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(Chapter Outline)

1JN 5,6-12


Page Key Verses
                    A) Old testament bears witness to the new Rom 15-4,5
                           1) Old Testament Bears Witness To Jesus
                                   a) Prophesy about Jesus’ ministry
                           2) Old Testament Is For Our Instruction
142                      3) Prophesy About The Dispensation
                    B) Witnesses of Jesus Jn 5,30-47
                           1) Reputation Act 6-3
                                   a) Having a good reputation
                                   b) Reputation exposed to slander
                                   c) Having a reputable ministry
                                   d) Having a reputation for knowing God
143                      2) The Public Jn 18-20,21
                                   a) The church ministered publicly
                           3) Popularity Lk 12-1
                                   a) Sought commendably Gal 4-18
                                   b) Jesus is popular
144                     4) The Church Bears Witness of Jesus
                           5) Trinity Bears Witness of Jesus
                    C) Jesus’ works bear witness of Himself
                           1) Healing Mat 8-2,3
                                   a) Methods of healing
145                     2) Deliverance From Demon Possession Mk 5,6-13
                                   a) Human state of demon possession Mk 5,1-5
146                             b) Casting out demons
                           3) Miracles, Signs And Wonders Gal 3-5
                                   a) Purpose of miracles Jn 12,9-11
147                              b) Remember miracles Lk 17-32
                                   c) God exerts His authority
                                   d) Divine works of God
                    D) Works of the church bear witness to Jesus
                           1) Evangelism 2Cor 5,18-20
                                   a) Solemnly testify Act 18-5
148                             b) Natural advantage as an evangelist Act 22-25
                                   c) Obligation to preach the gospel
149                             d) Three key messages in evangelism
                                   e) Compel them to come in
                                   f) Preaching the word to the world
                                   g) Authority of the rhema given to evangelism
150                     2) Confessing Jesus Mat 10-32,33
                                   a) Confessing the salvation of Christ
                           3) Speak The Word 2Cor 4-13
                                   a) Speaking the rhema (The word of the Spirit)
                    A) New testament bears witness of the old Act 7,1-8
                           1) The Patriarchs
                   B) Witnesses of the father 1Jn 5,6-12
                           1) Creation Is Evidence Of God (God’s testimony of Himself) Rom 1,18-20
152                     2) Apostles (The Spirit) 2Cor 11,5-13
                           3) Prophets (The word) 1Cor 14-1
                                   a) Jesus is a prophet
                                   b) The church holds the position of a prophet
153              C) God bears witness against the world Jn 7-7
                           1) Shame (Testifying against sin) Jd-13
                                   a) Hiding under a cloud of guilt
                                   b) Walking in condemnation
                                   c) Living for Jesus exposes sin
154                     2) No Excuse Rom 1-20
                           3) Witness That The World Is Godless
                           4) Witness That The World Is Rebellious Against God
                   A) Witness of the believer 1Jn 5-10
                           1) Conscience (Bridge between the law & the spirit) 1Tim 1-19
                                   a) Having a good conscience
155                             b) An evil conscience keeps us from believing God
                        *** Our Deeds Bear Witness Whether We Know God ***
                   B) Evidence of salvation 1Jn 2-3,5,6
                           1) You Will Know Them By Their Fruits
156                      2) Loving God is Evidence Of Salvation
                    C) Evidence of being hell-bound 1Jn 3,8-10
                           1) Living An Ungodly Lifestyle
157                     2) Rejecting God Is Evidence Of Being Hell-bound
                           3) Being Displeasing To God Is Evidence Of Hell-bound
                           4) Deceiving And Being Deceived Is Evidence Of Hell-bound