252 Chapter Outline
Virtually all non-Christian religions deny the Trinity, particularly the teaching that Jesus is the Son of God, Therefore, this chapter is useful in debating:
I) YOU SHALL PUT NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME A) WORSHIP JESUS (He is Equal with God) Lk 19,37-401) Jesus Is Worthy Of Our Worship a a) Worship Jesus for His inherent worthiness KJV WEB Lk 3-16 6-15,16 Rev 7-9,10 b b) Worship Jesus for who he is KJV WEB Mat 2-11 Mk 11-9,10 Jn 12-3 21-8,9,15,16 Lk 7-37,38,40-50 2The 1-10 26,6-13 19,37-40 2Pet 3-18 c c) Worship Jesus for what God made Him through suffering KJV WEB Phi 2,5-11 Rev 1,10-20 Rev 5,4-14 Heb 3,2-6 Lk 20,21-26 d 2) Worship Jesus for what He does through the Father KJV WEB Mat 14-33 Lk 17,16-18 Jn 11,21-23,32,33 Lk 5-8 Jn 9,34-38 2Tim 4-18 e 3) Worship the Father through Christ KJV WEB Mat 28-9,17 Jn 20,27-29 Heb 13-20,21 B) WORSHIP GOD (The Father) Rev 14-71) Worship God Who Is Spirit f a) Worship God in Spirit KJV WEB Jn 4,20-24 1Cor 14-15,24,25 Phi 3-3 Rom 1-9 Eph 5-19,20 Col 1,9-12 g b) Worship God in prayer KJV WEB Act 13-2 Rom 15-5,6 2Cor 2,14-16 16-25 2) Worship God For Being God h a) Worship God because His is God KJV WEB Rom 11,33-36 Rev 5-13,14 Rev 15-3,4 Rev 1-6 7,9-12 19,1-7 Rom 14-11 Eph 3-21 1Pet 5-11 16-27 2The 1-10 Jd-25 Gal 1-5,23,24 j 3) Worship God by your lifestyle KJV WEB Act 16-14,15 1Cor 13-3 Col 3-16,17 18-7,8 Phi 1,9-11 Heb 9-1,9 Rom 12-1,2 4-18,20
253 Trinity -- Jesus equal with God (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
II) RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FATHER AND SON A) JESUS IS EQUAL WITH THE FATHER Heb 1-3See also: Prophecy about Jesus as the Son of God 141c 1) Jesus Has All The External Qualities Of The Father a a) Son has equal authority with the Father KJV WEB Lk 7,48-50 Phi 2,5-11 Rev 14-1 b b) Son is infinite and eternal like the Father KJV WEB 1Tim 6-15,16 Heb 13-8 1Pet 1-20 Jn 14-28,29 1Jn 2-13,14 Rev 22-13 c c) Son is equal with the Father KJV WEB Lk 18-18,19 Jn 5-17,18 Mat 1-23 cc d) Outward appearance of Jesus Christ KJV WEB 1Jn 1-2 Rev 1,10-20 Rev 4,2-4 2) Jesus Has All The Internal Qualities Of The Father d a) Jesus is the exact representation of the Father KJV WEB Jn 8-18,19 Jn 13-16,20 Heb 1-3 12-44,45 2Cor 4-3,4 22-5 b) Jesus is God I- Jesus is the Son of God e A- Declared the Son of God by angels and believers KJV WEB Lk 1,31-35 Rom 1-4 1Jn 5,5-20 ea B- Contested the Son of God by sinners and demons KJV WEB Mat 4,1-7 Lk 22-70,71 1Jn 4-2,3,14,15 27,40-43 eb C- Authority of God's Son KJV WEB Jn 3-18 Jn 20-31 Col 2-9 5,25-29 Lk 20,41-44 ec I- Jesus is God in heaven KJV WEB Jn 20-17,27-29 Tit 3-4 Rev 1-8,17,18 Tit 2-13 Act 20-28 ed III- Jesus is God of the Old Testament KJV WEB Lk 13-34 Heb 1,8-13 Heb 9-16 Jn 8-58 B) FATHER AND SON GLORIFY EACH OTHER Jn 13-31,32 1) Holy Spirit Honors The Son through The Father f a) Father honors the Son who obeys the Father KJV WEB Mat 3-16,17 Jn 17,4-12 2Pet 1,16-18 Jn 11-41,42 Heb 5-5,6 Rev 5,1-5 15-1,2,7,8 Lk 23,44-49 g b) Father glorifies Himself as He glorifies His Son KJV WEB Jn 13-31,32 Heb 2-9 1Pet 4-11 17-1,4,5,22-26 13-20,21 Rev 21-23 Heb 1,8-13 h 2) Father and Son represent each other KJV WEB Jn 14,6-15 Phi 2,5-11 Jd-25 2Cor 5,18-21 Heb 1,1-7 1Tim 2-3 2Jn-9 Jn 16-3 Mat 15,29-31 i 3) Son