum was to stop listening to false prophets. See
also: Balaam; Rev 2,14-16; 45b
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Rev 2-16
(45g) Judgment
Believer’s sin >> God will judge us with the
world if we live like them -- This verse goes with verse
(46b) Judgment
Spiritual warfare >> Subjecting your flesh >>
Preparing for battle -- This verse goes with verse 12
(150h) Witness
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Works of the Church bear witness of Jesus >> Speak the word of the
Spirit >>
Speaking the words that God speaks
(215g) Sovereignty
God controls time >> Suddenly >>
The judgments of God come suddenly >> Without
warning –
The word “suddenly” frequently appears in the New Testament, most often in
context with endtime prophecy, enough that it should catch our
attention. Quickly people will have to turn and run in the opposite
direction; but if we are not prepared, many will run out of time, because the last day’s events will
come fast and furious, like a locomotive barreling down the tracks.
Rev 2-17
(39e) Judgment
Jesus defeated death >> Victory >>
Jesus overcame the world -- This verse goes with verses 26-29
(76n) Thy kingdom come
Desires >> Word is food >>
Bread of life is the word of God –
Manna fell from heaven like dew on the ground for the children of Israel for the
forty years that they wandered in the wilderness. Jesus depicted Himself as
manna, saying He was the bread of life that came out of heaven from God. Since Jesus is also called the
word of God, “manna” refers to the
spiritual knowledge of God,
written in our heart, the revelation of Jesus Christ. He illumines our mind
to understand the knowledge of God through the Spirit. Anyone who
overcomes, God will give spiritual wisdom regarding His truth, but we must
first believe, and through our convictions push through our fleshly
hindrances, until God enlightens our mind with His faith that overcomes the
(79k) Thy kingdom come
Know the word >> Listen to the word >>
He who has ears to hear, let him hear -- This verse goes with verse
(98ka) Thy kingdom come >>
Endurance (Thorn in the flesh) >>
Endurance invites the Holy Spirit into your life >>
The salvation of God >> Enduring the wicked is to overcome them -- This
verse goes with verse 26
(106e) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Hearing from God >> Attaining the hearing ear >>
Having the ability to hear -- This verse goes with verse 29. This
verse speaks of a white rock with a new name written on it, which refers to a
highly intimate relationship between God and His true children; note that the
stone represents permanence. Meanwhile a statement was reiterated seven times in chapters two and
three that also testifies of our intimate relationship with God, "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."
No other statement in the New Testament has been more often repeated than this
one, and of
course the purpose was to pound home its significance by rote. When endtime prophecy
begins to unfold, those who have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying will navigate through the tribulation, unlike those who have not
cultivated a hearing ear. Those who are deaf to the Spirit of God will not know what
He is doing, and they won't know who to follow. We need to have a hearing ear, so when we
hear the truth, it will ring true in our heart, while other messages will fail the test of the Spirit.
See also: Hearing ear; 110h
(110h) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Spirit and the word >> Born of the Spirit by the
truth >> Hearing the Spirit -- This verse
goes with verse 29.
God will give the hidden manna
in the Ark of the Covenant located in the Most Holy Place. That is where we go
to meet with Him, and He will give us a white stone. In the last days
God will call us into a Most Holy Place with Him. The way into the Most Holy
Place is to become a student of God’s word and a disciple of prayer. What does it say about this white stone? Written on it is a
new name that God will give us that no one else knows. It is our new identity that we
receive as we minister to Him. Developing a life of prayer causes a change in our innermost being,
and we become a different person. We will remain ourselves with other people, but
with God we can relate to Him in ways we cannot describe. See also: Hearing ear; Rev 2-29;
(208e) Personal
Relationship (Key verse)
(208j) Salvation
The salvation of God >> Personal relationship >>
Being married to God >> Knowing God >> Sharing intimacy with Him – No one else knows the meaning
of our new name except God, suggesting that we will share a special intimacy with
Him that we cannot share with anyone else. A
transformation takes place in those who dedicate themselves to the word of God
and prayer, giving
them a new identity that will be written in stone that will be unique
to each person. This speaks volumes about our intimacy with God in heaven.
