Away from the Faith
no one in any way deceive you, for [the day of the Lord] will not come unless the
apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of
destruction, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called God or object
of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself
as being God… And for this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence
so that they might believe what is false, in order that they all may be judged
who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness. 2The 2:3,4,11,12
(Emphasis added, NASB)
says in Dan 8-12, “Because of rebellion, the host [the saints] and
the daily sacrifice were given over to it. It prospered in everything it
did, and truth was thrown to the ground.” The church’s rebellion
against God gave Satan opportunity to rise to power, fully
explaining how the antichrist will gain a foothold in society – he will
take control of the church by turning it against the Holy Spirit, and by
that hijack the world. That is, the
faltering church will precede the Antichrist coming to power. The
antichrist will be right about one thing; the church is responsible for
all the evil in the world, if not for doing it, then for allowing it.
passage cited in Second Thessalonians indicates that the apostasy is defined as the
manifestation of Satan in the world, which is a very scary thought, but the point of
this chapter is that Satan could not have gained a foothold in society if the church
had not slipped from its position as preservative of the world,
as Jesus put it in Mat 5-13, “You are the salt of the earth. But if the
salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer
good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.” Since
the church has lost it savor, the world has lost its conscience. When
Pontius Pilot sarcastically asked Jesus, “What is truth?” he was
speaking for our generation as well as his own? Does the church know
the truth anymore, or has it taken up the mantra of
Pilot, who proclaimed the truth unknowable? Our generation has
determined the truth to be different for each person, whatever he believes in his heart?
Judges 21-25 says, "In those days Israel had no king; all the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes."
Is the truth
really malleable like this; can we can cast it into any shape we want? Christianity has become scarcely above a montage of ideas loosely
stitched together and barely indistinguishable from mythology. If we could
describe Christian society in America today, it would be that
people love their religion as much as ever, but want nothing to do with
God, which to Satan fulfilled all his objectives.
Matthew chapter 23 Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for their unbelief, then in Matthew chapter 24 He gave His dissertation on the end
of the world, putting His condemnation of religious hypocrites in context
with the last days. In so doing Jesus was hinting that the Church would
lose its faith in God prior to His second coming in the same way that
Israel lost its faith before Jesus visited them two thousand
years ago. Prophets from ancient times have predicted that the church would drop the
ball in the last days and God would pick it up and put it back in the hands
of Israel prior to Jesus’ return. As predicted, there are many
modern-day Pharisees currently running the Church today, just as addicted
to the love of money and oppressing the poor as the Pharisees of Jesus’
have a clergy who have pushed their way into top positions in the Church,
creating an environment where only the strongest survive and dominate in
leadership positions, but the kingdom of God does not operate by
these principles, thus they lead their congregations astray. They consider Charles Darwin their arch nemesis, while
they live by his principles. If the congregations
read their Bibles they would know they should be looking for faith, love
and truth in their leaders and raise up those kind of people who
demonstrate the character of God; instead, they search for such
capricious traits as being tenacious, or having an articulate voice, or
neatly dressed. All these traits can be forged,
but no one can forge the truth, which is in Jesus; we either know Him or
we don’t. If the
general population of the Church doesn’t know the answer to Pontius
Pilot’s question, “What is truth?” they are destined to reject it. We are the salt of the earth; why can’t we preserve the
world anymore? It is because our salt has become tasteless, and how will
we make it salty again?
chapter will look at Jesus’ testimony that the church is in a stupor as
a sign of the last days, but first emphasizing the fact that the church
has traded its faith and love in Christ for a growing interest in
political issues. This may come as a surprise to some that God has not
called His people to defend their political views in pretense for
Christianity, and the fact that we don’t know this is proof of the
apostasy. The church today is full of people trying to appease their
conscience but have no genuine faith in God. These churchgoers have
literally taken over God’s institution and have grown in numbers so
large that they have effectively choked out the true believers.
