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Jn 8,1-11
(17m) Sin >>
Unrighteous judgment >> Discerning by the
flesh >> Judging the sins of others that you practice –
Jesus never answered their question because they didn’t deserve an answer
or any words at all, but they persisted. Finally He told them approximately, ‘You people have used
her services, and do you accuse her of sin?’ The Scripture says that she
was caught in the very act of adultery, so why didn’t they bring the man
to Jesus and stand him next to the woman and discuss their sin together (Leviticus 20-10)? The
Pharisees exempted the man probably because he was one of their cronies. It
says they all left one at a time from the oldest to the youngest, suggesting
that the oldest were more convicted, probably having had her and other women
more often than the younger men.
(31l) Gift of God >>
Gift of His grace >> Forgiveness is a function
God’s grace
(38g) Judgment >>
Jesus defeated death >> Resurrection of
(62d) Paradox >>
Anomalies >> Being clever >>
Answer with wisdom
(68k) Authority >>
Discernment >> Judging truth and error >>
Perceiving wicked plans –
The story of the woman caught in adultery was about the religious leaders of
Israel testing Jesus so they might have grounds for accusing Him, and it was
this motive that Jesus discerned. There are two imperatives that
the spirit of discernment perceives: the truth of God and the motives of
men. The skill of discernment is to trust it; God wants us to rely on Him.
Jesus was able to discern in this woman the fact that if he offered her
salvation, she would probably take it. Most prostitutes don’t like their
profession and would accept another way of life if they had the chance, and
so Jesus introduced her to the grace of God. She suddenly realized she didn’t need
to do this, that it would be better to go hungry than to be a prostitute.
Since Jesus told her to sin no more, it meant God would find her a better way
of life without resorting to selling herself. Once the Church got established, she could be a part of it, which would give her
guidance and hope as a respectable member of the body of Christ. Had Jesus
discerned that this woman was not open to the gospel, He probably would not
have offered her any hope. People try to offer the gospel of Christ to
prostitutes today, and sometimes there are positive stories, but often they
find it very difficult to leave the lifestyle, usually because of drugs. Having a good
sense of discernment can lead us to help the right people who are open to
the gospel, instead of wasting our time and resources on those who have no
interest in the things of God, who are users of everything and everyone.
(89d) Thy kingdom come >>
Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom >>
Answers of wisdom
(134j) Temple >>
Your body is the temple of God >> Sins of the
body >> Immorality >>
Adultery >> Physical adultery
(178k) Works of the devil >>
The religion of witchcraft >> Hypocrisy >>
Jesus rebukes the Pharisees >> Rebuked for
accusing Jesus of Sin
(183j) Works of the devil >>
The origin of lawlessness >> Spirit of Error (Anti-Christ / Anti-Semitism) >>
Truth is the enemy of the spirit of error >>
Spirit of error interrogates the truth
Jn 8,1-9
(174f) Works of the devil >>
The religion of witchcraft >> Form of godliness >>
Self righteousness >> Comparing yourself with
sinners -- In the Old Testament the Bible said that stoning
should be the right consequence of adultery, so the Jews were correct in
their interpretation of the law, but Jesus considered love and mercy to be
above the law. This woman’s accusers were bigger sinners than her, so
according to the law, they should be stoned along with the woman. Jesus
thought the person who was innocent of evil should be the one to judge her, but that person was Himself, and He didn’t come to condemn the world,
but to save it. Therefore, He judged her forgiven, according to God’s vengeance that He would impose on
Jesus while ruthless sinners killed Him. He didn’t come to impose the law, but to establish a new law of
the spirit of life through faith in the work of the cross to perfect
righteousness in His believers. Instead of using the law to get there, Jesus
used the new covenant law of faith through grace.
Jn 8-2
(143h) Witness >>
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Witnesses of Jesus >>
Popularity >> Sought commendably >>
Seeking Jesus for His favor
(239h) Kingdom of God >>
Pursuing the kingdom >> Pursuing the knowledge
of the kingdom >> Teachers >>
Teachers are construction workers >> Jesus is a
Jn 8,4-9
(175i) Works of the devil >>
The religion of witchcraft >> Ignorance >>
Dodging the issue (willful ignorance) >> Dodging
the issue to get out of trouble
(241c) Kingdom of God >>
Opposition toward the Kingdom of God >>
Hindering the kingdom >> Obstacles in the way of
the kingdom >> Ask but don’t receive >>
Asking with wrong motives
Jn 8-11
(120a) Thy kingdom come >>
Manifestations of faith >> Curse of God is
broken >> Curse of God’s Judgment is broken –
The Pharisees brought this woman to Jesus whom they caught in sexual
intercourse with a man who was not her husband and asked Jesus what they
should do with her, testing Him and comparing His response with the Law of
Moses. Jesus told them that the one who is without sin may cast the first
stone, referring to Himself, but He was unwilling to stone the woman for the
same reason. The fact that the Pharisees were full of
sin was why they wanted to stone her and wanted to trap Jesus in a statement. Notice what Jesus said after He
forgave her, “Go and sin no more.” Many Christians today are tickled that
we are saved by grace through faith, “not of yourselves, it is the gift of
God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.” In Eph 2-8,9 some people think Paul has given
them a license to sin, believing that if works do not save us, then neither do
they condemned us. Therefore, they continue on their way, their lifestyle unfazed
by the gospel. They believe in a set of doctrines, and for that they
consider themselves right
with God. Why did Jesus command this woman to repent? If good works
don’t save us and sin doesn’t condemn us, then why do our works matter at
all? The Bible teaches that it is impossible to be saved without faith, and it
is impossible to have faith without
good works, in that sin deteriorates our faith, and faith is
the basis of our salvation. Although salvation is not based on works,
faith is indeed based on works; we must live for God in order to believe in Him, for
how can we believe in Him without modeling our lives after Him? We are just
fooling ourselves to think we can compartmentalize our faith apart from our
sins and still be saved. Without works faith is dead, and without faith salvation is dead. After His forgiveness Jesus told
the woman to sin no more as a token of her faith. In essence He was telling
her, ‘Now that I have forgiven you, I presume you will believe in Me;
therefore, “go and sin no more.”’
(120i) Thy kingdom come >>
Manifestations of faith >> Forgiveness >>
Forgiveness is an act of mercy >> Forgiveness
sets you free
(192j) Die to self (Process of substitution) >>
Turn from sin to God >> Repent >>
Stop practicing sin >> Stop sinning
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Jn 8,12-59
(6l) Responsibility >>
Protecting the Gospel >> Expose hypocrisy in the Church
Jn 8-12
(91m) Thy kingdom come >>
The narrow way >> Trail of good works >>
The trail that Jesus walked –
Jesus was talking about the truth when He said, “I am the light of the
world.” The truth enlightens our minds and makes us understand the thoughts of
God. None of this would mean anything if we didn’t walk on God’s ordained
trail that He illumined for us by the Spirit. If we knew the truth but
didn’t walk in it, before long our reality of God would warp and fray and
eventually fizzle into the background of our lives, and the truth would slip away. The only place we can
understand and maintain the truth is on the trail that Jesus dubbed the narrow way. We should
adopt His trail that He has designated for us and not seek to blaze our own
trail. If we think we will blaze a trail and find the truth in a world of
darkness, the devil himself will see to it that we find his truth, which is the false light
of deception. If the only place that is lit for us is our trail
that Jesus plotted for us and the rest of the world is in darkness, then let’s
find that trial and stay on it, for it leads to eternal life.
(108k) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >> Revelation of Jesus Christ >> Revelation of the
glory of God
When Jesus said He was the light of the world, He meant He was like the sun that
lights the whole earth, only He said “the world” which is different from the
earth. The earth is the physical round ball of rock and water revolving
around the sun, whereas the world consists of
attitudes, values and belief systems that make up our understanding of reality
that is often under control of Satan. Man owns the earth, but the devil owns the
world. Satan didn't need to take the earth from man; he only needed to take the
covenant that God made with man regarding the earth. One of Jesus’ many contributions to man is His
attitudes, values and beliefs that assemble to create a reality that is
acceptable to God, known as the “Truth”, which is probably the most misused
word in the English language. There is my truth and your truth and Joe’s truth
and Sally’s truth; everybody has a sense of reality he calls truth, and so God has His truth, only
His is the only Truth that counts. None of our ideas about
reality are true if they contradict God’s Truth. So we see that light and
truth are the same.