Only He knows our inner self; we try to explain
what God has done for us and discover there are no words. There is a
transformation in behavior that we can share with others, but our inner
person intimately communes with God in ways that are an abrupt mystery even to
ourselves. Overcoming will redefine us, and our
new name is written in stone that we can hold in our hand as our most precious
(221e) Kingdom of God
The elusive Kingdom of Heaven >> Kingdom hidden
behind the veil from the world >> God hides from
the mind of man >> He hides the truth from man’s
(227d) Kingdom of God
Illustrating the kingdom >> Rewards of heaven >>
God rewards endurance >> Rewarded for overcoming
sin -- This verse goes with verse 26
Rev 2-19
(81b) Thy kingdom come
Prayer >> The priesthood >>
Striving to please Christ
(99k) Thy kingdom come
Perseverance (Working to keep in motion) >>
Persevere in doing good
(102a) Thy kingdom come
Ambitious to fulfill God’s calling >> To see
God’s will in your life -- This verse goes with verse
(125b) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >>
Faith and love
>> Faith toward God and love toward man
(137g) Temple
Building the temple (with hands) >> Maturity >>
Maturing in Jesus is hard work >> Maturity is
the process of growing –
After this commemoration we wouldn’t think the Lord would have anything
negative to say to Thyatira, but He did; they tolerated the woman Jezebel.
These are very serious charges that the Lord is leveling against them, and there was only one
church that dodged criticism, the church in
Philadelphia (Rev 3,7-9). Christ had no complaints about her, but the rest
he told the good things they were doing and then showed them areas they could improve, and those improvements would make them less vulnerable
to the antichrist. Just the fact that their deeds of late
were better than earlier indicates they were growing, and there can hardly
be a better complement than that. Just the fact that we are growing means
that no matter what the problem, we can rise above it, but if we are not
growing, how can we conquer the antichrist who is growing into the material
See also: Jezebel; 236e
(155ka) Witness
Validity of the believer >> Evidence of
salvation >> You will know them by their fruits >>
You will know them by their good deeds >> Good works prove our
(212j) Sovereignty
God is infinite >> God is all knowing >>
God knows everything about you -- This verse goes with verse 23
(236e) Kingdom of God
Pursuing the kingdom >> Invest in the kingdom >>
Invest your strength into the kingdom >>
Invest your labors –
This is the church of Thyatira, who persevered in difficulties,
whose faith did not stop short of faithfulness. We would think this would be
enough to please the Lord, but He critiqued them and said they tolerated the woman
Jezebel who called herself a prophetess, who teaches and leads His
bondservants (prophets) astray to commit acts of immorality and eat things
sacrificed to idols (1Kings 16-31). Christians of Thyatira did these things, and the
Lord doesn’t want us partaking of the wrong spirits, and if we do, our
devotion will be to demons instead of Christ, stirring Him to jealousy. If
these were issues of the early church; how much greater are the issues of the
Church in the last days that is prophesied to slump into a state of
apostasy? See also: Jezebel; Rev 2,20-25; 134i
/ Navigation Bar
Rev 2,20-25
Judgment >> God judges us for not judging ourselves
>> Believer's judgment >> Judged
According to our deeds -- These verses go with verses 14-16
(134i) Temple
Your body is the temple of God >> Sins of the
body >> Immorality >>
Adultery >> Spiritual adultery -- These
verses go with verses 4&5. It
says they committed acts of immorality, which could be adultery or
fornication. Fornication was not prohibited in the Old Testament; in
fact, you could have more than one wife, but adultery was always against the
Law. They had to be faithful to their wives, and they couldn’t marry the
same sex, and they couldn’t have sex with animals. All these things still
apply in the new covenant, but now fornication has been added to the list of
taboos. Anybody who lies with this woman will go through
the Great Tribulation. If we don’t have
sex with a harlot, we won’t have to worry about her diseases, but if we do, we open
ourselves to the STDs of her many lovers. We cannot tell what diseases
she has by looking at her, only afterward will the symptoms of her diseases
present themselves. The
Church in the last days is diseased with false doctrine, and when the
antichrist reveals himself, the STDs of the Church will also become
exposing the fact that many Christians have committed
adultery with the spirit of Jezebel. She takes us back
to the Old Testament with King Ahab who wielded the authority of the kingdom,
while his wife, Jezebel, called the shots (1Kings chapters 18&19). See also: Jezebel; Rev 2,20-24;
(178f) Works of the devil
The religion of witchcraft >> Hypocrisy >>
Hypocrisy of the Church is rebuked >> The Church is rebuked for sin -- These verses go with verse 4.