the ages, those in charge of the faith have long deliberated and have come to some agreement about “what is truth,” and
have ratified certain doctrines as pillars of the faith. Church monarchs
have contrived many of these doctrines thousands of years ago, and other
doctrines have been laid upon them. Like a woman who doesn’t
know what is in her purse until she turns it upside down and shakes out
the contents to reveal a tangled mess, God intends to test the Church
in the last days and tease out the many denominations tangled in a web of
their own deceit. He will turn the Church right-side-up over the mouth of
hell, and whatever falls into it has judged itself unworthy of eternal
life, and whoever holds on for dear life will prove themselves the true
children of God.
we followed the reasoning of religious imposters, we would most likely find that it is anything but sound
theology but a
procession of irrational conclusions. Most doctrines of nearly every
Christian denomination cannot even be found in the Bible, though they
assert their theology is based squarely on Scripture. How
can this be when the Bible is setting right in front of us? All they
have to do is open it and read it for themselves, but it does them no
good. A
blinding deception has long waxed over their eyes and there is no hope of
fixing it, because they will not listen to reason.
gains a foothold in society through the abuse of authority. If people
could open their eyes, they would see that faith is as rare as gold.
Christians these days think it is
their duty to condemn immorality, while they themselves show no evidence
of faith and love. In the
1980’s the church gave up serving Christ and has
since become issue oriented. For this reason Christianity has grafted onto
the Republican Party as a means of opposing liberal philosophy, which they
consider the great evil of society, while the Republican Party uses
Christian votes to support and protect their interests in big business. It
is the handshake of the devil that essentially erased the line between the
Christian right and political conservatism. They are now one and the same.
Based on this Christian/political arrangement, there is no difference
between the church and the world, and no one sees a problem with it.
bad Christians don’t believe in the simple gospel anymore. Too bad they
don’t care to be the salt of the earth or want to live for Jesus and let
the Holy Spirit convict the world of sin. Jesus never showed an interest
in politics because His gospel was infinitely more potent than taking on
issues, so why have we allowed political issues to take precedence over
the gospel to the point that it has all but replaced our faith in Jesus?
Why have we become politically minded instead of renewing our mind in the word of God and prayer? Perhaps
political activists are more influential than the gospel after all, since
it has been watered down for the last two thousand years. People see
religious hypocrisy and man’s bloody
past and have discerned an unbroken chain of events leading right to the
door of the Church, and they want no part of it.
Church has traded their God-given right to carry the anointing of the Holy
Spirit for being spokesman for America’s faddish materialism. Calling
themselves the Christian right because of their involvement in politics,
they have brilliantly succeeded in convincing people they are teaching the
precepts of Scripture, as though their insatiable hunger for a better
lifestyle were based on faith in Jesus Christ. People must have
been ready for these toxic heresies that so diametrically oppose the gospel for them to have celebrated and embraced them with such
enthusiasm. These godless teachers gained their foothold in the social
consciousness from the greed they promised. ‘If you give me your money, God
will give it back sevenfold,’ goes the mantra. People like Oral Roberts,
Jimmy Baker, Jimmy Swaggart, the Copen/hagen boys and Benny Hill
couldn’t possibly improve their claptrap, along with Joel Olstien, who
teaches a rich man’s gospel. The latest to be added to the fold, Ted
Haggardy, president of the whole evangelical movement, 30,000,000 people
strong, was exposed as a homosexual drug addict. Where was the people’s
discernment to see through this guy? They have rejected the Holy Spirit,
who endows them with a gift of discernment.