(112a) Light
(Key verse)
(112f) Thy kingdom come >>
Faith >>
Light >> Obeying the truth in broad daylight >>
Church’s deeds in the light
– Jesus
on a number of occasions said, “follow me” and if we do, we have a trail
that sparkles. The beauty of the analogy of light representing truth is that
it also represents our good works. Along this narrow way is a host of good works
that God has prepared for us, and in doing them will materialize our enlightenment
that others may see the light in us. This narrow way that leads to the
knowledge of God refers to the works of light. Not everything we do is of the
light, only the that which God has destined for us. The things we do that are
of the light and the things we do that are not of the light are obvious: one produces fruit for life while the other produces
dead works. Jesus
said that those who walk in Him would have the light of life. The New Testament
relates “life” to the Holy Spirit. So, “the light of life” refers to
Jesus’ followers walking in the Spirit. The light of life balances the believer to
keep him from walking in truth without the Spirit, which is dead religion, and from walking in the Spirit without the truth, which
establishes cults.
(184e) Works of the devil >>
The origin of lawlessness >> Darkness >>
God controls darkness >> Darkness is the absence
of light
(255a) Trinity >>
Holy Spirit’s relationship between Father and Son >>
God’s word is Spirit >> Spirit of the word >>
Words of His Spirit are life -- This verse goes with verse 51
Jn 8,13-18
(144g) Witness >>
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Witnesses of Jesus >>
Trinity bears witness of Jesus >> Father bears
witness of His Son -- These verses go with verse 29. In
their hearts the religious establishment knew better than anyone that Jesus
was the Son of God, because they knew the prophecies about Him better than
anyone. A chapter earlier, at the feast of booths, He raised His voice in
the temple for all to hear and said, “You both know Me and know where I am
from” (Jn 7-28), so Jesus exclaimed that the Jews knew His true identity.
Then, in the very next chapter He said just the opposite, “You do not know where I come from or where
I am going” (v14), so did the Pharisees know or not know that Jesus was the
Christ? The answer is both yes and no, because of their willful ignorance! The religious establishment partitioned
Jesus in their minds and hid the truth about Him from themselves, so they both
knew and didn’t know Him at the same time. Jesus used against them the fact
that they refused to confess that He was the Christ, though in
their hearts they knew Jesus had come from heaven and that His Father was
Almighty God.
Jn 8-13,14
(37e) Judgment
Jesus’ humanity >> He was part of the lineage
of David –
Jesus would not involve His mother in His skirmishes with the Jews. She
knew His true identity, yet she couldn’t provide any proof of His origin, such as
the census when Mary and Joseph returned to Bethlehem to be counted among his
relatives in the days of her late pregnancy, having given birth to her first-born son, who became a
citizen of Bethlehem, the village of Joseph's father, King David. Ask Mary
to testify in a court of law under penalty of perjury would only prove that Jesus was illegitimate,
because Joseph was not His Father, and they would never find His real
Father anywhere in this world. Therefore, Jesus simply told them that He knew
His Father, whereas His enemies lied when they said their father was god. See also:
Jesus' Father was God; Jn 8,18-24; 209b
(85g) Thy kingdom come
Words that are spoken in faith >> Testify of God’s
works –
Almost everything the religious establishment said came from the
Law of Moses; they basically taught themselves to think along these terms, so
when they accused Jesus of testifying about Himself with no witnesses, they were
referring to the commandment in Deuteronomy 19-15, “A single witness shall not
rise up against a man on account of any iniquity or any sin which he has
committed; on the evidence of two or three witnesses a matter shall be
confirmed.” The Pharisees were saying that He didn’t have any witnesses to
verify what He was saying, but Jesus essentially summoned His Father to the
stand by referring to the works He did through Him. Their argument was
that His Father could not literally appear in court and so His testimony was
but Jesus argument was that He could not perform miracles if His Father were not
God, thus proving to be the Son of God.
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Jn 8,15-18
(40c) Judgment >>
Father gave authority to the son to judge the world through His blood
-- These verses go with verse 26. Jesus
spoke these things to the Pharisees, but He never
imposed sentence on them; He just told them the truth rebuking them and then
walking away, but the Pharisees passed sentence against Him and hung Him on
a cross. Jesus was the judge of all creation, yet He suspended His judgment,
whereas the Pharisees who lived and worked for the devil had a place reserved for them in
hell. There will be a day when God
will judge the world in righteousness, using a Man “whom He has appointed,
having furnished proof to all men by raising Him from the dead” (Act 17-31).
God will give the unrepentant dead a new body and send them back to the abyss,
so that the spiritual hell they had previously suffered will become
physical with bodies that cannot die.
Jn 8-15,16
(69i) Authority >>
Righteous judgment (Outcome of Discernment) >> Passing judgment by the authority
of God -- Jesus rebuked the Jews for judging Him according
to the flesh. Another word for judgment is discernment. A person who can
discern the truth about a person has properly judged his
motives. Herein lies the problem: we too quickly judge people according to the
flesh and arrive far short of understanding each other. It would behoove us to
suspend judgment as Jesus did to His enemies so we can ascertain all the facts
of the case before making a verdict. The fact that He withheld judgment will
result in a much harsher sentence at the White Throne Judgment. Likewise, if
we withhold judgment on our enemies, it could result in their salvation, or
else it will result in a stiffer sentence at their final judgment.
Jn 8-15
(17c) Sin >>
Unrighteous judgment >> Judging in the flesh >>
Evaluating circumstances by the carnal mind – Jesus condemned
judging in the flesh, but He condoned judging in the Spirit (discernment). Just one
chapter earlier Jesus said in Jn 7-24, "Do not judge according to
appearance, but judge with righteous judgment." Basically, the Bible
teaches to judge with your spirit, not with your flesh. The world does not
understand spiritual matters; for this reason the natural man will reject
this statement from
ignorance. This is why the world will tell you not to judge at all, because they don’t
have the Spirit of God, and so they don’t have the potential to
righteously judge.
Jn 8-17,18
(80a) Thy kingdom come >>
Know the word as a sword in spiritual warfare >>
To oppose religion –
This is an example
of Jesus being both the Son of God and the son of man, Jesus spoke about the
law, saying, "Even in
your law it has been written...." He called it "Your
law" (saying this also in Jn 10-34); why didn't He say 'Our law', since
Jesus technically was a Jew? It wasn't His law; He was the Son of God; it was
their law; God had given it to them. Technically, Jesus was born under the law
(Gal 4-4), but He did not live under the law but walked according to the
Spirit, and He has called us to walk by the Spirit too as His beloved
children, making us His sons and daughters.
Jn 8,18-24
(209b) Salvation >>
The salvation of God >> Personal relationship >>
Counterfeit relationship through religion >>
Knowing about God, but not knowing God -- These verses go with verses
41&42. Jesus
told the Pharisees that the cause of them not knowing Him was that they did not
know His Father. What did the apostle John say about loving our brother versus
loving God? How can we say that we love God whom we have not seen if we do not
love our brother whom we have seen (1Jn 4-19)? The same applies here; if the
Pharisees did not know Jesus whom they had seen, much less did they love His
Father whom they had not seen. They may have known Jesus on His mother's side; they
could identify His siblings, cousins, aunts and uncles, but they could not
trace His Father's side, and in that sense they did not know Him at all. Jesus said in other passages
that to know Him was to know His Father (Jn 14,7-11), but Jesus was saying
just the opposite to the Pharisees; He told them that the reason they didn’t
know Him was that they didn’t know the Father. In other words, He expected
them to know the Father in advance through their Old Testament writings, so
when Jesus came, they could add flesh and blood to their understanding of
God, but they learned nothing from their Old Testament manuscripts, and they
were the teachers of Israel. Religiosity is a misguided attempt to cover our
lack of intimacy with God. See also: Jesus'
Father was God;
Jn 8-13,14; 37e
Jn 8-18,19
(253d) Trinity >>
Relationship between Father and Son >> Jesus is
equal with the Father >> Jesus has all the
internal qualities of the Father >> Jesus is the
exact representation of the Father --
Jesus and His father were identical to each
other, except they held different roles in the godhead. The Spirit communicating between
them was identical to both Father and Son, except He too played His own unique role, making
all three members identical to each other, yet having separate offices in the trinity.
Jn 8-18
(231c) Kingdom of God >>
God’s kingdom is a living organism >> Mystery
of godliness >> God’s grace is the mystery of
godliness >> God working in you is a mystery –
To His disciples Jesus said that to know Him was to know His Father, but to
His enemies He said the opposite, that the reason they didn’t know Him was
that they didn’t know His Father (v19). The reason the disciples were coming
to know Jesus was that they were coming to know the Father on some basic
level. Jesus said in Jn 6-45, “It is written in the prophets, 'and they
shall all be taught of God.' Everyone who has heard and learned from the
Father, comes to Me” They obeyed the Father before they even met Jesus; they
communed with Him in their hearts; they had a deep desire to know God, and for
this reason Jesus chose them as His disciples. Even Levi the tax collector
meditated on God. He was a tax gatherer but sought a way to escape that life, so when Jesus came, He immediately left His place and grafted onto
Him. He found the person who would lead Him into a closer relationship with
God, which is what he really wanted. Those who love God come to know Jesus,
but those who don’t seek God cannot come to know Him. Everything Jesus taught was about the
heart; He knows all our
thoughts and intensions, though He promised to
judge us based on what we do, using our actions to prove what we were
thinking in case we wanted to argue with Him.