is not the gospel that people preach today; the Church warns the world of
God's judgment, yet most Christians consider themselves exempt from judgment. It says
here that God will give to each of us according to our deeds. Repentance
is relatively unmentioned in the Church today. Instead, all we hear is
‘love, love, love’ and ‘grace, grace, grace,’ but we never hear the
other side of the gospel about repentance, which is the new covenant version of the law. Just as God dictated the
law to Moses and expected Israel to follow it, so repentance is expected in
the new covenant. Repentance is not based on an itemized
list of dos and don’ts; instead, the Holy Spirit teaches us what is right
and wrong, and so the Church needs to repent of disregarding the Holy Spirit.
(193j) Die to self (Process of substitution)
Turn from sin to God >> Repent >>
Consequences of not repenting –
God understands all forms of disobedience, most of our questions and some of our doubts, but stubborn resistance is
plain unacceptable to Him. He
understands when we fall flat on our face, get up and keep walking with Him, but the pretenders who make grandiose claims
of an invisible faith do not know Him. Those who have died without
Christ will meet Him at the White Throne Judgment as the
worst misfortune of their existence. They will wish they repented, but they don’t believe in God,
and so what can they do? God accepts repentance, not remorse. If we regret our
life enough to change our ways, God accepts that, but if our remorse never materializes, God says
our heart hasn’t changed. God doesn’t need
our repentance; we do and those around us; but if we can’t manifest our faith, how do we know it is
Rev 2,20-24
(3j) Responsibility to the Family
God addresses both genders >> Evil women
woman Jezebel was the wife of an evil king in the Old Testament (1Kings
chapters 16 through 21; 2Kings chapter 9), but John refers to her as a spirit. She is not the actual Jezebel, but is in fact the
spirit of Satan influencing great masses of people to think and act like
Jezebel. See also: Jezebel; 161k
(135h) Temple
Your body is the temple of God >> Sins of the
body >> Abortion >>
God’s judgment against abortion >> God kills
that which is conceived by the Jezebel spirit
(161k) Works of the devil
>> Satan
determines the world's direction >>
Carried away by religion -- These verses go with verses 14-16. The fact that the woman Jezebel fancies herself
as a prophetess speaks of the Charismatic (including and especially prosperity
teachers) and Pentecostal denominations, who
seek to operate in the gifts of the Spirit, and the fact that her name is
Jezebel smacks of her rebellion. They always seek after a more
spiritual side to Christianity, but the only thing that comes of her searching is counterfeit truth,
unwilling to place love before the gifts (1Cor 12-31). Most Charismatics don’t come any
closer to genuine spirituality than Christians who condemn the gifts of the
Spirit. Charismatics and prosperity teachers have become sick in their minds and sick in their
souls that even their doctrines have become ill. Anybody that commits adultery
with them and adopts their views God will cast into great tribulation
together with them, and He will kill her children with
pestilence, and the fruit of her religion will die. See also: Jezebel; Rev 2-20;
(172e) Works of the devil
Manifestations of the devil >> Tares among the
wheat >> Communion between the world and the Church >> The Church in the world --
These verses go with verses 4&5
(179f) Works of the devil
Practicing witchcraft >> Wolves >>
False prophets >> False prophets preach works to deny Christ -- These verses go with verses 14-16
(183b) Works of the devil
The origin of lawlessness >> Spirit of Error (Anti-Christ / Anti-Semitism) >>
Witchcraft >> Sin is the incubator of witchcraft >> Through satanic influence -- These
verses go with verse 9
(202b) Denying Christ
Man chooses his own destiny apart from God >>
Running from God >> Running to your sinful
nature >> Run from God by running to the world --
These verses go with verses 14-16. This
is a very dark description of the Church in the last days. It knows the
so-called deep things of Satan, when it should be exploring the deeper things of
God. The phrase, “as they call them,” suggests that there is really
nothing deep about Satan, who uses the elementary principles of the world to
achieve his goals. The Lord is talking to many in the Church today
who refuse to repent, who practice violating the law, only worse—they violate the Holy Spirit who is trying to steer them
away from these things and into
repentance. They are idolaters who love the world more than
they love God (Jm 4-4).