glorifies the Father in all things given to Him KJV WEB Jn 5-22,23,30 1Cor 15,24-28 Eph 1,18-23 C) JESUS IS SUBJECT TO THE FATHER Rev 2-27See also: Jesus does God's work 1) Jesus is under the authority of the Father j a) Jesus obtained power in subjection to the Father KJV WEB Lk 7,6-10 1Cor 3,21-23 Rev 1-6 9,18-27 11-3 2-27 ja b) Jesus did His Father's will KJV WEB Jn 3-16,17 Jn 15-24 Jn 17,2-12 14-10,11 Heb 9-23 k 2) Jesus is subject to God’s ability KJV WEB Jn 5,17-30 2Cor 5,18-21 Heb 5,7-9 Rom 6-10 Heb 1,1-6 Rev 21-23 Act 2,25-28 Jn 15-15 l 3) Jesus is subject to God's will KJV WEB Mat 26,36-42 Jn 8-28,29 Jn 17,4-12,15,20,24 Mk 14-36 12,47-50 1Pet 2-23
254 Trinity -- Jesus Is Subject To The Father (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
a 4) Jesus worships the Father KJV WEB Mat 11-25 Mat 26-30 Heb 2-11,12 III) HOLY SPIRIT’S RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FATHER AND SON A) JESUS IS THE LIFE OF THE SPIRIT 1Jn 1-1,21) We Live Because He Is Life b a) We live because we are in Jesus KJV WEB Jn 14-19,20 Col 3-4 1Jn 3-14 Eph 2,4-7 1Pet 2-4,5 1Tim 6-18,19 c b) We live because we died with Him KJV WEB Rom 6-4,5,8 2Cor 4,10-12 2Tim 2-11 8-13 6-9 Jm 1-12 d c) God gives life to our faith in Jesus KJV WEB Jn 20-31 2Tim 1-1 Rev 3-5 Phi 4-3 Lk 8,40-48 Mat 14,27-33 e d) Life is in the blood KJV WEB Jn 6,32-35,47-58 Rom 5-17,18 Heb 10-19,20 2) Jesus Is The Substance Of God’s Life f a) Jesus is the manifestation of God’s life KJV WEB Jn 1-4 Jn 14,5-7 Heb 7-8,23-25 5-21,24-29,40 Gal 3-21 1Jn 1-1,2 g b) Jesus conquered death because He is life KJV WEB Jn 11-25,26 3-15 Rev 1-18 Act 1-3 Rom 8-2 Mat 27,50-53 B) JESUS IS EQUAL WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT Act 16-71) Holy Spirit Is Life h a) Spirit of God is the life of Christ KJV WEB 7,37-39 1Pet 4-6 22-1,2,17 2Cor 3,5-12 Rev 7-17 Jn 18-37 Lk 21-15 Act 16-7 1Pet 1-11 Jn 4-10,13,14 1Cor 15-45 Rev 2-7 j 2) Salvation of Jesus’ Spirit KJV WEB Jn 17-26 Gal 1-15,16 Eph 3-17 20-22 2-20 Col 1-26,27 Rom 8,9-11 4-6 1Jn 3-24 2Cor 3-17 Act 3-20,21 k 3) Power of Jesus’ Spirit KJV WEB Mat 18-20 2Cor 13-3, 5 Eph 3-11,12
255 Trinity -- Word Is Spirit (Chapter Outline / Navigation Bar)
C) GOD’S WORD IS SPIRIT Jn 6-631) Spirit Of The Word a a) Words of His Spirit are life KJV WEB Jn 6-63 2Cor 3-2,3 Heb 4-12,13 8-12,51 Eph 5-26,27 1Pet 1-23 15-3 Phi 2-16 b b) Words of His Spirit are truth KJV WEB 1Cor 4-19,20 Heb 6-5 1Jn 5-7,8 Jn 14,16-24 Eph 6-17 Heb 3,7-11 2) Jesus Is The Word Of The Spirit c a) Jesus is the manifested word of God KJV WEB Lk 1-2 Tit 1-2,3 1Jn 1-1,2 22-37 Heb 1,1-3 Rev 1-1,2 d b) Jesus is the authority of God’s word KJV WEB Lk 5-1 11-43,44 1Pet 2,6-8 10-39 12-48,49 1Jn 2-24 Mat 10-19,20 Rom 1-9 Phi 2-13 Jn 4-24 8-11 3-3 16-32 Eph 4-24 Heb 11-1 IV) FATHER, SON AND HOLY SPIRIT A) THE PROCESS OF IMPARTING THE SUBSTANCE OF GOD f 1) Father discloses the Word by the Spirit KJV WEB Mat 6,13-18 1Cor 2,10-12,16 2The 2-16,17 Jn 16,13-15 Eph 2-18 1Jn 5,7-10 17-23 1Pet 1-2 g 2) Father discloses the Spirit by the Word KJV WEB Mat 3-16,17 Jn 15,1-4 2Cor 13-14 Lk 17-20,21 1Cor 12,4-6 1Jn 2-23,24 Jn 14,16-24 Heb 9-14 2Cor 1-3 B) THREE IN ONE h 1) There is only one God KJV WEB Mk 12-29,32 1Cor 8,4-6 1Tim 2-5 Jn 17-3,11 Eph 4,4-6 Jd-25 Rom 3-30 Gal 3-16,20 Jm 2-19 1Cor 15,24-28 Jn 14,21-23 Lk 13-34,35