Jn 8-19
(217i) Sovereignty >>
God overrides the will of man >> God’s will
over man >> I never knew you >>
Because you never knew Him –
Jesus considered His Father to be a viable witness, though He was invisible; for all intents and purposes
He was absent to testify; that is, He was unavailable to the Pharisees. However,
Jesus was not about to exclude His Father as a witness just because He was
unavailable to them. He figured that if they did not have access to
Him, it was their fault, for they had every opportunity to come to know God
through their Old Testament writings. He was available to Jesus, but the Pharisees would never come to know Him or His
He named the Father as His primary witness because there was no one else who
could directly testify about Him, not even His mother. She could give the
account of what happened to her, that she was visited by an angel who said she
would conceive without ever
knowing a man, and the result would be the Son of God, but that would require them to believe Mary’s
story. Jesus was not about to involve His mother in His squabbles with the
Jews and bring up the fact that Mary conceived out of wedlock. Those who believe Mary’s
story also believe in God, but that excluded the Pharisees.
Jn 8-20
(28l) Gift of God >>
God is our advocate >> Father protects His Son
(122i) Thy kingdom come >>
Manifestations of faith >> Boldness in adverse
circumstances >> Speak the truth in the face of
adversity –
Boldness is doing what we know God wants us to do. Jesus lived in obedience to
His Father, and some things He said and did were incomprehensible to His
friends, His enemies and even to His own disciples. Jesus and His Father had a
very close relationship; He always knew what His Father wanted of Him. He went
into the treasury of the temple, which was like a bug walking on a spider’s web
into its den, and there He rebuked the
Pharisees in their own haunt, like a burglar breaking into a man’s home and complaining to
the owner about his house keeping, or like going
into the lions’ den and picking a fight with its inhabitants. Jesus verbally
flogged the Pharisees and left scratch-free. He did this to intentionally
incense them, so when they finally put their hands on Him for crucifixion,
they would show no mercy, so the Lamb of God would be sacrificed properly
according to the will of God, flaying Him to ribbons by two men wielding a
cat-o-nine-tales across His back until his organs showed. He was
unrecognizable after nearly every drop of blood had drained from His body,
thus He allowed sinners to lay their hands on Him for the sins of the people.
Besides, they deserved to be rebuked; they were a vexation to Jesus, and He wanted them to know what God thought of them.
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Jn 8,21-24
Sin >> Nature of sin >>
Unbelief >> Having a mind that is unable to
receive >> Religion doesn't know how to believe in God -- These verses
go with verses 45-47
Judgment >> God Judges the world >>
Hell is a place of the dead –
Jesus told the Pharisees pointblank that they were going to die in their
sin, meaning that they had no hope of salvation. Paul said that Jesus is the
“Savior of all men, especially of believers” (1Tim 4-10). Everyone has an opportunity to be saved, but the Pharisees were an exception; they had forfeited their
right to be the children of God for the passing
pleasures of sin. With the Pharisees only the mechanics remained of God’s
judgment to run its course. After He paid for the sins of the world and rose
from the dead, He ascended back to heaven, and since hell was so sure to be
the Pharisees’ final resting place, Jesus said to them, “Where I’m
going you cannot come.” Jesus was saying that His destiny was to be the embodiment God’s life to the world, while their
destiny was to be thrown into hell, which is the second death.
(95a) Thy kingdom come >>
Perspective >> False perspective in the world
(154f) Witness >>
Validity of the Father >> God bears witness
against the world >> Witness that the world is
godless >> Witness that the world is of the
devil -- These verses go with verses 32-47. Anybody
who is of this world walks by a spirit that is from below. Secular, worldly people who
integrate into the world system share in a satanic spirit that is
destined for hell. They partake of a spirit that is demonic in
nature, not to mean they are possessed, but they are highly influenced by
(217j) Sovereignty >>
God overrides the will of man >> God’s will
over man >> I never knew you >>
Because you are not of His sheep -- These verses go with verses 37-59
(221c) Kingdom of God >>
The elusive Kingdom of Heaven >> Kingdom
hidden behind the veil from the world >> God
hides from man’s ignorance >> God denies His
kingdom to those who cannot find Him
(222h) Kingdom of God >>
The elusive Kingdom of Heaven >> Do not give
what is holy to dogs >> God shares no intimacy
with dogs >> God does not let dogs in His
(231g) Kingdom of God >>
God’s kingdom is a living organism >> Body
of Christ is the organism of God’s kingdom >>
Jesus is the head of His body’s kingdom >>
The Kingdom of Heaven is where Jesus is
Jn 8,21-23
Sin >> Consequences of sin >>
Death is Satan’s nature –
Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees in ways they would never understand, yet
they did understand in ways that His disciples
didn’t seem to understand Jesus. What Jesus said was not complicated, but the Pharisees were self-deceived,
considered the epitome of both spiritual blindness and
willful ignorance. They were dead to the truth of God. Whatever Jesus said to
them, they would misinterpret,
because they were of a spirit that opposed Christ that resisted the knowledge
of God. Jesus and the Pharisees were like two magnets of similar poles; their probability of
naturally coming together was zero.
Jn 8-21,22
(177h) Works of the devil >>
The religion of witchcraft >> Presumption (Hinduism) >> Misunderstanding Jesus
-- These verses go with verses 48-59
Jn 8-21
Sin >> Consequences of sin >>
Death >> Dead to God through sin
(157i) Witness >>
Validity of the believer >> Evidence of being
hell-bound >> Having a reprobate mind
-- This verse goes with verse 55. It
is amazing how perceptive the Pharisees were in their thinking, though wrong,
yet close to the truth when they suspected he would kill himself. The
part they didn't mention was that they would order His death. The part that is so revealing about the true nature of reprobates is
that they already had it planned in their hearts to kill Him, but they had the fact
conveniently partitioned in a separate compartment in their minds that they
used as a restricted area, and then reasoned whether He would commit suicide. They knew He
was referring to His death, but how did they get that from the statement,
“Where I’m going you cannot come”? One of the main characteristics of a
reprobate is that they tell stories to themselves, knowing they are not
true but believing them anyway. They partition sections of their mind from other sections,
enabling them to lead a double life. This method of self-deception
doesn’t work very well, since the conscious mind is in charge of managing
all the different compartments, and information tends to bleed into other
such as in this case when they knew He was referring to His death by an
insufficient hint had they not intended to kill Him.
Supposedly there was no place He could go that they couldn’t go, except
death, ignoring the fact that they
too would die someday, so they seemed to have partitioned their own death,
as though they had made themselves immortal, while they stood beside the
embodiment of immortality.
(186j) Works of the devil >>
The result of lawlessness >> The reprobate >>
God’s role in forming a reprobate >> Marked
out for destruction
(190da) Die to self (Process of substitution)
Separation from the old man >> Masochism
(Self-made martyr) >> Spiritual suicide –
When He
said that the Pharisees would seek Him, He was not talking about in this life, but seeking Him in their
death. In this life they only concerned themselves with whether He
remained in the tomb, but after they learned His body was absent, they never went
looking for Him, because in their hearts they knew God had raised Him
from the dead. Instead, they concerned themselves only with concocting a story
about the disciples stealing His body. Jesus never
mentioned that He was going to die, but He did mention they were going to die,
yet they brought up His death and ignored their own. The implication, then, is that after their own death they will seek Him
and will not find Him, because they will have died in their sin, and He said, “Where I am going, you cannot come.” God raised Him from the
dead, and He ascended to
heaven, and this is where the Pharisees could not come. They didn’t seek Jesus in
their life, but they sought Him in their death, meaning they knew He was the
Son of God and that He was the only person who could help them in the
afterlife. They sought Him for mercy after
they showed Him no mercy.
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Jn 8-23,24
(156l) Witness >>
Validity of the believer >> Evidence of being
hell-bound >> Living an ungodly lifestyle >>
Associating with the world
(164c) Works of the devil >>
Manifestations of the devil >> The world system >>
Satan rules the world >> The world is his
kingdom -- These verses go with verses 37-47
(168h) Works of the devil >>
Manifestations of the devil >> The world listens
to itself >> The world hears it’s own words
(210d) Salvation >>
The salvation of God >> Jesus is our savior >>
Jesus is the savior of the world –
Jesus was
careful not to confess to the Jews that He had come from heaven, because they
would have stoned Him for that, charging Him as a false messiah.