(241f) Kingdom of God
Opposition toward the Kingdom of God >>
Hindering the kingdom >> Obstacles in the way of
the kingdom >> Obstacles that keep you from
Jesus -- These verses go with verses 14-16
Rev 2,20-23
(18l) Sin
Twisted thinking >> Evil is good >>
Loving bondage
(180a) Works of the devil
Practicing witchcraft >> Wolves >>
Wolves lead people into a cult >> Leading
people for sordid gain -- These verses go with verses 14-16
Rev 2,20-22
(156K) Witness
Validity of the believer >> Evidence of being
hell-bound >> Living an ungodly lifestyle >>
Practicing sin
Rev 2-20
(155d) Witness
Validity of the believer >> Witness of the
believer >> Conscience >>
An evil conscience keeps us from believing God >>
Knowledge of evil testifies against our deeds -- This verse goes with
verse 14
(160e) Works of the devil
Led by the devil into sin
(161e) Works of the devil
Wandering >>
Follow the wrong leader
(173h) Works of the devil
The religion of witchcraft >> Catholicism >>
Unholy sacrifice (Penance) >> Offering sacrifice without
God’s approval >> Sacrifice against the ways of
God -- This verse goes with verse 14
(180d) Works of the devil
Practicing witchcraft >> Wolves >>
Be shrewd as wolves and more innocent than they appear >>
Wolves in sheep’s clothing -- This verse goes with verses 2-4
(195g) Denying Christ
Man exercises his will against God >> Idolatry >>
Worshipping men >> Worshipping the idol of
pleasure -- This verse goes with verse 14
(198h) Denying Christ
Man exercises his will against God >> Ordained
by man >> Having evil motives for seeking
leadership positions >> Seeking to gratify their
flesh through the ministry –
Jezebel calls herself a prophetess; she is very much alive and well in the
Church today. She was King Ahab’s wife, and she
was rebellious, taking over her husband’s kingship. Some people say they
resemble Bill and Hillary Clinton's administration. Ahab was an evil
man, and Jezebel was stronger-willed and even more zealous for her
hatred of God than her husband. She especially hated God’s prophet, Elijah. A
similar Jezebel
spirit will attack an Elijah figure and his counterpart (the Two Witnesses) who in the last days will lead a
Great Endtime Revival that will suddenly take over the world as Satan is establishing his
one-world government at the same time, which will incite a spiritual war, the likes the world has never seen. It will be a catfight between the
princess of the Lamb and the Jezebel spirit. The Lord is criticizing the
church in Thyatira that her present trajectory will lead her to reject this
Great Endtime Revival led by the Jews and will instead side with the devil and
join the persecution of the saints. Catholicism teaches and leads
Christ's bondservants astray, so that they commit acts if immorality and eat thing
sacrificed to idols, referring to their form of communion, and her immorality
refers to her idolatry. See also: Catholicism; Rev 2-23; 60f
/ Jezebel; Rev 2-23; 60f / Great Endtime Revival (Catfight between the princess of the Lamb and Jezebel the adulteress);
Rev 18,6-8; 49f
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Rev 2,21-23
Judgment >> Levels of judgment
Judged according to your type of sin
Rev 2-21
(8a) Responsibility
>> Use time efficiently
Use wisely what time you have –
To repent
(154c) Witness
Validity of the Father >> God bears witness
against the world >> No excuse >>
There is no excuse for sin
(201i) Denying Christ
Man chooses his own destiny apart from God >>
Running from God >> Man’s will over God >>
Man is unwilling to repent –
Some of the most horrific wars have occurred in the twentieth
century, yet repentance was not the result of either World War I or II. Those
responsible for what happens in wartime blame the soldiers for the atrocities, but what would they have done if the soldiers didn’t go to war?
