Chapter 1
report on "The Day the Universe Changed"
James Burke
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
George Santayana
culture is extremely complex, possibly rivaling the brain itself. A good
analogy of culture inventing itself was on a TV show called "Ghost
Hunters", where they made a makeshift ouija board from a table and used
an inverted shot glass for a planchette. Everyone in the group put his
finger on the glass, and it mysteriously began to move. All the
essentials of culture were present. They were open-minded to each
other’s thoughts and ideas no matter how preposterous. The glass moved
across the table on its own power with everyone’s finger on it, and
they attributed it to a spirit! Similarly, culture seems to have
spirit-like qualities. No one particularly knows where it is going
and what it will do next, yet people are out there testing it to see
which direction it may go. If they can get it to move, they stand to
make a lot of money, and money is the strongest incentive for cultural
change. Most of the greatest cultural changes have been the ones that
have made our lives more convenient, and the vast majority of those
changes have resulted from the gadgets we have invented.
best way to understand how man invents his own cultural is to take a
trip through history and note the events that ushered us through its
innumerous transitions to our postmodern day. Using
ancient Egypt’s knowledge of mathematics (1000 B.C.) and the
Babylonian’s understanding of the stars (1750 B.C.), it becomes
evident that all great empires emerge from the void of ignorance after
developing a curiosity for astronomy. After these great empires were
toppled and their knowledge lost, the world took a mysterious plunge
into the dark ages. One of the first to walk from the darkness was
Thales of Miletus in the sixth century BC, a citizen of Ionia credited
with the invention of philosophy. Our world that emerged from his small
seed is unique to all other civilizations, and perhaps other empires
will emerge after us who will be completely unique.
world before Thales never asked questions about the universe. Earth was
a very mysterious place; what they didn’t understand they attributed
to a god and mysticism. People simply looked to their priests for understanding. One of Thales’ pupils,
Anaximander, brought forth the argument that the universe was a system
of opposites: hot and cold, wet and dry, water and fire, the Chinese’
yin and yang concept. He determined that there were four elements that
composed matter: earth, water, fire and air. He may have been wrong
about his fundamentals, but these were some of the first thoughts in
recorded history that helped form the basis of western civilization.
Before this, religion was the only available perspective of the time.
These intellectual structures were not established in
the cultural mindset; hence, people were simply unable to think along these
later in the early 400’s AD, during the fall of Rome and the next impending
dark ages, the greatest influence on human consciousness at the time was
Plato, who taught that nothing was real except the spiritual realm and that
anything grasped with the five senses could not be trusted as authentic.
This philosophy was very popular with Christians (and still is to
this day), because it helped them deal with their misery and the
persecution of the time. It gave them hope for eternity and sealed in
their minds that government was ruled by evil. Most religions are rooted
in platonic philosophy; that is not to say
they are wrong, but that we are mostly unaware of the origins of our own
beliefs. Perhaps if someone else had influenced our culture, we would be
thinking differently about ourselves and be living in a completely
different world. Hence, the more we know about the origins of our
worldviews, the better we understand ourselves. There is no greater
advise than the two words of the Greek geographer and historian shortly
before Plato in the second century AD, Pausanias, who wrote in the
Temple of Apollo at Delphi, “Know thy self.”
Previous knowledge from past generations is critical to the
advancement of knowledge for the next generation. As knowledge
increased, the way people lived and the way they thought about the world
changed with it. In the early 1100s manuscripts from newly conquered
Spain came pouring into the hands of European translators, who
deciphered the ancient languages and made their science immediately
available, but what made this new knowledge so accessible was the
philosophy of Aristotle’s logic of argument. His
deductive reasoning (syllogism) became the bedrock upon which all
scientific knowledge would be built for the next two thousand years.
Science soon gained equal status with Christian theology, which was not
popular with the religious leaders of the time, because it competed with
their religion for the minds of the people. The following logical
expressions are examples of Aristotle’s thought process:
All mammals milk their young. Rabbits are mammals. Rabbits
milk their young.