They were supposed to have criminals
prosecuted and sentenced under Roman authority, which overruled Jewish law,
but in cases of their religion when they were so vehement and their rage
surfaced, the Jews had been known to pick up stones and take matters
into their own hands and execute people, as they did to Steven (Act 7,54-60). They picked up stones to
throw at Jesus but He eluded them (Vs 57-59). The Pharisees confronted Him;
He never showed an interest in them; He never went looking for
Jn 8,26-29
(114ha) Thy kingdom come >>
Working the grace of God >> Jesus does God’s
work >> All his works are done through the
father >> Jesus gives voice to His Father
Jesus did nothing on His own initiative, but spoke the things that His Father
taught Him. It was imperative to Jesus that we understood that the Father sent
Him. This fact is crucial to our salvation, for what good would it do for
Jesus to invite us to heaven without the Father’s consent? As it stands, we
have confidence in the Father’s love who sent the Son (Jn 12-50; Jn 3-16). Jesus obeyed the
Father, following the lead of the Holy Spirit, who
originates from Him. For those who need to know that
God loves them, Jesus said in Jn 14-10, “The Father abiding in Me does His works,”
so even those who do not believe may know that God loves them. This can hopefully lead to a better
understanding that Jesus was in fact the Son of God. He wanted to
give us hope that God loves us, and the only way He could do that was to
confess that the Father sent Him.
Jn 8-26
(40c) Judgment >>
Father gave authority to the son to judge the world through His blood
-- This verse goes with verses 15-18
(109e) Thy kingdom come >>
Faith >>
Revelation of the word of God >> Revelation of
the meaning of God’s word -- This verse goes with verses 31&32
(149j) Witness >>
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Works of the Church bear witness to Jesus >> Evangelism >>
Authority of the rhema given to evangelism >>
Being prepared by God personally
Jn 8-28,29
(253l) Trinity >>
Relationship between Father and Son >> Jesus is
subject to the Father >> Jesus is subject to the
will of God
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Jn 8-28
(12n) Servant >>
Jesus serves mankind >>
Jesus is the son of man
(153b) Witness >>
Validity of the Father >> Witnesses of the
father >> Jesus bears witness of the Father –
The Father’s love is so great that when Jesus spoke to His disciples in
His High Priestly Prayer (John chapter 17), He plainly told them that it was
not He who loves the world but His Father. Jesus’ only claim was to have love
(prayer) for those whom His Father had given Him, “I ask on their behalf; I
do not ask on behalf of the world, but of those whom You have given Me; for
they are Yours” (Jn 17-9). Jesus basically said in His High Priestly
Prayer, ‘I only love those who demonstrate their love for Me by keeping My
commandments by loving one another, being born-again and obeying the Holy Spirit.’ The Father’s
love is far greater than Jesus’ love, for the Father interceded for the
entire world, sending His Son to die for the sins of all mankind (Jn
3-16), whereas Jesus intercedes only for those who believe in Him. Not
everybody will be accepted into heaven, only those who belong to Christ. Many
claim to believe in Jesus but are not his disciples. They believe in the
doctrines of salvation but refuse to do His will. They live how they
feel and expect God to accommodate them.
(241i) Kingdom of God
Opposition toward the Kingdom of God >>
Persecuting the kingdom >> Persecution to the
death >>
Kill Jesus by the predetermined plan of God >>
The apostles taught about His death –
Jesus told the religious establishment who verbally attacked Him that once they had Him nailed to the
cross, “Then you will
know that I am He” (Mat 27,41-54). This means they knew they hung their
Messiah on a cross even while, “the chief priests, along with the
scribes and elders, were mocking Him, saying, ‘He saved others; He
cannot save Himself. He is the King of Israel; let Him now come down from
the cross, and we will believe in Him.’” They crucified Him as the Passover
Lamb, unconsciously performing the will of God that was planned from
eternity past.
Basically, they were tricked into crucifying Him; it was necessary they
inadvertently murdered their own Messiah, for it would have done no good to
kill Him from obedience, for then they would not have
executed Him from their hatred of God, and it was this that Jesus was sent to forgive. With the cross we see sin performing the will of God, very
bizarre circumstances indeed.
Jn 8-29
(11e) Servant >>
Jesus is our standard
There are people in the world who do not know
God, who walk in unbelief, who live to a ripe old age, have everything they ever wanted and die
wealthy, yet none of these things are signs of God's favor on their lives. The Bible teaches that worldly wealth is more of a curse
than it is a blessing, in terms of it being an obstacle in the way of seeking
the Kingdom of God. Jesus by anyone’s standard was a poor man, yet he
never committed a sin, which made Him the wealthiest man in the eyes of God,
and testified against those who blame poverty for their sins. Jesus is our example of the perfect Christian, and we should measure
ourselves by Him only.
(41c) Judgment >>
Satan destroyed >> Be like Jesus >>
Jesus presented Himself to God without sin for us – Jesus
claimed not to be a sinner like
the rest of us when he said, “I always do the things that are pleasing to
Him.” He was able so say this with great confidence; anybody else would have
been lying. Our goal is therefore to emulate Christ, who always
pleased the Father. Jesus had a soul that was perfect; He had no will to
commit sin, but He had a body like ours that had no interest
in pleasing God, yet He consistently steered His body into the will of His Father. Jesus struggled His whole life against sin and
won, so when it came time to pay for the sins of the world, He offered his
body that was perfected through suffering to the Father, perfection being the
only acceptable sacrifice, otherwise, how could He have made propitiation for
the sins of the world as a sinner Himself?
(92a) Thy kingdom come >>
The narrow way >> Trail of good works >>
The good works that He prepared for us – As Christians we should strive against sin,
because sin has an eroding effect on both our faith and our
lives. By His Spirit we strive, but we never come close to
approaching perfection that Jesus achieved in His flesh. For
this reason, serving God by the flesh is unacceptable to Him, since our flesh
does not know Christ. Instead, we have the Spirit of God dwelling in
us, who desires to overcome sin,
especially our addictions, which is a breeding ground for unbelief. God has
not redeemed our flesh; instead, He will give us a whole new body at the resurrection,
one that cannot die, one that seeks to please Him. God will also perfect our souls to
always want what He desires. The end product will be a
person who is perfect in body, soul and Spirit.
(144g) Witness >>
Validity of Jesus Christ >> Witnesses of Jesus >>
Trinity bears witness of Jesus >> Father bears
witness of His Son -- This verse goes with verses 13-18
Jn 8,30-59
(186g) Works of the devil >>
The result of lawlessness >> The reprobate >>
Man’s role in becoming a reprobate >> After
they reject God’s faith how can they believe?
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Jn 8,31-59
(19j) Sin >>
Self righteousness will twist your mind –
The Jews were blaspheming when they said Jesus had a demon. Somewhere
in their screwed-up minds they knew He was speaking the truth from God; they
even knew He was the Son of God. They had twisted their minds
to such a extent that they were unable to unravel the tangled mess of their
conscience, and for this reason they were unable to believe the
truth from God. A person who is so enslaved to the devil
and to the sinful nature always comes to the same
conclusion about Jesus. The reprobate mind thinks only one way, the opposite of God.
(185b) Works of the devil >>
The origin of lawlessness >> Mystery of
lawlessness >> Having no grounds for your hate >> Hating Christ without a cause
(201a) Denying Christ >>
Whoever is not with Jesus is against him >> He
is against Christ who does not receive Him >>
Whoever does not receive God’s word is against Christ
Jn 8,31-47
(16aa) Sin
>> The sin nature is instinctively evil >>
Man’s flesh is related to the devil >> Unregenerate man is the son
of Satan
– In this
passage Jesus really opens up a can of worms, and reveals man’s evil
nature in a way that is almost spooky. He was talking to those bad
Pharisees, but sadly what he said to them also applies to us, for we are
sinners too. Jesus not only told them the origins of their sin but also proved
His point by the fact that Abraham was a good man and
would not have done what they were doing. He also
used His own origins, having come from God, to prove that He was the essence of good. They hated Him
(proving their unbelief); they were not just evil; they were of the devil, whom
we know hates God. After Jesus finished talking to the Jews, everyone knew
they were ruled
by the underworld. No one ever spoke to them that way, or even dared. He
wanted nothing they had and had nothing to lose, except His life,
which He planned to give anyway.
(18h) Sin >>
Twisted thinking >> Can’t distinguish
between good and evil >> Jesus is evil
(174g) Works of the devil >>
The religion of witchcraft >> Form of
godliness >> Self righteousness >>
Believing you don’t have a sinful nature
Jn 8,31-36
(119c) Thy kingdom come >>
Manifestations of faith >> Freedom >>
Freedom from satanic influence >> Free from sin –
Verse 32 is arguably the least understood verse
in the Bible, though it is possibly also the most popular.
The means of attaining freedom is through the knowledge
of the truth, and obedience (repentance) expresses that freedom. We have all
heard people quoting this verse in social/political settings, using a
definition of freedom that is vastly different from the one Jesus had in mind.