They would have lined them before a firing squad and shot them for treason.
No, it's not the soldiers who are guilty of atrocity, but all of mankind.
Everybody gets their hands dirty in war, both those who are sent and
those who send them.
(215b) Sovereignty
God controls time >> God’s timing >>
God Has Good Timing >> God’s time is
Rev 2-22,23
(104a) Thy kingdom come
Purifying process >> Purified by circumstances >>
Purified through judgment
(163d) Works of the devil
Being a slave to the devil (Addictions) >>
Bondage >> Being slaves of men >>
Bondage makes you a victim of God’s judgment -- These verses go with
verses 14-16
(217l) Sovereignty
God overrides the will of man >> God’s will
over man >> You cannot control the judgment of
God >> You cannot control how God responds to
Rev 2-22
(165i) Works of the devil
Manifestations of the devil >> Hardship >>
Circumstances caused by the devil
(218e) Sovereignty
God overrides the will of man >> God’s will
over man >> Reaping the harvest >>
We choose our actions, not their consequences >>
Reaping the harvest of our works
/ Navigation Bar
Rev 2-23
Judgment >> Judging the Church
with the world >>
No partiality with God’s justice – God intends to judge
the world in the last days according to its deeds through the apocalypse, and
afterward He will judge the world according to its deeds at the White Throne Judgment and sentence
unbelievers to
eternal damnation in hell. This statement, 'God judges us according to our
deeds,' rebuffs the idea that God judges us according to our intensions or
according to our doctrines, or according to the accuracy of our
(60f) Paradox
Two implied meanings >> Killing the offspring of
the Jezebel spirit / Abortion – All
the churches described in chapters two and three of Revelation reflect
attributes the Church will have in the last days, and we are currently
living in those days. According to the Revelation of John, the Church in
Thyatira has a Jezebel spirit. It says that Jezebel has offspring through harlotry,
and through her immorality she conceives and bears children of a
prostitute, referring to the Catholic Church. Catholicism cannot
win souls to its religion, so they must grow them, and for this reason the
Catholic religion opposes abortion. It says that God will kill her children with pestilence
during the great tribulation. See also: Catholicism; Rev 2-20; 198h
/ Jezebel; Rev 2-19; 137g
(74f) Thy kingdom come
Heart is man’s central value system >> Where
value interprets the man
(88g) Thy kingdom come >>
Fear of God >> Fearing God's judgment is the beginning of wisdom >>
Fear the consequences of your disobedience
(212j) Sovereignty
God is infinite >> God is all knowing >>
God knows everything about you -- This verse goes with verse 2
Rev 2-24
(55f) Paradox
Opposites >> Deep things of Satan
(63l) Paradox
Anomalies >> Sarcasm >>
Scoffing at the wicked
(177g) Works of the devil
The religion of witchcraft >> False doctrine >>
Doctrines of demons
(194e) Die to self (Process of substitution)
Turn from sin to God >> Hate evil >>
Condemning sin >> Hate evil by being innocent of
it -- This verse goes with verse 6
(232j) Kingdom of God
Pursuing the kingdom >> Seeking the kingdom >>
Embrace (Jesus during the storm) >> Things not
to embrace -- This verse goes with verses 14&15
Rev 2-25
(98b) Thy kingdom come
Endurance (Thorn in the flesh) >> Rooted deeply >>
Plant the word deeply in your heart
(232g) Kingdom of God
Pursuing the kingdom >> Seeking the kingdom >>
Embrace (Jesus during the storm) >> Hold on to
your faith –
There are many incidences in Scripture that speak about the return of