Geology studies rocks. Granite is a rock. Geology studies
Sun, moon and stars move across the sky. The earth is
standing still. The Sun, moon and stars revolve around the earth.
inductive and deductive reasoning may seem simple to us, but it was a
brand new way of thinking in his time. The pre-Aristotle mindset was
handed down to communities by religious thinkers, who saw the world as
mysterious and unknowable, but the new science was changing all that.
The Christians had Plato and the world had Aristotle. Through the
advancement of knowledge universities were born. In 1210 religion banned
the teaching of Aristotle in Paris, which did nothing to stop eager
minds from pursuing their fascination with the emerging sciences of
physics and chemistry. Knowledge had become a runaway freight train to
those who were beginning to see the world in a whole new light, and they
concurrently viewed the church as a conspiracy against scientific truth.
every era had its empire, and every empire had its knowledge. Each
civilization had to work with (and around) the same laws of nature that
are common to every age, yet no two kingdoms are the same. Civilizations
develop in proportion to their knowledge as they seek to describe a
common universe; therefore, it is the interpretation of knowledge that
makes each empire unique.
to the fifteenth century books were hand written, very valuable and
proportionately rare. Throughout all time knowledge was passed orally,
which meant people had to memorize everything, but in 1455, Johannes
Gutenberg changed all that with his press. Once knowledge could be
reproduced, books became common, and after that time science
accelerated at a blinding pace. For the first time in recorded history
knowledge could be documented, mass produced and dispersed, studied by
other minds, then supplemented through further research to repeat the
process in an upward spiral with no end in sight.
these advancements had their roots in 360 B.C. with Aristotle, who not
only brought logic to the table, but also introduced the world to an
alternate view, until science itself caught up with
some of his ideas that grew increasingly inconsistent with the emerging
facts. Eventually, confidence in Aristotle became a stumbling block to
further advancement. The scientific community met the discoveries of
Copernicus, Kepler and Galileo with derision because it contradicted
Aristotle’s vision of the universe. So astronomy opposed both science and
religion, which kept the truth about the stars in the dark.
every worldview wears out as knowledge increases and perspectives change
to accommodate the growing compilation of facts. As great a contribution
that Aristotle made in the world of science, his views finally had to be
replaced by the teachings of Galileo, the man with a telescope, by
Kepler, the founder of modern astronomy, and by Copernicus, who in 1514
released a paper titled "The Little Commentary" that explained why he could
not accept Claudius Ptolemy’s belief that there were eight crystalline
spheres etched in the vastness of space upon which the heavenly bodies
would ride as they orbited the central and static earth once a day.
Rather, he presented a theory of a solar system in which the planets,
including the earth, revolved around the sun, which was not popular with
the church, because it contradicted their "infallible" wisdom. This made
religious authority somewhat removed from scientific revelation. After all, who among men were most likely
to receive and understand wisdom than those who dedicated their lives to
God? Nevertheless, their religious seat and influence were bypassed and
replaced by an advancing science that was explaining things about the
world that people have been observing for centuries, and they were
inventing things that fundamentally changed the way people lived.
the invention of the printing press, people could hold the Bible in
their hands and read for themselves that their church leaders were
pulling the wool over their eyes. This new evidence that conflicted with
church doctrine was devastating to the people’s confidence in
religious authority. The truth about the sun finally emerged from the
dark ages and shone on the world, which basked in a new age of
enlightenment. The constraint against artistic flair and inventiveness
was slowly removed as the Renaissance period began in Florence Italy and
swept across Europe, marking the transition from medieval to modern
chose not to use the church to reveal the many secrets of His creation,
since their minds were hardened not only to scientific insights, but
even to spiritual truth. Religious authority had (and still has) a bad
habit of using their ministry against the people. They declared
themselves essential for salvation and then made the people pay
exorbitant taxes under such schemes as indulgences, absolution, penance and tithing.