Their definition of freedom refers to the power given by law to live however
they want without any governmental or social interference, but Jesus’ definition
of freedom was in regard to sin. The angel said to Mary in Mat 1-21, “He will
save His people from their sins.” Many people don’t like Jesus’
definition of freedom but prefer their own; they would rather be free from
governmental or social restraint or racial discrimination. It shouldn't
surprise anyone that the Jews in Jesus day had this same definition of freedom
(from Roman rule), which means everything Jesus said to them directly applies
to us in the 21st century, who hold to a distorted version of freedom. See also: Freedom;
Jn 8,31-33; 174k / Freedom from addiction (bondage);
Heb 11-29; 246c
(208d) Salvation >>
The salvation of God >> Salvation verses >>
The expectations of God >> God expects us to
follow Him
Jn 8,31-33
(174k) Works of the devil >>
The religion of witchcraft >> Form of godliness >>
Lip service -- Jesus had been talking to the Jews who had
believed in Him about freedom, and they became indignant, so Jesus
talked them out of their faith. He proved to the Jews that they were not Abraham’s
offspring, genealogically yes but spiritually no, in that they didn’t have the heart of
Abraham, who is the father of the Jewish faith and of the Christian walk. See also: Freedom;
Jn 8-32; 6f
Jn 8-31,32
(109e) Thy kingdom come >>
Faith >>
Revelation of the word of God >> Revelation of
the meaning of God’s word -- These verses go with verse 26. Jesus
said that abiding in His word is how we come to know the truth. The word
“abide” means to remain, meaning not straying from the Scriptures in study,
prayer and practice. If we study and obey the
Scriptures, we will know about the truth, and if we add prayer to the mix, we
will come to know the truth as revealed by the Spirit. The Scriptures are a
different kind of knowledge. We can study history or science, but there is
nothing to obey about these disciplines, but there is with the
Scriptures. We can read the Bible for years, but if we never do what
it says, we will not understand its true meaning. There are many disobedient
Christians in the Church today and Jesus would say to them that they do not
understand His word, and if the word of God is incomprehensible to them, then
they are not really Christians.
(110l) Thy kingdom come
>> Faith >>
Spirit and the word >> Spiritual substance and
truth >> Spiritual substance follows the truth
Jn 8-31
(99n) Thy kingdom come
Perseverance (Working to keep in motion)
>> Persevere in faith
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Jn 8,32-47
(154f) Witness >>
Validity of the Father >> God bears witness
against the world >> Witness that the world is
godless >> Witness that the world is of the
devil -- These verses go with verses 21-24. Jesus was
referring to the world’s rejection of God, which accounts for all the blood that has been shed on
the earth since the fall of man. If people acknowledged God in their lives,
there would be no wars. We would still find fault with each other, and there
would still be confrontations, but the fact that we acknowledge God would act
as a deterrent against war and some of the other more grievous sins. There is nothing
innocent about rejecting God; it is the very basis of sin and the essence of
idolatry and the perfect will of Satan. We need a vision of God, and if we
don’t have one, we will do the devil's bidding. No one in heaven
denies the existence of God or even ignores Him; therefore, neither should we
(Mat 6-10). Jesus said,
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God”
(Mat 5-8). The way to opening our eyes is to, “Cleanse your hands, you
sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Be miserable and mourn and
weep; let your laughter be turned into mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble
yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you” (Jm 4,8-10).
It is really up to us; we don’t just ask God for a pure heart, we must
pursue it, and God will purify us along the way. Once our heart becomes
distilled, our vision will become clear, and we will be able to see God in our
lives, and so will others.
Jn 8-32
(6f) Responsibility >>
Being spiritual >> Ministering to God by obeying
His word –
This is one of the most frequently quoted verses
in the Bible, yet the vast majority of the human race doesn’t have the
slightest interest in being free from sin. Based on this statement, we know that without
the truth freedom is impossible, being that truth is the premise of freedom.
Question: do we use truth as a tool to lead us to freedom or is freedom a
mere byproduct of knowing the truth? Answer: it is the latter! That is, truth is so much greater than freedom that we don’t need to do anything to become free, for
the truth itself has the power to set us free, but if we do not pursue freedom
we will lose the truth. This means it is impossible to know the truth
without obeying it! Most people think they already know the truth, and the rest think
the truth does not exist. Man is lost in an ocean of ideas, which makes the
Bible all the more relevant to society today. There is something else happening that the truth
incorporates: the Holy Spirit. One of the most profound statements
of the Bible was actually something the Catholics seemed to comprehend. Jesus
said to Peter, “Whom do you say that I am?” His answer, “You are the
Son of the living God.” Jesus responded, “Flesh and blood did not reveal
this to you but my Father in heaven” (Mat 16,13-17). Peter may have been a
screw-up, but he knew Jesus was the Son of God, and to know Him on this level
was to posses the truth in its entirety. A person can live in a free country and
think he knows something about freedom, but countries and politicians cannot make us free, not even Jesus was capable of
revealing the truth to Peter, and He was the embodiment of Truth; only the Holy Spirit
can do
this. See also: Freedom; 80b /
Value freedom or lose
your soul; 2Cor 6,11-13; 196d
(80b) Thy kingdom come >>
Know the word in spiritual warfare >> To deliver
yourself from bondage –
Jesus said
that the way to freedom is through the truth. If Jesus’ definition of
freedom is in regard to sin, then how do we use the truth to become free? It
goes back to renewing our minds; that is, we reprogram our minds in the word
of God and prayer, and in the process we are slowly transformed from the
inside-out to the
image of Christ. God doesn't want us
the sins we once did or to remain in bondage to our emotions. For example, He
wants to break the connection between what people do to us and our reaction to
them. We replace our negative emotions with faith that God has designed to trump our feelings.
See also: Freedom; 118j
Freedom (Key verse) – Def:
Freedom is the absence of restraints on our ability to think,
speak and act. We
are not bodies, though we have bodies, yet essentially we are spirits, and
this is the truth to which Jesus was referring. The world, the flesh and the
devil work 24/7 in attempt to convince us that our essence is physical,
diminishing the importance of the soul and in some cases eliminating it
altogether, such as the case with atheists, who deny the creation and consider
the physical aspect of life the sum total of all things. Jesus was saying that
we are a spirit, and to focus on our spiritual side instead of our flesh is
therefore what will set us free.
(119b) Thy kingdom come
Manifestations of faith >> Freedom >> Law of the Spirit of truth
– Freedom
is hinged on knowing the truth, and it works with repentance to establish our
freedom in the real world, in that mere theological freedom is useless. When
Jesus said, "You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you
free," what is the truth of freedom? The Bible teaches that man is a
spirit and has a body and that God set our spirit free in Christ and commands
us to subject our flesh to our spirit's freedom. The beauty of repentance is
that it eliminates condemnation when we stop sinning. One of the devil's
biggest lies is that when we are tempted, we think we are sinning, but just
the opposite is true. When we are tempted, it proves we are not sinning, and
if we fall to temptation, we just repent again. Freedom requires vision.
Freedom is not a tool to achieve something else but is the goal of faith (Gal
5-1), yet since it is a prerequisite for doing the will of God, it can also be
seen as a tool. This introduces a limitation to freedom, that if there is no
freedom in the church (that is, if there is no unity), it discourages freedom
in the individual. Freedom is like buying a cruise ship, if no one books a
trip on it, there is no point in owning one. Nevertheless, we should seek
freedom as a personal goal.