did wickedness creep into the Church and behind the pulpit,
unless the people voted them in power? How much discernment does it take
to detect such transmitters of doctrinal disease? Our greatest concern
should be that this caliber of clergy accurately reflects the Church
community; how could it
be otherwise? They have
marbled their heretical teachings into people’s minds and weaned their
congregations off the truth and onto a version of Christianity that
makes anyone's skin crawl who had a remnant of the Spirit, and made the
gospel unpalatable to new converts. They boast of great power from
God, have deceived the masses and are largely responsible for much of the
world’s contempt and intolerance for Christianity. Try persuading
someone to be a Christian these days and they will invariably name one of
these so-called spiritual leaders as their excuse for rejecting our
message. They have played a major role in corrupting the gospel and
filling the hearts of the saints with greed. Most televangelists consider
themselves celebrities; perhaps they are, but they are not holy men of
God, yet people flock to them by the droves. How could we not be living in the
age of apostasy?
media sounded like a good idea to spread the gospel throughout the world,
but it was destined to fail. The devil owns the world (John 14-30), so
whoever seeks exposure through the media is attempting to use Satan’s
resources to do it, as though asking him to dismantle his own kingdom.
Jesus said in Mat 12-25,26, “Every kingdom divided against itself will
be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not
stand. If Satan drives out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then
can his kingdom stand?” In this verse Jesus warned the church not to
make full use of the world in connection with His gospel. This is all the
proof we need that most TV preachers are phonies or they
wouldn’t be on TV. The church has taught the world how to live, only
instead of teaching them the virtues of faith and love, they have taught
people to be more worldly, more greedy, and more materialistic than the
world itself, if that were possible.
Christianity has its foundations based on one misinterpreted word: "God blessed them; and God said to them,
'Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it.'"
Gen 1,28-30
build an entire religion around one word, “subdue”, never had any hope
of reflecting Christianity of the Bible. The American Heritage Dictionary
defines “subdue” as: “To conquer, to subjugate; vanquish. To quiet
or bring under control by physical force or persuasion; make tractable.”
Strongs Bible Concordance defines it as: “To tread down; hence,
negatively, to disregard; positively, to conquer, subjugate, violate:
Bring into bondage, force under, bring into subjection.”
word "subdue" in its most literal sense seems to imply that God wanted Adam to
subject the earth to his will. So isn’t that what the Christian right has
been doing, after siding with Capitalism? The engine of Capitalism is powered by
progress. According to Capitalism, if the economy is not growing, it is
dying. Capitalism is a hungry beast that must be fed, and it has an
appetite for the earth. It is impossible for progress to increase
indefinitely, so capitalism is destined to fail, but only after it has
succeeded in destroying the earth. That has the unmistakable sound of Rev
11-18. Listen how the Bible carefully distinguishes between the faithful
and those who destroy the earth in pretense for God, “The time came
for the dead to be judged, and the time to give their reward to Thy
bond-servants the prophets and to the saints and to those who fear thy
name, the small and the great, and to destroy those who destroy the
earth.” Man doesn’t think he should have to
adapt to his environment; rather, he reforms his environment to suit his
needs. While it is true that we cannot support large civilizations without
recreating the earth, yet in the process of recreating it, man
inadvertently destroys it. Still, how are they misinterpreting the word,
was Satan’s rebellion against God, not Adam, that brought about
the curse, meaning that the earth was already cursed before Adam was
created. That’s why there needed to be a garden. Consequently, when God kicked Adam from the garden, Adam entered Satan’s
curse (not his own), since the sin of Adam was identical to Satan’s
rebellion. Jesus said in Mat 25-41, “Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting
fire, prepared for the devil and his angels” KJV. According to this
verse, God intends to send man’s unbelief to the devil’s hell. If man
has inherited Satan’s hell, why then is it difficult
to believe we have inherited his curse? God placed Adam
in the garden and commanded him to conquer the curse, not the earth, so as
to stretch the boundaries of Eden over the surface of the earth and to
return it to a garden planet as before Satan fell into sin. Subduing
the earth didn't mean to destroy it as we have done, especially within the
last hundred-fifty years.
in his wisdom considers the earth to be a gift from God, which to
him means he can do whatever we wants with it, so instead of being
stewards of it, which was God’s original intent, he disembowels it with
his giant earth moving machines for the sake of unrighteous mammon. The Christian right
associates with
the Republican Party, who wouldn’t give two cents to have faith in God,
so how could they be bedfellows if they didn’t think alike? The
Christian right has invented a
better interpretation the word "subdue" to mean placing the earth under
their tyrannical thumb, and subjecting it to every known form of abuse.
