idea for Front Cover
from Last Days Newsletter
idea for the front cover. My
original title idea was Jason's Treasure.
This is
the original photo my mom took of Fred
and me with my tea kettle, ages 7 & 3.
and I eating raisins, ages 2 & 3.
Rock River at flood stage, 2008, looking upstream on the Shirland Avenue
Bridge. I almost drowned twice in water like this. The
steps are midway along the left shoreline. The Corn Curl factory is
behind me, also on the left.
steps. The shoreline has eroded.
of Bony Island where Mark and I almost drowned.
My humble
abode where I lived in Wakefield, my Dodge Colt parked in front.
High School; the road sign arrow is pointing at my room, the last one on
the end.
The logo painted
on the Wakefield High School gymnasium wall was appropriate
A house where
someone may have recently lived, or perhaps still occupies.
Rail road
tracks leading to the cattle graveyard; a vulture is in flight.
A calf that
was mercilessly impaled on a stick in the cattle graveyard.
A new cow was
added to the cattle graveyard every other week or so.
My barber in
The Dugan
barn. The first corn curl was invented in this historical round barn. It
has been since torn down. Many books
have been written about it:
Jacqueline Dougan (1997). Stories from the Round Barn. Northwestern
University Press. Evanston, IL. ...and others from her.
Read a
short excerpt of Jacqueline's interview as she talked about
the invention of the Korn Kurl in this very barn.
The original Adam's
Korn Kurls advertisement
Ruins of the Corn Curl Factory. The broken
cinder blocks in the foreground are part of the Corn Curl factory; they
are resting on the
foundation of the old building.
The landfill is in the background.
A better look
at the landfill in early spring, prior to leafing. Note the trees growing
on the landfill, denoting the last addition of rocks and gravel.
Crest of the
Landfill. Note how high we are above the Rock River.