Imagine how they would have used scientific knowledge to their advantage
and enslave the
people had they been the ones discovering it? They would have invented
horrific heresies about their infallibility to the point of declaring
themselves equal with God (they had already partially done that with the
office of the pope). Through their enraged jealousy, Galileo, because of
his publishing, was put under house arrest until he died in 1642, and
his publications were placed in the index of prohibited books until
1835. “No more such hypotheses will be allowed in Italy or elsewhere
under Rome’s authority (Burke, Page 149).”
did not solve the problem of why an object that is hurled straight into
the air does not come down slightly west of its origin because of the
rotating earth. He left that answer to another man who would come almost
two hundred years later, Sir Isaac Newton (1685), who created a way of
explaining the orbits of the solar system. His calculus also has
applications to just about everything else that moves and has a definite
Descartes from Holland, a philosopher of the scientific method, after
publishing his book, "The Discourse on Method" in 1637, opposed the need
for church approval on their scientific discoveries, strongly suggesting
that they put such reputable knowledge in the hands of those who would
actually be using it. This formally began the breaking away of science
from religion as it is today. Note, however, that it took a full five
hundred years for the scientific community to be ready for such a move
away from an institution that people once so enduringly embraced.
Descartes’ book was the seed that influenced society to question
everything, to become freethinkers, to assume nothing. Just because the
“facts” came from an authoritative figure meant nothing, but to
critique the interpretations, perceptions and observations of others to
determine whether they integrate nicely into the ever-accumulating body
of knowledge, was the new thinking. His influence has benefited
science tremendously and is still very strong within American culture to
this day.
to his philosophies, society generally agreed with the contemporary
religious worldview, which changed very little over the generations, suggesting
that people generally thought the same about everything, causing their
neighbors to have a lot more in common with each other than we do in
today’s society. The information age has made it nearly impossible for
people to relate to each other, since almost no one is being
influenced by the same ideas, but from a near infinite array of
subcultures, each believing its own facts, causing people to
become worlds apart from each other. Before Descartes, you could walk
down the street and wave to your neighbor; but after adopting Descartes
thought process, society as a whole slowly became skeptical of other
peoples’ views, which isolated them from each other.
Descartes’ contribution to western culture was nothing less than a
formula for competitiveness of mind. The societal pendulum had swung
from one extreme of assuming whatever the
priests said as indisputable truth (since they claimed to get all
their inspiration and revelation directly from God) to being practically
incapable of agreeing with anybody about anything. Then came John Locke
(1683), a political, intellectual dignitary, who:
that men were fundamentally driven by self-interest and that to enable
them to pursue it would lay the ‘foundation of all liberty’. He
called the ‘natural state’ that of living together in the pursuit of
happiness and banding together according to reason so as to ensure the
highest personal and community interest. (Burke, Page 176).
one statement he set the groundwork for Capitalism. We took one
paragraph from all the thousands of written pages and built cities
around it with millions of people all selfishly pursuing
their own dreams of happiness. John Locke’s influence on the world
provided a way for people to become wealthier, but they also became more
selfish and competitive. Society listened to his economic theory because
the notion of self-interest was appealing to human nature. The
collective contribution of these two men, Rene Descartes and John Locke,
resulted in a robust economic philosophy, where people physically moved
closer together through a need for each other’s services and financial
input (cities began to emerge), while they simultaneously moved further
apart in heart (people became less important to each other on a personal
level). It was the start of our contemporary isolationist society.
the 17th and 19th centuries a myriad of ideas and theories about nearly
everything was generated, math and science made tremendous
advancements, which led to inventions that profoundly changed the way
people lived and worked. Namely, James Watts’ steam engine brought
about the industrial revolution in the mid 1700s, transforming
civilization from rural farm living to a city dwelling people almost
over night. Human population once fluctuated with the climate, but with
new methods of agriculture, farmers were able to produce crops more
reliably and with greater abundance, coupled with the advancements in
medicine, particularly with the discovery of the germ by Joseph Lister
in 1865, resulting in the population explosion of the 20th century. These
along with countless other pivotal discoveries completely refashioned
the way people lived and viewed the world, as through a microscope
at tiny organisms that had caused millions to die from the Black Death
in the 14th century and cholera in their own generation. People had
become ‘sophisticated;’ they were becoming like gods; they were
ready now for an alternate view of the origins of life and the universe.
This is when Charles Darwin walked on stage.
man surfaced at the same time just when Germany was seeking its
identity, Ernest Haeckel, during a time of turmoil in the mid 1800s,
whose teaching harmonized with Darwin’s. Haeckel talked about an
Absolute Idea that things went from less to more perfect, which was
Darwin’s conclusion in his famous book Origin of the Species.