See also: Freedom; 187ha
(187ha) Die to self (Process of substitution) >>
Separation from the old man >> Die to the flesh >>
Spirit versus the flesh >> Deny the flesh to
walk in the Spirit >> Deny bondage to walk in freedom –
If we allow our emotions to get the best of us, how can we live
for Jesus? We all know that life can get away from us, things can go wrong
creating a downward spiral, losing control of the circumstances, and before long we lose
control of our actions and start doing things based on our emotions without thinking. Now we
are in bondage to our flesh, and Jesus wants us free of these things. He
wants to make us so it doesn’t matter if the government oppresses us or if
people of a different color think less of us or slap us in the face. It doesn’t matter what happens to us, because we are in God’s care;
it only matters what we do. The
world is dominated by their motions. If we could subtract
our emotions from the rest of our lives, people say there would be no reason to live. We would still have thoughts
and actions, but without emotions, none of them would really
matter. God doesn’t want to take our emotions from us; He wants to replace
them with His emotions. Compassion is
the emotion of the Spirit. Anybody who is ruled by the power of the Holy
Spirit is compassionate. See also: Freedom; 233b
(233b) Kingdom of God >>
Pursuing the kingdom >> Seeking the kingdom >>
Seeking the goals of the kingdom >> Seek the
goal of freedom –
The freedom of Christ gets to the very root of man's problem and offers a
solution that is in no way popular with the world, but those who love Jesus
apply His solution to produce the will of God in their lives. When
someone slaps our face, we turn the other cheek. When someone takes our shirt, we give him our coat also. This goes
across the grain of the world and of our own flesh. Moreover, we
have emotions that are reactive (automatic), so that when
someone slaps us or takes our possessions, we don’t have to think about it;
we just get angry. The apostle Paul taught to renew our minds so when things
happen, the emotions don’t emerge so fiercely. When we renew our minds, it
doesn’t change our flesh, and when we die to self, it has no effect on our
sinful nature. Instead, we program our minds to respond by the Spirit who
dwells in us rather than by the sinful passions and desires that reside in our
flesh. See also: Freedom; Jn 8,31-36; 119c
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Jn 8,33-59
(180g) Works of the devil >>
Practicing witchcraft >> Wolves >>
Wolves steal, kill and destroy >> Wolves have a
killer instinct
Jn 8,33-47
(178l) Works of the devil >>
The religion of witchcraft >> Hypocrisy >>
Jesus rebukes the Pharisees >> Rebuked for
having no love for God
Jn 8,33-40
(33c) Gift of God
God is our Father >> Believers are children of
promise –
Jesus told the Jews that slaves of sin do not remain in the house forever, but
the Son does remain forever, along with all those who love and obey Him,
the sons and daughters of God. What Jesus meant by the phrase “in the house”
was the house of Israel. The Jews who stood in front of Jesus were children of
Israel in the flesh, yet according to Jesus they were slaves of sin, and the
slave does not remain in the house forever. In other words, they were not the
children of God though they were physical descendents of Abraham. There will be
a day when their life in the flesh will end, and then they will be given to
eternal darkness, being the condition of their minds regarding the word of God,
and they will lose their place in the house of Israel. No longer an Israelite,
they will lose their identity and another will take their place who will bear the
fruit of His Kingdom. The stipulation of eternal damnation, they will be no one, not
a Jew
not a
descendent of Abraham, just phantoms of the damned because of their rejection of
the truth and all that is good and right. When God created Israel through
Abraham he created an eternal kingdom through him that Israel might exist
forever in the heavenly New Jerusalem. See also: New heavens and a new earth (New
Jerusalem); New Garden of
Rev 3-12; 140g
Jn 8,34-39
(157k) Witness >>
Validity of the believer >> Evidence of being
hell-bound >> Having a murder spirit
Jn 8,34-36
(162g) Works of the devil >>
Being a slave to the devil (Addictions) >>
Bondage >> Addicted to sin >>
Being a slave to the sinful nature
Jn 8-34
Bondage (Key verse)
Jn 8-35
(170g) Works of the devil >>
Manifestations of the devil >> Outward
appearance >> Temporary >>
This life is temporary
Jn 8,37-59
(217j) Sovereignty >>
God overrides the will of man >> God’s will
over man >> I never knew you >>
Because you are not of His sheep -- These verses go with verses 21-24
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Jn 8,37-47
(164c) Works of the devil >>
Manifestations of the devil >> The world system >>
Satan rules the world >> The world is his
kingdom -- These verses go with verses 23&24. To
define "faith" we would quote Heb 11-1, but faith is indescribable,
suggesting that it is different from believing. We are familiar with
believing something; people have given their opinions about the origins of
life and the universe with a myriad religions, each believing
differently about God, but no religion is based on faith, except one: the truth
(2The 2-13), and truth is not a religion. Most people don’t know what they
believe, yet by definition they live by their beliefs. This is a scary
thing, like admitting we don’t know what is influencing us. It is
common for people to live in ways they don't understand. Jesus said in Jn 14-30, “The ruler of the world
is coming, and he has nothing in Me,” referring to Satan. The fact that
Satan is ruler of the world without anyone realizing it suggests that
people think and act mostly on a subliminal level. Satanic forces make them live in ways they do not
understand, and for this reason every nation that has ever risen has also
fallen, except Israel (but that is another commentary). The world criticizes
those who “live by faith in the Son of God” (Gal 2-20), saying that
Christianity is too simplistic for their taste, but the beauty of dedicating
our lives to faith in Jesus is that it takes all the loose ends and undefined
forces and exposes them to the scrutiny of God’s word. This way we can kick
out all extraneous influences until all that remains is the truth.
(168k) Works of the devil >>
Manifestations of the devil >> The world has
deaf ears to God >> You cannot hear God while
you listen to the devil -- The Jews were
worldly people who hated God, who held places of honor in society and were
fully accepted by the world that have been in bed with these antichrist
personalities since time began, who have
integrated their philosophies into social consciousness. They believe and
perpetuate the mainstream ideals of secularism to this day, but Jesus followed
a Spirit that was different from the world, and for this reason they
persecuted Him. There is a consciousness of soul
that plays within the individual and there is a collective consciousness of
society that plays within the group, controlled by forces far greater than
themselves. Demons have tapped into these social forums and
have used them to broadcast their messages on a subliminal level via a satanic broadcasting system called memetics (memes).
No one is in control of what people believe; hence demons have easily access
to the pansophical nature of man, where they pipe in their brand of truth and dictate what people
believe. Jesus made the statement many times throughout the book of
Revelation, “He who has an ear to hear, let him hear what the Spirit says to
the churches.” The Jews couldn’t hear what Jesus was saying, though
the embodiment of the Holy Spirit was standing in front of them in the flesh.
Jesus was talking, His lips were moving, but no sound was reaching their ears,
who tuned Jesus out and were listening to a different frequency that spoke to
them what the wanted to hear.
(217d) Sovereignty >>
God overrides the will of man >> God’s will
over man >> God gives up on you >>
When you give yourself over to sin
Jn 8,37-45
(167i) Works of the devil
Manifestations of the devil (Conspiracy) >> Carnality/Secularism (Mindset of the World)
The carnal mind does not receive the things of God >>
It rejects God –
There is a sin that has persisted throughout the ages. God has belabored
speaking against it since the days of Moses. This commandment residing at the
top of the list: idolatry, the worship of other gods, has been the downfall of
mankind since Adam ate the forbidden fruit. We
don’t need to bend our knee to other gods to commit idolatry; refusing to
worship the God of heaven is the most egregious form of all. The world has
always been based on the simple premise of excluding God from the affairs of
men. The word that stands for denying
any notion of a spiritual realm is “secularism”, which says that the natural
realm is all that exists. “Secular humanism”, though it is a popular term, is
redundant, for humanism is secular on its face. A more accurate term is
“atheism”, denying the existence of God. The humanist is generally agnostic (undecided/apathetic), but an atheist
closes the door on God’s existence altogether, being a secular purist. To deny there is a
God is to deny there is a spiritual realm. Atheism is Satan’s favorite
doctrine, because it completely stamps out any acknowledgement of a spiritual
realm, making his job, hiding in darkness, that much easier. The
agnostic who is indifferent to any spiritual realm might change his mind and
become a Christian, but
the atheist if he changes his mind and becomes agnostic, is still light-years from salvation. Satan’s original objective, when
he came into possession of the keys of death and hell at the fall of mankind in
the Garden of Eden, was that everyone should go to hell with him. After Adam
sinned, there was no hope for mankind, but when Jesus died for our
sins, making a way for us to be pardoned and live with God in heaven, He threw a
wrench into Satan's plans to take everyone to hell with him.
Jn 8,37-44
(65b) Paradox
Anomalies >> God helps Satan >>
God gives people over to Satan --
These verses go with verse 31. Jesus never doused their faith. They may have believed in Him for a
season (v31), but
their faith would not remain, and then they would turn against Him almost as
fast as they believed in Him. He never got in the way of their faith or made a
self-fulfilled prophecy; when they turned against Him, it was no
one’s fault but their own. Jesus never questioned their assertion that they
were Abraham’s offspring according to the flesh, but He did question whether they were
his offspring according to the Spirit. After telling them they were of their
father the devil, it was like throwing down the proverbial
medieval glove. Their situation was hopeless.
(135d) Temple >>
Your body is the temple of God >> Sins of the
body >> Abortion >>
Consequences of abortion >> People have
abortions for the same reason they crucified Jesus Christ
Jn 8,37-41
(241j) Kingdom of God >>
Opposition toward the Kingdom of God >>
Persecuting the kingdom >> Persecution to the
death >> Kill Jesus >>
Kill Jesus because of what He said -- These verses go with verses 56-59
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Jn 8,38-47
(163k) Works of the devil >>
Being a slave to the devil (Addictions) >>
Entertaining demons >> Disciplined by the devil
as a son
Jn 8-38
(118a) Thy kingdom come >>
Faith >>
Eyes of your spirit >> Seeing through the eyes
of your spirit >> Making spiritual observations
(246i) Kingdom of God >>
Spirit realm imposed on the natural realm >>
Demonstration of God’s kingdom >> God
demonstrates His glory >> Demonstration of His
words –
Jesus was contrasting Himself with sinners, saying that He is opposite them,
in that Jesus sees the Father and speaks accordingly, while sinners hear from
the devil and speak what they hear. If sinners do the will of the devil, how much
more do they speak his language? We look on TV and hear Satanic messaging
almost 24/7, his words echoing in our ears, yet what we see does not always
appear evil. What do we see but sophisticated, happy people enjoying their
lives in front of the camera as celebrities, giving us tips on how to live,
so what’s wrong with that? There is a direct connection between sweet
acting, smiley people who have ejected God from every aspect of their lives
and gory scenes
of blood gushing from wounds: the first causes the second.