Man looks at this planet in terms of dollars and cents. The farmer
subjects it to the plow and to harsh chemicals to maximize his crops at
the expense of the ground water of future generations. The developer races
his bulldozers over it, carving subdivisions into it, because people have
bought the lie that money is more valuable than the world itself.
are other misinterpretations of the Bible that the religious right uses to
justify their greed, such as Proverbs 24-3,4, “By wisdom a house is
built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its
rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.” This verse denotes
that the fruit of wisdom is prosperity and indicates that God is willing
to bless us with things if we serve Him, but instead of using wisdom to
prove their faith, the Church uses materialism to prove their wisdom,
excluding faith altogether at the expense of the gospel. The doctrine of
pursuing wealth instead of faith has ensnared the people in a ghoulish
nationwide cult. They hold up their possessions and their families as
evidence of God’s blessing, as though it were a barometer of their
spirituality, as though it were proof that they personally know God, as
though their many possessions are proof that they have a place reserved
for them in heaven. It sounds ridiculous when you put it into words, and
they will deny it to their graves that they have replaced their faith in
Christ for earthly treasures, but this is exactly what American
Christianity has done.
claim to be a Christian nation founded on Christian principles, and maybe it was
true at one time, but not anymore. God blessed this country because the
people desired to live by the principles of Scripture, to work hard, to
get married and raise a family to the glory of God. The writings of our
founding fathers reflected the deep faith of the people, even though many
of the writers personally did not share that faith, but were deeply moved
by those who did, knowing that their faith was the backbone of the people
that would make this country great. There was a strong nuclear family
structure supported by faith and hard-working parents. Then people
erroneously made a connection between the love of God and their
possessions, and soon they began chasing the almighty dollar to
demonstrate their faith. Now we are a Christian nation in name only, and
we hold up our lavish lifestyles as proof of God’s favor. Don’t they know what Paul said in 1Tim
6-10? “The love of money
is the root of all evil.” Do they really not understand that the love of
God and the love of money are polar opposites, that the pursuit of these
things generates greed, and greed generates envy, hate and murder as the
Scriptures testify in James 3,13-18?
among you is wise and understanding? Let him show by his good behavior his
deeds in the gentleness of wisdom. But if you have bitter jealousy and
selfish ambition in your heart, do not be arrogant and so lie against the
truth. This wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is
earthly, natural, demonic. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist,
there is disorder and every evil thing. But the wisdom from above is first
pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits,
unwavering, without hypocrisy. And the seed whose fruit is righteousness
is sown in peace by those who make peace. NASB
fruit of wisdom is righteousness, not money and materialism. James is
saying that this counterfeit wisdom attracts demons. The rich typically oppress the very people to whom
the gospel belongs, again according to James 2,5-7:
my dear brothers: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the
world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised to those
who love him? But you have insulted the poor. Is it not the rich who are
exploiting you? Are they not the ones who are dragging you into court? Are
they not the ones who are slandering the noble name of him to whom you
best-kept secret is that the rich all but have no hope beyond this world,
yet we look to them for spiritual guidance. The rich generally don't love God, and they never will. American Christianity teaches the opposite
of Scripture that to identify with the rich is to seek God’s blessing
and that poverty is a sign of evil. If being materialistic is a poor
indicator of God's favor, then why do people who
claim to believe in God also believe that being wealthy is important? The
Church teaches these toxic doctrines because Christianity has become a
rich man’s club in the last days through their heretical prosperity
doctrines. Churches all across America have become like the person that
Jesus exposed in his parable of the unrighteous steward in Luke 16,1-13.