Haeckel’s tunnel vision saw great men coming only from Germany by
evidence of some of its notables: Theodoric, Charlemagne, Barbarossa,
Luther and Frederick the Great, as though greatness could not be found
in any other ethnic group. Haeckel’s goal was to possess absolute
truth, which united man with nature and the cosmos. Darwin provided a
way of making this possible, showing that man was a part of
nature, which was supported by an influx of research indicating that all
creatures were made from the same stuff. Haeckel’s use of Darwinism
united trends already developing in Germany of racism, imperialism,
nationalism, and anti-semitism. James Burke comments:
1862 Haeckel began lecturing on Darwin all over Germany. According to
Haeckel, Darwin’s theory represented no less than a new cosmic
philosophy… In 1860 he saw a vision of a ‘single people of
brothers’, a super-race. Darwin showed him how this might be achieved.
Haeckel used Origin [of the Species] as a basis for his new philosophy.
(Burke, Page 262).
believed the Germans were superior to any other people and to mix their
blood line with other nations was equivalent to mixing sheep with goats;
they had a duty to avoid mongrelizing their Aryan speaking race.
“Freedom, for Haeckel, meant submission to the authority of the group,
which would enhance the opportunities for survival.” In 1899 Haeckel
issued his major philosophical statement in Weltsratel (The Riddle of
the Universe). It sold a half million copies by 1933. Later, Alexander
Ploetz advocated the construction of selective breeding camps, where
they intended to create the perfect race through Mendelian genetics.
Burke continues:
1918 Fritsch was the ideological guide of a youth movement named, after
the Aryan deity, Artamarzen. Charter members of the movement included
Heinrich Himmler and Rudolf Hess. Aloysius Unold, vice-president of the
Monists, said: ‘Brutal reality had awakened us from the petty dreams
of good, free, equal and happy people.’ A new national party would
unite the community. It would function as a living example of [Herbert
Spencer’s] survival of the fittest… Underpinned by Darwin’s theory
of evolution, Nazism was born. (Burke, Page 266).
taught a monistic philosophy in which he believed man was one with the
animals and had no soul. According to him what he understood with his
five senses is all there was to life. Since man is just another animal,
he must be ruled by the same laws of competition as in nature and fight
for his life or perish. He viewed himself as merely a collection of
well-organized atoms and molecules. Under that philosophy mass genocide
is not that horrific of an act. For example, if the super-race of his
dreams were to dispose of any inferior beings, it would merely be a
matter of rearranging the substance of their bodies from a solid/liquid
state to a gas in their blast furnaces at Auschwitz and other death camps around Europe. Perhaps the church had a point about
suppressing the knowledge of science, though it is not inherently evil,
if it empowers people to invent weapons of malevolence, then perhaps man was better
off in the dark ages.
world fought against a madman during WWII, which took Darwin’s theory
of natural selection to its logical conclusion and attempted to create a
super-race by controlling the gene pool through mass genocide of those
he considered inferior. Hitler, in fact Germany, was envious of the Jews
for their business savvy. They were afraid the Jews would build their
corporate empires and dominate the world with their economic prowess, so
Germany sought to eliminate what they perceived a threat to their
national security. They claimed to be a super race that no other
nationality could match. The Jews made that difficult to believe, so
they vilified them and lowered their status in society to that of a dog,
and then unceremoniously eliminated them from the earth. With their
superior intellect as the self-proclaimed super race they reasoned they
should exterminate those who were making them look inferior. Why
didn’t their superior knowledge lead them to superior wisdom to become
the greatest servants of all mankind? Knowledge without wisdom is like a
loaded gun in the hand of a fool!
contrast to Hitler’s hearty approval of Ernest Haeckel’s ideas, based on Darwin’s emerging theory of
evolution that spawned from his experience on the Galapagos Islands,
Hitler also had strong family influences tugging at him from his
catholic background. He took it as an indignity of the Jews that they
killed their own messiah. He considered them Jesus killers, hence senseless barbarians, and
disseminated these ideas through the media to support his conspiracy to
persecute the Jews. Following
are quotes from Adolf Hitler.
am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so. [i]
today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the
Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for
the work of the Lord. [ii]
say: my Christian feeling tells me that my lord and savior is a warrior.