Christ, and this is one of them, and His mandate was to keep the faith until He
comes, though it be 2000 years and counting. The Lord spoke
this to the Church in Thyatira, and His word has spoken to every
generation after them. The greatest blessing that God has given man’s
flesh is death, so that people have waited 70 or 80 years and then died and
went to heaven so nobody had to wait 2000 years. God expects us to believe
in Him, even if we never see His return, die, and then meet the Lord in
heaven where faith is rewarded. Those who
faithfully waited and never saw Him are like Abraham, who was faithful and
never received what was promised (Heb 11-39). We hope to see the day of
Christ, but if we don’t, our body will fail and we will go to be with Him,
and become one with the saints of old, who patiently waited for his promise,
which was made for a specific people and for a specific generation and for a
specific time that He has prepared from the foundation of the world. Everything God said will come to pass and nobody will suffer loss. Those who
waited and never saw His return are blessed with Christ, and those who see His
return are blessed indeed, as the generation of Jesus’ day was
blessed at His first coming. Long before Jesus came the promise was made
through the prophets, and those generations expected the age we call Millennium that is still to come.
See also:
Abraham sacrificed his son; Jn 17-10; 34g
/ Navigation Bar
Rev 2,26-29
(34d) Gift of God
Believer owns everything >> New creation belongs
to us –
The Lord promised authority over the nations during the coming age of
Millennium to those who overcome, but He was actually talking about this life.
The Millennium will be a thousand years of peace, but to get there we must
cross over the tumultuous tribulation, which we could define as the war of
Christ that resembles King David setting up his kingdom in the midst of all
his enemies. The last chapters of the book of Revelation speak about a new
heavens and a new earth; it will be a creation that will support eternity,
whereas this current creation is wearing-out.
Christ's eternal kingdom will start before the Millennium, according to Rev
11-15, “Then the seventh angel sounded; and there were loud voices in
heaven, saying, ‘The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord
and of His Christ; and He will reign forever and ever.’” Christ’s reign
will have officially begun at the First Resurrection, at the last trumpet as it
says in 1Cor 15-52. God will destroy this present universe, including the
earth, and He will create a new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness
dwells, meaning sin will no longer exist.
God will establish His kingdom that will last forever and ever, whose creation will not crumble
His feet. God would not attempt to establish an eternal kingdom on a
temporal universe; rather, He will create a new heavens and a new earth and establish His
eternal kingdom on it, where it will remain forever, built on elements that are different from this present age, on the
principle that God's Spirit will imbue the new creation. Then God will create a new
people and command us to rule over them, as we will in the Millennium. The Millennium is a thousand-year training practice, preparing us for eternity. See also:
Purpose of the Church in eternity; 36h / Millennium;
70ja / Judgment
appended to the resurrected body;
Act 17-30,31; 48b
(36h) Gift of God
Inheritance >> We are heirs according to the
will of God –
When Satan rebelled in heaven, there was no one who could intercede for him; therefore, Satan was doomed.