Jn 8-41,42
(209b) Salvation >>
The salvation of God >> Personal relationship >>
Counterfeit relationship through religion >>
Knowing about God, but not knowing God -- These verses go with verses
Jn 8-41
Sin – Key verse for the
entire chapter – The Bible depicts sin as the essence of the human condition and the cause of all suffering in the world. This chapter addresses the issues head-on, exposing the roots and consequences of sin by putting familiar words like: "Greed", "Lust", and "Pride" into proper Biblical perspective, showing how negative an impact they have on our lives when we fall prey to their destructive influences. The reader after studying this chapter will better understand how the effect of sin eats away at the spiritual and moral fabric of society.
(159a) Works of the devil >>
Essential characteristics >> Counterfeit >>
Counterfeit godliness >> Love sickening sweet >>
Mask over the real self
Jn 8-42
Servant >>
Jesus serves His Father >>
Jesus is under His authority –
A pivotal truth that makes the difference between
understanding God’s purpose for redemption and
completely misunderstanding the gospel, is that Jesus did not come on His own
initiative but was sent by His Father. The fact that He came in obedience to His Father
shows the hierarchy of authority within the trinity—Jesus
submitted to His Father and did His will. Another
highly significant implication of the Father sending the Son is that it shows God’s love for the
world originating from the top-down. Jesus never claimed to love the world, but gave that
virtue to His Father, while Jesus loves the Church, those whom the Father has given
Him from the world, who believe in Him through
their word (Jn 17-20).
(156c) Witness >>
Validity of the believer >> Evidence of
salvation >> Loving God is evidence of salvation >> Expressing your feelings toward Him
Jn 8,43-47
(183h) Works of the devil >>
The origin of lawlessness >> Spirit of Error (Anti-Christ / Anti-Semitism) >>
Spirit of the broad road >> Spirit of unbelief
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Jn 8,44-47
(183k) Works of the devil >>
The origin of lawlessness >> Spirit of Error (Anti-Christ/Anti-Semitism) >>
Truth is the enemy of the spirit of error >>
Spirit of error rejects the truth
The Jews were not deaf; they could physically hear Jesus speaking to them, but they
could not hear the meaning of the words, as though He spoke
in Swahili or something. What He said was incomprehensible to them, as though
He were explaining a complex math problem. God could have physically descended and stood in
their presence and talked with them face to face, and it wouldn’t have
helped, which is exactly what He did. They might just
as well have been deaf; it was the same as never auditorily hearing the words,
except that God could judge them for being in His hearing and rejecting what
He said. Keep in mind that Jesus just finished telling them that they
were of their father the devil, which explains why they were unable to hear the word of God. There were satanic influences
in their
lives keeping them from hearing the truth, enslaving them in their sins,
causing their deafness. Indirectly, they worshipped the
devil by obeying his voice, up
to and including making arrangements to have the Son of God crucified. They never
actually heard the devil’s voice, but in their carnality communications were
complete, having habituated to his nonverbal cues reverberating off their sinful nature, instinctively always
knowing what
to do.
(221f) Kingdom of God >>
The elusive Kingdom of Heaven >> Kingdom hidden
behind the veil from the world >> God hides from
the mind of man >> He hides behind man’s
slowness of heart
Jn 8-44
(25f) Sin >>
Poverty (Forms of fear) >> Satan and his
children are murderers -- The Jews could hear the devil just fine and they
obeyed him to the letter and were happy to do it, but when it came to doing
the will of God, they could not even hear Jesus speaking to them. He told them
point blank that they were the children of the devil. They were murders and
liars and obeyed the father of lies, prompting Jesus to tell them, “But
because I speak the truth you do not believe Me.”
(74h) Thy kingdom come >>
Heart is central value system >> The heart is
what drives man’s desire
Jn 8,45-47
Sin >> Nature of sin >>
Unbelief >> Having a mind that is unable to
receive >> Religion doesn't know how to believe in God -- These verses
go with verses 21-24
Jn 8,46-49
Works of the devil >> The result of lawlessness >>
Blasphemy >> Cursing the Holy Spirit >>
Consider the work of the Holy Spirit to be sin --
"Which one of you convicts Me of sin?" Only Jesus could ask this question and not get
a hundred answers from His critics. The Jews spent every waking hour
trying to pin evil on Him but found nothing; instead, at His mock trial
they had to invent an excuse to pin Him to the cross. Jesus was so holy and righteous that to accuse Him of
sin was blasphemy, in that to accuse Him was to also accuse the works He
performed of sin, including the Spirit through which He performed them. Jesus taught
in other passages that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit was an eternal sin that had no
forgiveness. He then asked that if He had never sinned and had always spoken the truth, why they
didn’t believe Him? Even the Jews knew He was
the Christ, yet they talked back to Him, accusing Him of
the most outrageous sin imaginable, being demon possessed. The Jews had developed
a reprobate mind,
claiming that Jesus performed His works through an unclean spirit, and in so
doing automatically rejected anything the Holy Spirit would tell them,
because they had previously decided He was evil. They couldn’t
admit fault, so they had to make Jesus look wrong by
attributing a wrong spirit to His works. They didn’t just say these
things to win an argument, the devil gave them a revelation of Jesus, having
seared it into their conscience as with a hot branding iron, believing their own lies. There were many
proofs that Jesus was the Messiah; their Scriptures said that a man like
Him would come, and when He came, they condemned Him through a satanic spirit of deception.
Jn 8-46
(41e) Judgment >>
Satan destroyed >> Be like Jesus >>
Jesus knew no sin –
Had anybody else offered an open-ended question like the one Jesus handed
the Jews, people would have gotten
out their pad and pencil and started writing a bulleted list, but with Jesus they had
nothing on Him. No doubt His enemies went to Nazareth and the regions of
Galilee, and contacted friends and relatives researching His life, looking
for dirt on Him from His earlier days, but returned empty-handed. This man never
did anything wrong his whole life. They claimed He spoke words as against the
Law of Moses, but in fact He fulfilled the law.
Jn 8-47
(106e) Thy kingdom come >>
Faith >>
Hearing from God >> Attaining the hearing ear >>
Having the ability to hear
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Jn 8,48-59
(126i) Thy kingdom come >>
Manifestations of faith >> Patience >>
The patience of God >> God is patient
(176f) Works of the devil >>
The religion of witchcraft >> Zeal without
knowledge (Spirit w/o the word) >> Fire without
(177h) Works of the devil >>
The religion of witchcraft >> Presumption (Hinduism) >> Misunderstanding Jesus
-- These verses go with verses 21&22
Jn 8,48-50
(203c) Denying Christ >>
Dishonor God >> Dishonor God by not receiving
Jn 8-49
(25a) Sin >>
Poverty (Forms of fear) >> Hate the truth
(27a) Sin >> Consequences of sin >>
Curse >> Deeds that return to the doer >>
(181c) Works of the devil >>
Practicing witchcraft >> Rebellion >>
Rebelling against God >> Rebelling against the men
of God
(184k) Works of the devil >>
The origin of lawlessness >> Abusing the grace of
God >> Dragging God’s Grace Through The Mud >>
Dishonoring the grace of God –
The Pharisees accused Jesus of being demon-possessed, and Jesus was accusing
them of not being able to hear His word. It may seem like tit-for-tat, but it
was not a fair trade. The playing field was uneven in all the signs, wonders and
miracles that Jesus performed.
People recognized Jesus as a miracle worker and a healer, and the Pharisees knew
this was true of Him, yet they accused Him of being demon possessed, knowing in
their heart that He wasn’t.
(203a) Dishonor
God (Key verse)
Jn 8-50
(77d) Thy kingdom come >>
Humility >> Refusing the glory of man >>
Refusing to exalt yourself -- This verse goes with verse
54. Jesus
lived in eternity past without ever seeking His own glory, seeking only to
glorify His Father, doing all things for His sake and not for His own, and as
a result the Father glorified the Son (Jn 17-1). This has always been the
relationship with His Father, and it will always remain that way. Seeking our
own glory is to deny it from the one who is greater than us, yet people seek
their own glory all the time, and it is always a compromise. That is, to seek
our own glory is to settle for something less than what God is willing to
give. The Father seeks to glorify His Son, and He glorifies Himself through
judgment. For this reason He gave judgment to the Son that the Father may be
glorified through Him as the judge of all creation.