It calls my attention to the man who, lonely and surrounded by only a
few supporters, recognized what they [the Jews] were, and called for a
battle against them, and who, by God, was not the greatest sufferer, but
the greatest warrior. . . As a human being it is my duty to see to it
that humanity will not suffer the same catastrophic collapse as did that
old civilization two thousand years ago, a civilization which was driven
to its ruin by the Jews. . . I am convinced that I am really a devil and
not a Christian if I do not feel compassion and do not wage war, as
Christ did two thousand years ago, against those who are stealing and
exploiting these poverty-stricken people. Two thousand years ago a man
was similarly denounced by this particular race which today denounces
and blasphemes all over the place. . . That man was dragged before a
court and they said: he is arousing the people! So he, too, was an
agitator! [iii]
claimed to be a Christian, yet he embraced the atheistic teachings of
evolution as a deist, which holds to the idea that God created the
universe, and then abandoned it. Under this premise man is just another
animal that must survive by the same principles of natural selection. In
this way Hitler was able to use both religion and atheism to provide a
motive for destroying the Jews. The Jews were Jesus
killers and should pay for their crimes, and Hitler had a
bigger army, so he used the “Survival of the fittest” maxim to
justify killing them – they should die because they were weaker. He embraced both diametrically opposing world views of
Christianity and genocide, which is an uncanny ability of the criminally
insane and psychopaths to partition one region of the mind from the other to remain
ignorant of their own thoughts and intensions, unchecked by a lapse of
logic and reason. In this way conscience is preserved. A day is coming
when another man will arise with many of the same mindsets as Hitler,
who will rally the world together against Christians and Jews.
He will question the existence of God, while exalting himself as God.
now our culture is as screwed up as it has ever been, and if disaster
struck our nation, we could easily sink to the same level of Germany’s
atrocities. Germany was humiliated with the signing of the Versailles
Treaty after WWI; Hitler came along and restored their nation’s pride
and offered to raise them above all other nations, and they were willing
to do anything for him. Not a day goes by that the U.S. does not spout its supremacy
over the world. If and when we loose that position, whom will we be
willing to oppress to restore our world supremacy?
So it seems
it doesn’t matter whether civilization is ruled by religion or
science, they both end in oppression.
used his logic to surmise that the celestial bodies revolved around the
earth. How many centuries from now will people be laughing at us because
of the silly things we believed and should have known better, if we
could just open our eyes, but it is not that simple? Fetuses start
learning about the world even before they are born, and as infants they
are busy filling their cranial reservoirs with more information than
they will any other time in their lives. The things we learn at this early
age are the things we will assume as adults, and our assumptions are
like the blind-spot in the middle of our vision.
This knowledge is critical information that forms our perceptions of the
world, along with our attitudes and values, which directs us throughout
our adult lives for good or for evil. The problem is, this knowledge
becomes available to us before we are old enough to understand it. Our critical period forms our personalities before we
get a sense of our identity. Once children
hit their early teens they begin asking questions about the world;
however, this is long after the connections have been made in the brain
and oceans of knowledge have filled their minds. Before our curiosity is
peaked, we have already put on a pair of colored glasses without knowing
it, each person interpreting the world through a different shaded lens.
We think we are being objective, but true objectivity does not exist. We
would be better off blindfolded, but as it is we think that we can see and
that our glasses are clear.
some people are willing to believe is scary. We have been given the
opportunity to paint a mural of our own version of truth, but the truth
does not change any more than a tree will move over six inches to avoid
a drunk driver. We are aimlessly swimming in a sea of ideas. What
we experience as a society is what we know about the universe, and what
we believe is what colors our world in self-determined shades of
reality. What we decide is real is how we live as a culture. Since we
create our own reality, we will never know what true reality is, because
our ideas will always get in the way of perceiving the truth about
ourselves and the universe. Ironically, man is barred from reality
because he has a brain that can reason and understand. In contrast, wild
animals have only the one reality, which is nature. Therefore, since
they have no ability to build mental schemes of alternate views, the way
they perceive the world is correct. Therefore, using Aristotelian reasoning again
we can deduce a simple premise:
Reality exists
Wild animals experience a common reality that is inherently true
We have the body of an animal, classified as
We are a part of nature’s reality
the above logic is sound, then the following statements must also be
true: ‘The closer we get to nature, the closer we get to reality.’