The future creation that God will establish (and the people He will make),
God will give to us, and we will intercede for them. There
will be no sin, and they will not know good from evil, and so we will teach
them, bypassing the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. In this way sin
will never gain a foothold in His new creation. Jesus is called the morning star (Rev
22-16) that once belonged to
Lucifer (Isaiah 14-12), and He will give it to us (Rev 2-28), suggesting that
Christ plans on giving us everything Lucifer lost. Moreover, He has granted
that we should sit on His throne that Lucifer gambled everything to obtain and lost. We will own far more than Lucifer ever dreamed of
having; we already have
far more than God gave Adam, and infinitely more in eternity. In the beginning He gave Adam and Eve the
earth, and commanded them to be fruitful and multiply. The earth was the
limitation of His inheritance, but God has given us the entire universe, and
His kingdom will have no end (Isaiah 9-7). The people God will create
after us will populate the new earth
and spill to the next planet and beyond; throughout the universe over the course
of eternity we will rule an infinite people. See also: Purpose of the Church in eternity;
70ja / Inheritance;
Rev 2-9; 172a / He will give us a planet to
govern; 2Jn-12; 104j
(39e) Judgment
Jesus defeated death >> Victory >>
Jesus overcame the world -- These verses go with verse 7
(43b) Judgment
Satan destroyed >> Conform to the character of Christ >> Conform to His nature
(70ja) Authority >>
Believer’s authority >> We have been given
authority over all creation >> We are the children of God >> We
have a place on His throne –
Jesus will rule the nations with a rod of iron (Rev 19-15), and here it says we will reign with Him.
Man populating the earth during the
millennium still has a sinful nature, but Satan will have been locked in
prison, so
man won’t have a spiritual enemy prodding him to sin. Instead, they
will have Christ gently guiding them, and so it will be a wonderful time of peace
throughout the Millennium. Then Satan will be released from His prison
and he will rally the nations together again to make war on Christ’s
throne as he did from the beginning. All the gold of the world molded into bars
will lay at Jesus' feet in the labyrinths beneath the
holy city, left there a thousand years earlier by the antichrist before the
war of Armageddon. “And they came up on the broad plain of
the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city, and fire
came down from heaven and devoured them” (Rev 20-9). See also: Purpose of the Church in eternity;
245i / Millennium; 245i
/ Satan wanted to be God; he
wanted His throne;
Rev 3-21; 67e
(245i) Kingdom of God
Spirit realm imposed on the natural realm >>
Literal manifestations >> Manifestation of God’s
righteous judgment >> Manifestation of Jesus’
victory over sin – There
are reasons God wants to have a Millennium; everything that God has ever done
since He created man was for the sake of teaching His people about Himself.
Therefore, He will have a thousand-year reign when a number of things will
happen: there will be a remnant on the earth from the tribulation, and prior
to the bowls of God's fierce wrath they
will migrate to Jerusalem seeking refuge, and at the millennium they will
emerge from the catacombs to repopulate the earth, and by the time the thousand years is complete,
there will be billions of people alive on the earth again, just as it was
before the tribulation. There won’t be any wars, and the Bible says that
people will live longer (Isaiah 65,19-20), so they will populate very quickly, and we will
rule over them in training for our purpose in eternity. See also: Millennium; Rev 2-26;
227d / Purpose of the Church in eternity; Rev
2-26; 68d
Rev 2,26-28
(34g) Gift of God
God is willing to Give >> He is generous with
His spiritual blessings
(36e) Gift of God
Gifts from the Holy Spirit >> The gift of
Rev 2-26,27
(70jb) Authority >>
Believer’s authority >> We have been given
authority over all creation >> We have authority over the elements
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Rev 2-26
(68d) Authority
>> Jesus delegates authority to execute judgment >>
Against sin –
This verse corresponds with Mat 5-5, “Blessed are the gentle, for they
shall inherit the earth,” which is actually something that the ungodly
cannot believe, because they live by the principle: Survival of the
Fittest. Jesus, however, uses
different principles. For example, one of the great weapons that Christians
use to fight their enemies is gentleness, but to the ungodly these passages
each other (Rev 2-26 and Mat 5-5), in that unbelievers interpret “overcoming”
in terms of taking up arms. The aim of every army in the world is to shoot more of the enemy than the enemy shoots of
them, but Jesus taught that His people will overcome by faith through
the spiritual fruit of gentleness. When
any spiritual fruit is cited, it implies them all. For example, James gives a similar
principle: whenever someone transgresses one commandment, he has
violated the law as a whole (Jm 2-10,11), like poking a pin anywhere in a balloon pops the whole
balloon. Therefore, if we use gentleness
to overcome our enemies, we use all the fruits of the Spirit (Gal
5-22,23). Safely entering
heaven is our goal, even if we must be brutally martyred to get there (Lk 21-16,17).