Jesus told his disciples:
was a rich man whose manager was accused of wasting his possessions. So
he called him in and asked him, `What is this I hear about you? Give an
account of your management, because you cannot be manager any longer.'
"The manager said to himself, `What shall I do now? My master is
taking away my job. I'm not strong enough to dig, and I'm ashamed to
beg- I know what I'll do so that, when I lose my job here, people will
welcome me into their houses.' "So he called in each one of his
master's debtors. He asked the first, `How much do you owe my master?'
"`Eight hundred gallons of olive oil,' he replied. "The
manager told him, `Take your bill, sit down quickly, and make it four
hundred.' "Then he asked the second, `And how much do you owe?'
"`A thousand bushels of wheat,' he replied. "He told him,
`Take your bill and make it eight hundred.' "The master commended
the dishonest manager because he had acted shrewdly. For the people of
this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind than are the
people of the light. I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for
yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal
dwellings. "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be
trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also
be dishonest with much. So if you have not been trustworthy in handling
worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? And if you have not
been trustworthy with someone else's property, who will give you
property of your own? "No servant can serve two masters. Either he
will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one
and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.
unrighteous steward told the people to write out the check to him and he
would make sure that God gets it. Does that sound familiar? You can’t
blame these modern-day snake-oil salesmen for acting like charlatans; they are only
doing what they do best – lie, cheat and steal. It is the people
themselves who are to blame; they have not been vigilant and sought God.
Had the people been living for Jesus, no one could lie to them. Now that
the televangelists have successfully indoctrinated the people to believe
that money is equivalent to spirituality, a healthy peace of mind has been
replaced by a relentless state of anxiety. If you don’t live in a brand-new
house with two cars in the garage, then you need to repent. This
may not be what they tell you, but it is what their doctrines imply, and what they believe eventually leaks into their sermons like
toxic sludge leaching into a pristine trout stream. The Church wants its members to be
wealthy so they can give bigger tithes. People are unhappy because they
can’t afford all the things that would make them feel above average.
Without their materialism they think God is not blessing them. They are
incognizant of God’s true blessing of His Spirit, "in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. I say this so that no one will delude you with persuasive argument"
(Col 2-3,4). American
Christianity hardly cares whether its members are even saved! This pursuit
of money as proof of God’s blessing leaves no time or energy to actually
enjoy their lives, which is a universal trick that every cult leader pulls
on its members. What does this mean, that the whole world is exhibiting cult
like attributes? Yes! The church has once again enslaved the people, only
this time to a much more cleaver lie than ever, and has found an even more
deceitful way to fill their coffers with the poor man’s money.
contemporary Christian pursuit of happiness has created a very selfish and
isolationist society to the point that there is no difference between the
church today and the Pharisees of Jesus’ day. Look at the words of our
great master and let Him explain to us where we went wrong as a church and
as a nation,
teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat. So you must obey
them and do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they
do not practice what they preach. They tie up heavy loads and put them on
men's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to
move them (Mat 23,2-4).
have required their followers to build them huge coliseum-like structures
in pretense for God, while they themselves do not lift a finger to
contribute anything spiritual or otherwise in return. Jesus indicated that
God did not elect them, but they elected themselves to occupy the seat of
spiritual authority. Jesus rebuked the Pharisees in Mat 23-13, calling
them hypocrites, because they shut off the kingdom of heaven to people
through their demonic doctrines that are incapable of leading a person to
Christ. ‘They do not enter in themselves, nor do they allow those who
are entering to go in.’ If the analogy is correct, then we should be
questioning whether some of our greatest Christian leaders are even saved.
If they do the works of the Pharisees, then let them receive a Pharisees
rebuke from the Lord Himself, “You brood of vipers, how will you escape
the sentence of hell?” (Mat 23-33). These religious minded people of our
day have reserved no place in their hearts for God, but devour widows
houses and for pretense offer long prayers. They beg for money, scouring
the countryside for the softhearted and tug their money from their pockets
through the airways. The Bible says that God will repay us for our
generosity, but never promised He would give our money back. If you want
to be generous, there are better causes than lining the pockets of
religious psychopaths.