(170b) Works of the devil >>
Manifestations of the devil >> Seeking the glory
of man >> Pursuing the glory of man turns us in
the wrong direction >> It’s the reason we don’t
die to self -- This verse goes with verse 54
Jn 8-51
(85l) Thy kingdom come
Belief >> Treating the knowledge of God as fact >>
Believing the Son by obeying the Father >>
Obeying the law by faith in the cross >> Obedience represents our faith –
This is one of many statements Jesus made that gives so much hope,
yet there is a terrible heresy in the Church today that teaches all we must do is believe in a certain set of doctrines to
enter heaven. This is contrary to the teachings of Christ, who said, “He who believes in Me” seven
times in the
gospel of John. The contemporary interpretation of this is that
"believing " involves nothing more than mental ascent, but that flies in the face of so many
other things the
Bible says. It suggests that
so long as we believe in these doctrines, we can live any way we want,
and our beliefs will protect us from hell. None of this reflects the
Scriptures. Therefore, when Jesus said, “He who believes in Me” He
meant, “If anyone keeps My word,” as it says in this verse. Who believes
in Jesus, the one who keeps His word or the one who doesn't? If we use the
entirety of Scripture to help interpret the Bible, it will lead to the truth, but if we single out a
certain verse and ascribe our own meaning to it, we will never come to the right conclusions.
Salvation >> Verses useful in evangelism
(206h) Salvation
God makes promises on His terms >> Conditions to
promises >> Conditions to the gifts of God >>
Conditions to salvation –
The Pharisees argued with Jesus in the same way that many people in the Church today
argue against sound doctrine and would have argued with Jesus if they
lived in His time, only on a slightly different point. The Pharisees argued
about His authority, whereas the Church’s complaint today
is that He said we must keep His word. Christians today think that going to
heaven is a simple matter of believing in a certain set of doctrines, making obedience
unnecessary. In fact, some “Christians” condemn the teachings of
obedience, claiming it to be heretical. The fact that many in the
Church today would argue with Jesus about the same passage that the Pharisees
argued with Him is very telling; it indicates that they are
pharisaical at heart too. Basically the Pharisees have taken over the Church
today. If we search very carefully we can find churches that still preach the
truth and walk with God, but they are far and few between.
(207k) Salvation >>
The salvation of God >> Salvation verses >>
The generosity of God’s salvation >> Salvation
is eternal life
After suffering the dishonor of the Jews, Jesus
said something beautiful, “Anyone who keeps my word will never see death.”
He wasn’t speaking to the Jews but to those of us who would later believe in
Him for eternal life. Although our flesh may die, our spirit will live
forever through faith in Christ, and later He will give us a new body that cannot
(255a) Trinity >>
Holy Spirit’s relationship between Father and Son >>
God’s word is Spirit >> Spirit of the word >>
Words of His Spirit are life -- This verse goes with verse 12
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Jn 8,54-56
(164h) Works of the devil >>
Manifestations of the devil >> The world is at
enmity with God >> The world does not know God –
We have a living example of what John meant in his first epistle when he wrote
about being unable to hear the word of God. In 1Jn 4-5,6 it says, “They are
from the world; therefore they speak as from the world, and the world listens
to them. We are from God; he who knows God listens to us; he who is not from
God does not listen to us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit
of error.” The Pharisees audibly heard Jesus, but they didn’t believe what
He said, and because of that they could not hear His word. If we don’t
believe the word of God, the Bible says we can’t even hear it. The Bible
teaches that anyone who can hear the word of God is prepared to do what it
Jn 8-54,55
(182b) Works of the devil >>
The origin of lawlessness >> Deception >>
Self deception >> Believing you know God when
you don’t
(209b) Salvation >>
The salvation of God >> Personal relationship >>
Counterfeit relationship through religion >>
Knowing about God, but not knowing God -- These verses go with verses
Jn 8-54
(32m) Gift of God >>
Father will honor you >> Father honors His Son –
Jesus was a miracle worker and a healer, and went preaching the gospel in
attendance of thousands who followed Him, having quickly become a celebrity,
but He held his celebrity status in contempt, saying, “If I glorify Myself,
My glory is nothing.” If Jesus’ glory was nothing without His Father, then
the glory of celebrity status in the world is meaningless. If it
weren’t for His Father, Jesus couldn’t have been a miracle worker or a
healer or attracted thousands. God was the origin of His works, and Jesus gave
Him the credit. The Jews served the God of the
Old Testament, yet Jesus testified that He was not their god. Instead, they served the god of this world,
Satan, as earlier Jesus said to them, “You are of your father the devil”
(Jn 8-44). Therefore, it is not whom we say is our god, but
whom we serve.
(77d) Thy kingdom come >>
Humility >> Refusing the glory of man >>
Refusing to exalt yourself -- This verse goes with verse
50. Jesus bluntly said in Jn 5-41, “I do not receive glory from men.” Instead, He wanted His Father to glorify Him; He sought His approval. To seek glory from men is to seek our own glory. There are many opportunities to take the last place in this world, since they are usually unoccupied, and to do so, God will be the one to escort us to a better seat (Lk 14,7-11). This is how Jesus sought glory from His Father, being willingly humiliated by men after taking the last place as the son of man, the servant of all, and at the end of His life was slapped in the face, spit upon, scourged, and then nailed to a cross until dead. That is surely the last place, especially in light of His former position in heaven as the prince of angels. Jesus took that place for us, so when the Father raised Him from the dead, He escorted Him to a better seat at His right-hand.
(170b) Works of the devil >>
Manifestations of the devil >> Seeking the glory
of man >> Pursuing the glory of man turns us in
the wrong direction >> It’s the reason we don’t
die to self -- This verse goes with verse 50
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Jn 8-55
(86h) Thy kingdom come >>
Obedience >> Be doers of the word >>
Clothe yourself with the word of God >> Obey
the truth
(157i) Witness >>
Validity of the believer >> Evidence of being
hell-bound >> Having a reprobate mind
-- This verse goes with verse 21
Jn 8,56-59
(241j) Kingdom of God >>
Opposition toward the Kingdom of God >>
Persecuting the kingdom >> Persecution to the
death >> Kill Jesus >>
Kill Jesus because of what He said -- These verses go with verses 37-41
Jn 8,56-58
(253b) Trinity
Relationship between Father and Son >> Jesus is
equal with the Father >> Jesus has all the
external qualities of the Father >> Son is
infinite and eternal like the Father --
The Jews found fault with Jesus, complaining that
Abraham died and the prophets died also, asking, ‘Who do you think you are?’
Jesus answered that Abraham met Him. The Jews didn’t
know how Abraham could have met Jesus, since He appeared less than fifty years
old. Then Jesus confessed, “Truly, truly I say to you, before Abraham was
born, I AM.” The Jews wanted to stone Him for using the phrase “I
AM”, which is a statement only God could make. It was the statement that God made to Moses to
tell pharaoh when he asked, 'Who sent you.'
God’s reply to Moses, “Tell him I AM has sent you” (Exodus chapter 3). This phrase: I AM is
one of the names of God that was extremely familiar to the Jews, being highly educated
to their Old Testament writings. Claiming to be the I AM was
blasphemous in their ears, but Jesus was simply telling the truth like He
always did. This
statement angered the Jews more than anything He could have said. Jesus had
the attitude that if you want to be mad at Me, I will give you reason. God
gave Himself the name I AM to mean I am present in every moment: ‘I always have been, I always will be, and I AM right
now’ (Rev
1-8). The name that God gave Himself to Moses in the presence of the burning bush
indicates the significance of God’s eternal nature, being the most prominent
attribute of his person. Hence, the fact that He always has been and always
will be is more significant to God than His power as the creator of the
universe. Jesus took this most significant trait of God and attributed it to
Himself. Jesus showed them that they
didn’t have the slightest clue about God, and they hated Him for it. They bent
down to pick up stones to throw at Him, but their target ran from them because
His hour had not yet come. The
truth of Jesus is often difficult to believe,
because He made such enormous claims. Nevertheless, they should have known He
was telling the truth, based on the sheer volume of miracles He
performed. They didn’t want to believe in Jesus, because they wanted to
remain in charge of what they considered the truth. Their
version of truth came at a price to Israel, and Jesus was getting in the way of
their business of religion. They were far more convinced about their own
interpretation of the Scriptures than what Jesus was telling them. These are problems we face
(253ed) Trinity >>
Relationship between Father and Son >> Jesus is
equal with the Father >> Jesus has all the
internal qualities of the Father >> Jesus is God of the Old Testament
Jn 8-59
(29b) Gift of God >>
God delivers us from those who want to silence the word
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