opposite of gentleness is violence, warfare, killing and mass genocide;
therefore, gentleness is the spiritual fruit that
directly opposes the enemies of God's kingdom. Those who try to defend themselves using the elementary principles
of the world won’t receive authority over the
nations because their choice of weapons proves they are not God's children. He
who keeps the faith and continually repents and maintains the lordship of
Jesus Christ in His heart until the end will be made a king of nations with Jesus
who is King of kings and Lord of lords. The world sees us
as small, insignificant and foolish, though they have no hope, but we hope for a kingdom that has no end.
See also:
Purpose of the Church in eternity; Rev 2,26-29; 34d
(93a) Thy kingdom come
The narrow way >> Keep yourself on the narrow
(98ka) Thy kingdom come >>
Endurance (Thorn in the flesh) >>
Endurance invites the Holy Spirit into your life >>
The salvation of God >> Enduring the wicked is to overcome them -- This
verse goes with verse 7
(102m) Thy kingdom come
Faithfulness (Loyalty) >> Loyalty is
unswerving -- This verse goes with verse 13
(127j) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Goodness >>
Rewards for doing good >> Doing good is the
prerequisite to going to heaven
(227d) Kingdom of God
Illustrating the kingdom >> Rewards of heaven >>
God rewards endurance >> Rewarded for
overcoming sin -- This verse goes with verse 17. God acknowledges overcoming to the end, not
overcoming for a while, only to later give-up and fall-away. God has given us power to overcome to the end, even if we must be
martyred for our faith. So if we give up, it is because of us and not
because of Him.
Those who are martyred will be resurrected and given authority over the
nations during the millennium. It is possible that only the tribulation
martyrs will be privileged to rule the earth during this time (Rev 20-4). See also: Millennium; Rev 2,26-29;
Rev 2-27
(253i) Jesus Is Subject
to the Father
(Key verse)
(253j) Trinity
Relationship between Father and Son >> Jesus is
subject to the Father >> Jesus is under the
authority of the Father
>> Jesus obtained power through subjection to
the Father
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Rev 2-29
(79k) Thy kingdom come
Know the word >> Listen to the word >>
He who has ears to hear, let him hear -- This verse goes with verse
(106e) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >> Hearing from God >> Attaining the hearing ear >>
Having the ability to hear -- This verse goes with verse
7. Talk
to people about the promises regarding the afterlife and they will say they
have no application to this life, and so they don’t concern themselves with
them, yet Jesus reiterated this statement seven times to emphasize its
importance: “He who has an ear to hear, let him hear what
the Spirit says to the churches.” This means that the promises God intends
to give us in the ages to come are relevant to us today, in that eternal life
began the moment God planted His Spirit in us, on the day of our salvation. The reason people don’t consider the
eternal promises to be of any significance is that they don’t care about the
life to come; they only care about this life. They are so entrenched in the
issues of this world that they can’t stop for a minute to consider the hope
that Christ offers. If they had an ear to hear the Holy Spirit, they
would know that engendering hope in their eternal future is more important
than focusing on the vain circumstances of this life. See also: Hearing ear; Rev 2-5;
(109ha) Thy kingdom come >>
Faith >>
Spirit and the word >> Spirit the teacher >> Spirit interprets the word for
us -- This verse
goes with verse 7
(110h) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Spirit and the word >> Born of the Spirit by the
truth >> Hearing the Spirit -- This verse
goes with verse 7
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