The Spirit
clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow
deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through
hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.
They forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods,
which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe
and who know the truth. (1 Tim 4,1-3)
Paul used these words to describe the last days, “Men who forbid
marriage and advocate abstaining from foods,” you would think he was
speaking directly to the Catholic Church, but it had not even been
invented yet. Wicked men imagined Catholicism shortly after Paul and the
rest of the apostles (God’s watch dogs) passed away. The apostle Paul
said in Acts 20-29,30, “I know that after my departure savage wolves
will come in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your own
selves men will arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away the
disciples after them.” So, they wasted no time in distorting the gospel.
After the apostles went to be with the Lord, Catholicism was established
as the official Christian church; it never had a positive moment. It was
raised in evil, by evil, and its original intent (as it is to this day)
was to subvert the gospel of Jesus Christ (for money of course), which it
has brilliantly done for sixteen hundred years. Paul was saying that the
wrong spirits will teach the wrong word, and that wicked men will someday
work hand-in-hand with demons to take control of the church, teaching
God’s people to pay attention to deceitful spirits and demonic doctrines
invented to funnel money into their pockets with the result of permanently
searing their vial theology into the human conscience as with a hot
branding iron, until they can’t stop believing their own lies. Again,
the fault goes back to the people.
the same way thousands of years ago people sought leaders who promised to
be responsible for their spiritual lives (as through that were even
possible), so when the clergy told them, ‘You no longer need to pray to
God for mercy, but now we will be your intercessors, confess your sins to
us,’ the people gleefully surrendered personal responsibility of their
own salvation to men who were greater sinners than themselves. They called
it Absolution, where the priests accepted the sinner’s sacrament of
penance (money—as usual) for remission of sins. Never mind that Christ
is the only mediator between man and God who alone can forgive sin (1Tim
2-5). It is no wonder so many wars have been fought over religious beliefs
– people don’t have enough respect for God to base their religion on
the Scriptures.
false shepherds invented other doctrines as a means of collecting money,
so their loved ones can be released from an invented netherworld between
heaven and hell; the called it “purgatory.” This and Absolution were
highly tactical doctrines. People could buy a certain lifestyle from the
Church, and if they didn’t pay enough for their sins, they could depend
on their loved ones to buy them out of hell. Even worldly governments
respect the dead enough to not tax them, but the Catholic Church figured out a
way to collect money even from corpses! The Church got rich by these
down-sloping doctrines that funneled money straight into their pockets.
How can unrighteous mammon buy them out of an unrighteous hell? The people
loved it because it liberated them from requiring a personal
accountability to Christ. Note that the Church didn’t invent a doctrine to direct
people to give to the poor, because the clergy doesn’t care about the
poor any more than they care about the truth. Had they cared the tiniest
bit, the people would have seen through these thin-walled fallacies.
these examples of heresy, including infant baptism and their manner of
communion in which the bread and the wine miraculously turn into the body
and blood of Christ through the blessing of the priest, all have one thing
in common: They all require the blessing of the priest, making the people beholden to them as the centerpiece of the
people’s redemption, ensuring themselves a place on center stage to the
point of nearly replacing Christ Himself, so they could grow in power and
affluence for the purpose of exploiting the people. Catholics liberally
used the word “heretic” to expose anyone who contradicted the faith,
but the Church leaders were greater heretics than those they condemned,
often burning righteous people (by comparison) at the stake who dared to
speak against the heresies of the Church. They went on frequent
witch-hunts and masterminded the historical crusades that sent soldiers to
murder millions of innocent civilians in the name of God, because they
would not accept their religion. They would send their missionaries
to convert the people, and if they resisted their message, they would send
in the military and wipe them out, considering them a threat to the
Christian faith, actually believing they were doing the will of God. It
was a type of spiritual cleansing as Jesus put it in Jn 16-2,3, “They
will make you outcasts from the synagogue, but an hour is coming for
everyone who kills you to think that he is offering service to God.”