The opposite statement must also be true: ‘The greater civilizations
we build for ourselves, the further we stray from reality.’ We can
therefore conclude that our kingdoms and empires are not built on
reality, but on human perception. It is also true that the further we
wander into these brave new worlds, the less the laws of nature work in
our favor, for we cannot be civilized and live like animals at the same
time. However, that is what we are trying to do and our societies are
falling apart. Thus, the universal reality of nature breaks down in the
advent of civilization. Hitler attempted to govern
the laws of nature and he crashed and burned.
Civilization must operate by a different set of laws, the laws that God
has given us, but His laws oppose the nature of man.
main point of this paper is to inspire you to think about one
statement: If colossal empires are inevitable and if the fulfillment of
end-time prophesy is hinged on a last days emerging technology, then it
is inevitable that man should destroy himself through his invented
civilizations that has led him away from the reality of nature. Every civilization that sought to
advance based its knowledge on an understanding of astronomy; the
mathematics they learn from the discipline of the stars they
directly applied to the structures they built. Just like the Egyptians and their
pyramids, they learned many things through the construction process;
their knowledge of mathematics grew exponentially according to their
needs. Remember the ancient city that was in the process of construction
when God suddenly stopped it? —Babylon. It must have been highly
significant for this city not to be built if God Himself halted its
construction. Gen 11:1-9 says,
the whole world had one language and a common speech. As men moved
eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there. They said to
each other, "Come, let's make bricks and bake them
thoroughly." They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar.
Then they said, "Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower
that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves
and not be scattered over the face of the whole earth." But the
LORD came down to see the city and the tower that the men were building.
The LORD said, "If as one people speaking the same language they
have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible
for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will
not understand each other." So the LORD scattered them from there
over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. That is why it
was called Babel--because there the LORD confused the language of the
whole world. From there the LORD scattered them over the face of the
whole earth. NIV
city of Babylon with its great tower was man’s first attempt at
metropolis. Had they been successful in building it, they would have
catapulted the world into a premature technological age, but God
stopped their progress, because they would have begun to fulfill
end-time prophesy before it was even written. Although the effects of
confounding the Babylonians are still with us in the many languages
throughout the earth, there are cities today that are bigger in
population, who speak the same language than the whole population of the
world at that time. God confounded their language as an effort to curb
the technological era that was destined to unravel the mysteries of the
universe before the time, but the consequences of technology that God
once hindered have now come upon us. God has a problem with
people striving to build a tower that reaches to heaven with the
intent of being at eyelevel with Him. This was man’s first fascination
with technology in recorded history, and it had the immediate effect of
making people think they were as gods, suggesting that the attitude of
self-adulation is native to any technological society. As each
generation passes, we who have achieved Babylon’s technological goals
believe in part that the distance between God and man is closing, when
in fact it is merely our own end that is rapidly approaching. Whatever
God was trying to circumvent in the tower of Babble we have rediscovered
three centuries ago. Its effects have come upon our modern society, as
we live in a facsimile of what the Babylonians had not even begun to
imagine. God knew they would destroy themselves with their technology.
Nothing would be impossible to them, and God knew what they would do
with such power, so He put them back in the Stone Age in order that man
might live a few more years before he ended his days on earth.
R. Wuthrich
James. (1995). The Day the Universe Changed. Little Brown and Company (Back Bay
Books), London, England.
Adolf Hitler, from John Toland [Pulitzer Prize winner], Adolf Hitler, New
York: Anchor Publishing, 1992, p. 507. )
Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Ralph Mannheim,
ed., New York: Mariner Books, 1999, p. 65. )
Adolf Hitler, in a speech delivered on April 12, 1922; from Charles Bracelen
Flood, Hitler: The Path to Power, Boston, Mass: Houghton Mifflin Company,
1989, pp. 261-262. )