was not a coincidence that soon after the Catholic Church was established
the whole world plunged into the dark ages. Those times were most noted
for the many restrictions on art and inventiveness, but the real reason
they persecuted the scientific mind was because it competed against their
business of religion. They threatened to burn anyone at the stake as a
witch or sorcerer for dabbling in science; such threats they carried out on a regular basis. During the
dark ages from 476 AD to about the year 1000, there was an era of
repression and un-enlightenment. The Catholic Church was in total control
of the known world, and considered themselves the final authority of all
truth. All other religious denominations along with every creative form of
human expression, including all forms of art were heatedly repressed and
denounced as “indulgent.” People had no choice but to be a Catholic or
go to hell. The Roman Catholic Church still teaches this!
and religion were the same back then (theocracy), and so countries were
ruled by religious influence. Slowly, the glory of the church began to
fade as people became wise to their deceptions. Much later (roughly the
14th through the 16th centuries), during the renaissance period, power was
taken from the Church after certain scientists made discoveries that were
in serious contradiction to the contemporary worldview established by
religious authorities. Scientists like Galileo, who discovered that the
earth revolved around the sun, started waking up people to realize that
church leaders were not infallible as they claimed, but were mere men,
otherwise God would have revealed to them all these great and indisputable
truths. As a result, people’s respect for religious authority plummeted.
tasting the power of world dominance, then loosing it, they became bitter,
but their displaced anger and bitter jealousy didn’t just vanish; they
suppressed it and over the centuries it mutated into equally destructive
forms of evil, until it has just recently surfaced in ways too ghoulish to
mention. Such men of the cloth nowadays are pedophilias, regularly having
sex with young boys. When they get caught, other church leaders cover for
them, exposing the extent of the spiritually macabre undertones and
their emotionally disturbed psychoses. The question is: did the position
of the priesthood somehow turn them into child molesters, or were they
child molesters before they entered the priesthood? One thing
is certain; the priesthood would make a perfect cover for them. They
didn’t seem interested in getting married. They hid their personality
disorders behind their quirky spiritual authority to avoid suspicion and
at the same time used their authority against their victims to keep them
quiet about their highly destructive encounters. If religion has mutated
to the point of being the perfect breeding ground for child molesters,
then you can know for certain that God is not in it.
period of the dark ages is riddled with monstrous acts of sanctimonious
mayhem and slaughter, gutting out entire villages because people didn’t
respond to their gospel. The bishop would point his finger at someone and
that person would be dead by morning in the name of religious fervor. They
went from these kind of malevolent monsters to exhibiting a benevolence
today that is twisted beyond hope, whose jealousy and lust for power have
mutated in ways that cannot be mentioned in good conscience because of
their excessive perversions. Their deeds are born from hate and violence.
They understand the bitterness in each other and protect their fellow
sexual predators with empathy, mourning the loss of their world supremacy
from centuries past, having been stripped of their prominence, whose
legacy was the final authority to whom all must bow, while they themselves
answered to no one. They are worse if possible than the Pharisees of Jesus
Their predecessors handed down sin from generation to generation until
their filth has come down to us, and now we are the latest victims of
Satan’s siege against God’s truth.
R. Wuthrich
in the end times 4:40
The Dark World of Megachurches
Phony Prosperity Doctrine
Heritage Dictionary, E.D. Hirsch, Jr; Joseph F. Kett; James Trefil, Editors;
Third Edition Version 3.6a; Copyright 1988; SoftKey International Inc.; Houghton
Mifflin Company.
(Biblesoft's New
Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew
Dictionary. Copyright (c) 1994, Biblesoft and International Bible Translators,